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      Several days had passed since the Gathering. Currently, Frostcloud laid alone at Sun Stones on her back, basking in the sunshine that streamed to the earth like warm waterfalls. Clouds dotted the bright blue sky above and as they drifted in the wind pools of their shadows glided across the ground.

  Nearby, the water from the creek babbled and the birds in the trees chirped eagerly. Frostcloud allowed herself a gentle sigh; new-leaf was upon PineClan, and already prey was returning to the forest. Though scrawny, it wouldn't be long before the mice and squirrels gained weight. And with them, Pinecats.

  Frostcloud peaked open her deep green eyes and fondly watched the brook. Distant memories of Littlefern teaching her to hunt crayfish spilled across her vision, and she could practically see herself and her former Clanmate bounding alongside the small river.

  She could imagine herself with Smudge, too, when she had gone on her journey to bring home Bailey. An empty feeling welled in Frostcloud's chest, and she rolled to her paws. She shook her head, an attempt to shake away drops of Smudge's memory. Though the tactic failed.

  I hope he's well. Frostcloud thought. And Bailey and the others too. More and more each day Frostcloud stayed in PineClan, she knew she made the right decision not to stay with the tom. But, on occasion, she found herself missing his charismatic presence.

  Frostcloud licked her paw and her mind strayed to another concept: would the way Mosspool behaves around Slatethorn be akin to how she behaved around Smudge? I doubt it. Frostcloud thought. Smudge and I played and laughed, Mosspool just gets dove-eyed.

  Frostcloud moved on to her pad, using her teeth to nibble away dirt. She had never told any cat about Smudge- she couldn't. He was no Clancat and Frostcloud was painfully aware news of her previous feelings for the black-and-white tom would be far from accepted.

  But she never acted on those feelings. Isn't that what matters?

  Frostcloud dropped her head to her paws. It had been so long since she's last seen Smudge. Why did she still miss him?

  There was a scuffling sound- but not from a squirrel or mouse, Frostcloud knew immediately. It was a rough and leathery sound, not a noise muffled by fur.

  Frostcloud was in her hunters crouch before she spotted the lizard, which was just scrabbling off the warm tiles of Sun Stones and into the forest.

  With an excited quiver in her tail, Frostcloud stalked in its direction. She spotted the small animal scratching its frail little nails into the dirt, and Frostcloud was quick to launch and snag her prey, killing it quickly.

  Gently, Frostcloud carried the lizard between her teeth as she padded back to camp, its small body weightless in her jaws.

  She made her way through the forest, each twig so familiar under her paws after so many moons of wandering her home.

  Passing Hive Tree, there was a livid hum in the air and Frostcloud's ears twitched in unease. It's been a while since the bees were out, and the warrior made a mental note to not stray so close to their nest next time she came this way. The bees were usually harmless, but the stories of angry swarms swallowing cats whole that she heard as a kit.... Frostcloud shuddered.

  She continued forward, the erratic buzzing melting into silence. The sound, however, was replaced by another. "Well done, Bramblepaw!" Sunfur praised a near distance away.

  Scanning the forest, Frostcloud spotted Sunfur standing in a patch of sunlight a distance away. Her beautiful yellow fur almost glowed as bright as the sun itself as the light hit her. Then, from the shadows, Bramblepaw bounded forward with a squirrel in his jaws. He set it down at Sunfur's paws, his tail high, "I can't believe I caught it!" He said.

  "It's a big one too! Take it to Leafear when we get back to camp. For now, let's bury it and hunt a little more- you still hesitate with your pounce." Sunfur went on, dropping into her own hunters crouch, "We can't hesitate- so many mice get away when we do."

  Bramblepaw dropped, imitating Sunfur, "I pounced well enough to catch the squirrel." He murmured. Sunfur didn't say anything, and Bramblepaw went on to add, "How do I know when to pounce then?"

  Sunfur began to elaborate, but Frostcloud was already walking away. Camp was coming into sight, and she weaved her way through the bramble entrance. In the clearing, Whitestar and Dawnheart shared tongues. Meanwhile, Feathertail and Shaleshimmer shared a mouse. And near the warriors den, Riverpelt, Warmheart, and Cricketlegs napped in the sunlight.

  Frostcloud made her way to the elders den, ducking inside. Needlepelt lay in his nest, staring blankly at the wall of his den. He must be so lonely in here. Frostcloud thought, standing by the dens exit for some moments waiting for the toms attention, though it never came.

  She stepped forward, setting her catch in front of the elder. "Here you are, Needlepelt, I just caught this lizard."

  Needlepelt's eyes slowly pulled away from the wall, dropping to the prey at his paws, before rising again to match Frostcloud's gaze. "I thought you might like it." She elaborated when Needlepelt's stare remained blank.

  His eyes, even with their full amber hue, seemed empty as they stayed focused on the young warrior. Then just as suddenly, they became vexed, "Where did you catch a lizard in leafbare?" He demanded.

  Frostcloud flinched. It wasn't still considered leafbare, was it? The snow had just cleared out of the forest, and the weather grew warmer by the day, after all! "It- it's newleaf now." The she-cat stuttered.

  Needlepelt's irritated expression suddenly calmed. "Oh, that's right." He said, "It feels like I was walking in the snow just yesterday."

  Frostcloud nodded. It took some days from the snow melting into the earth before prey began to peek from their burrows. It felt like leafbare had stretched on, like it would never end.

  "Anyway." Needlepelt said, "Thank you for the lizard."

  "Anytime." Frostcloud said, beginning to turn tail to leave the den.

  "Oh, and have one of the apprentices come groom my coat." He said, "These old bones can't stretch the way they used to!"

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