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      "Borders are clear." Cricketlegs reported to Whitestar as dawns border patrol returned to camp. Accompanying the senior warrior was Rosepaw, Frostcloud, Foxpaw, Shaleshimmer, and Dustclaw.

  Whitestar twitched his ear. "Excellent." He said.

  "We'll see how that holds throughout the day." Crowfur murmured from where he sat next to Whitestar.

  The patrol dissipated, and Frostcloud caught Foxpaw's eye. "Why don't we stop by The Willow around sunhigh?" She said to the apprentice, "Tomorrow we'll go hunting with Slatethorn and Cricketlegs, and Rosepaw and Badgerpaw of course."

  Foxpaw groaned, "Battle moves at sunhigh?"

  Frostcloud nodded. As much as Frostcloud hated the thought of running around in the scorching sun, it would make an excellent training session. What if Foxpaw had to battle in the heat outside of the forest? This would prepare her for that day. She would learn how to keep her heavy coat from weighing her down.

  "I'm looking forward to it as much as you are, believe me. But it's a good way to build up your endurance. Drink plenty of water before we leave." Frostcloud said.

  "So first you hardly took me out battle training, and now we do it- but only in the hottest part of the day." The apprentice scoffed.

  "Meet me by the gorse tunnel around sunhigh." Frostcloud said shortly. Foxpaw may not fight with Frostcloud as much as she did when the two first joined forces, but she still posed her share of arguments.

  Hopefully training under the sun would wear down Foxpaw's temper for the next few dawns, and she would behave when the two she-cats went hunting with Cricketlegs.

  "Let all cats old enough to leave the camp gather around for a Clan meeting!"

  Upon Clanrock, Whitestar stood boldly, awaiting for his Clanmates to assemble. Slowly, the feral cats pulled away from their dens and cluttered in front of the large boulder Whitestar stood upon. Buckheart joined Frostcloud in the middle of the clowder. Meanwhile, Mosspool and Slatethorn sat in the back with their kits, who excitedly watched the meeting.

  'MarshClan'? Frostcloud mouthed the word to Mosspool, who shrugged in response. If the meeting wasn't about MarshClan, what else could it be?

  Whitestar waited for the chatter between Clancats to simmer before he began. "Rosepaw and Bramblepaw, please step forward."

  Frostclouds eyes widened and she scanned her peers in search for Cricketlegs, who watched Rosepaw with a glow in his eyes. His chest welled in pride, and his whiskers quivered. Frostcloud purred in delight at her former mentors happiness.

  Two apprentices pushed to the front of the clowder with their tails high. Rosepaw, the white she-cat with black and red spots stood boldly next to her more gentle brother; the black tom with white feet and tail-tip. They peered at their leader above.

  "I, Whitestar, leader of PineClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warriors in their turn." He began.

  "Rosepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

  Rosepaw gave a curt nod, "I do."

  "Then by the power of Starclan, I give you your warrior name. Rosepaw, from this moment on you will be known as Rosedust. StarClan honors your integrity and pride, and we welcome you as a full warrior of PineClan."

  Rosedust purred loudly, her chest swelling in delight of her new warrior name. Her ecstatic green eyes darted towards her brother, as Whitestar turned his attention to the tom.

  "Bramblepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

  Bramblepaw didn't so much as flinch upon the request. "I do." He said coolly.

  "Then by the power of Starclan, I give you your warrior name. Bramblepaw, from this moment on you will be known as Brambleshade. StarClan honors your calculation and collectiveness, and we welcome you as a full warrior of PineClan."

  Howls of approval erupted from the Clan. Frostcloud joined the others in chanting their names, "Rosedust! Brambleshade! Rosedust! Brambleshade!"

  New warriors! Brambleshade and Rosedust talked amongst themselves excitedly. Happiness made Frostcloud lift her tail high. The Clan was under so much stress it's about time they've good news to celebrate over!

  Whitestar climbed from Clanrock. He dipped his head at the youngest PineClan warriors, then padded off to Sunfur. The two touched noses.

  Slowly, the Clancats began to melt into smaller groups. Frostcloud made way for Mosspool, who rested near the warriors den.

  "How much longer do you think you'll be mentoring that one?" The queen asked as Frostcloud settled herself down, motioning her nose towards Foxpaw and her siblings talking to Rosedust and Brambleshade

  The warrior blinked. She hadn't thought about that. How many moons had she been mentoring Foxpaw now? Six, at least.

  "Not long." Frostcloud considered. Since her first clean kill, Foxpaw's hunting skills had slowly improved. Though the apprentice still hadn't managed to kill a single bird. Not to mention she refused to improve her hunters crouch in any way Frostcloud instructed- insisting it was fine as is.

  Though the apprentice was a talented fighter from the beginning. The only thing she needed to learn now was how to take orders. Without complaining or huffing.

  There was nothing wrong with a cat who followed their own intuition. Foxpaw was born a leader. But she could still act so rash... good warriors knew how to manage their impulse.

  Maybe time will mellow just a little more of Foxpaws temper. Or maybe she was simply destined to be a strong-willed warrior, like Crowfur or Leafear.

  Frostcloud made a note to ask Cricketlegs about the subject later.

  "Just a few more moons, I think." Frostcloud said to herself, "She's grown so much already."

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