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      "Missing?" Doeface repeated after setting her dove on the ground.

  "Since when?" Slatethorn asked.

  "He was last spotted in camp around sun-high." Mosspool replied.

  Slatethorn turned to his patrol, "Bury your prey." He ordered, "We'll come back for it later."

  Leafear looked like she had something to say, but she buried her catch as the other cats did.

  "We left camp and followed Needlepelt's scent till Hive Tree, but it was scattered by deer then." Feathertail explained, "That's where the search teams separated."

  "Crowfur and Dustclaw left for Dead Tree, and Whitestar and Duskfur went to the Bearwalker Den." Frostcloud went on, "We searched Sun Stones then followed the brook."

  Slatethorn gave a curt nod. Then, swinging his head towards his patrol, "Doeface and Ferretpaw, search our borders for any scent of Needlepelt. That includes Steel Gorse. Leafear, you and I will finish following the brook."

  Feathertail flicked Mosspool and Frostcloud with his tail. "Then let's go back into the forest. We'll start leaving in The Willow's direction."

  With a flick in Slatethorn's tail, the cats separated. Feathertail, Mosspool, and Frostcloud returned to the cool shade of the forest, the ground beneath becoming softer with the needles that fell from the pines.

  As happy as she was there were more paws trailing after Needlepelt, Frostcloud worried it was too late. That old tom moved with a limp, so how far could he travel if he left camp at sun-high? Would he have left PineClan altogether?

  "At least there've been no signs of a fight." Mosspool said, gently setting her tail on her friends shoulder. Frostcloud did as she could to flash a grateful look, but a nagging feeling still gnawed at her belly.

  What have the other patrols found?

  Silently, the cats trekked forward. The only sounds that broke the clean air was the mild scuffling of their pawsteps and the cheery birds ahead. And, in those chirps, Frostcloud found some comfort. That at least there was no danger nearby, just as Mosspool said.

  Had Needlepelt been here before? Frostcloud failed to capture his scent. However, she did catch Dustclaw and Crowfur's. "Do you smell that?" She asked to her patrol, "Do you think we should ask them how their search is going?"

  Feathertail nodded his head, "And we'll inform them of Slatethorn's hunting patrol."

  The cats stalked after the scent trail and eventually caught up to their targets, who swung their heads towards the newcomers. Frostcloud was about to ask if they've seen any sign of Needlepelt, but the tired look in their eyes gave her her answer.

  "We found Slatethorn's hunting patrol." Feathertail spoke up, "They buried their prey and are out searching for Needlepelt as well."

  Crowfur dipped his head, "We need all the cats we can."

  "Where in StarClan's name has he gone?" Dustclaw murmured, "I've never had such a hard time finding a cat."

  "Maybe he's back in camp." Mosspool murmured, though her occasional optimism was becoming less and less believable.

  "Should we send-" Feathertail started, but was stopped by the sound of something disturbing the ground. Like a large animal was raking its claws through the decaying leaves that coated the earth.

  Simultaneously the conjoined patrols swung their heads to face the sound. Frostcloud perked her ears and kept her hard eyes strained on whatever lie behind the brush that grew around the trees. If it pounced, she was ready.

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