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      Frostcloud peered into the elders den but found it empty. She scanned the camp in search of Needlepelt, but still she came up short. It was half past sun-high now, Needlepelt wouldn't be out, would he?

  Who would he leave camp with? The order Whitestar had given stating not to leave camp alone still hadn't been lifted. Maybe he was in the medicine den?

  Frostcloud paced to the hollowed tree trunk that was Dawnheart's den. She pushed through the entrance without hesitence, but the only occupant inside was a fumbling spider darting from one crevice to another.

  "Crowfur." Frostcloud said, pulling out of the den and spotting the deputy just tail-lengths away.

  The black tom rasped his tongue across Sunfur's ear once before returning Frostcloud's gaze. "Have you seen Needlepelt?" She asked, "He's not in his den."

  Crowfur studied the cats in camp. "I have not." He said eventually, "Who would he be out with?"

  Shaking her head, Frostcloud said, "I'm not sure. I know Riverpelt and Warmheart left camp a little while ago. And then Doeface, Ferretpaw, Leafear, and Slatethorn are out on patrol."

  "You don't think he's left camp, do you?" Sunfur asked, "I think every other cat is here. Is he just hiding someplace?"

  Crowfur lifted himself nimbly, "I wouldn't be surprised if that old badger decided to take a walk on his own. It's like he doesn't remember why he joined the elders den."

  Frostcloud and Sunfur cast uneasy glances at eachother. What if Needlepelt stumbled into a vengeful rogue? He wouldn't stand a chance against one, let alone a group should Moho and the others come back!

  "Bramblepaw! Shaleshimmer!" Crowfur called across camp. The warrior looked away from the conversation she'd been having with Feathertail, and Bramblepaw rose his sleepy head from where he had been napping. "Check your dens! Tell me who's inside!" The deputy ordered.

  Sensing the urgency in his voice, the respective cats made brisk pace to their individual dens. Bramblepaw returned to the clearing first, "It's empty!" He called.

  Already, Pinecats were focusing their perked ears towards Crowfur. Their eyes grew wide in curiosity and nervous energy emitted from their bodies. "What's going on?" Dustclaw demanded. Badgerpaw and Foxpaw panted next to him, their intense gazes focused on their surrounding commotion.

  Crowfur didn't respond, his eyes strained on the warriors den. Briefly, Shaleshimmer returned with Duskfur at her tail, "Just Duskfur!" She called.

  "Stag-dung!" Crowfur hissed.

  Suddenly, Whitestar was joining the small group. "Tell me what's going on."  He ordered.

  "Needlepelt is missing." Crowfur explained.

  "He's not in the dens or in the immediate clearing." Frostcloud added. What if he was in the earthplace? Or napping behind one of the dens? There wasn't a reason to say 'missing' just yet. Though, the burr settling in her stomach told Frostcloud that her optimism was unwarranted.

  With a flick of his tail, Whitestar was leaping atop Clanrock. "Let all cats old enough leave camp gather around for a Clan meeting!"

  PineCats assembled around Clanrock. Already, there were murmurs amongst them. "Is there another attack?" Badgerpaw whispered excitedly. To who, Frostcloud didn't see, though she assumed he spoke to his sister.

  "Oh StarClan, I hope not." Feathertail returned.

  "What's going on?" Buckheart asked when he and Mosspool got close to Frostcloud. Duskfur followed them after.

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