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Frostcloud carefully lurked in the shadows, following her apprentice as she crept past the brush and stalked a chipmunk that was scavenging around the in the dead leaves. It was sunhigh, but the temperature was gorgeous. Leaf-fall was here, and it was the Clans final opportunity to fatten up before the snow came.

Neither Frostcloud or Foxpaw were going to the Gathering tonight. Mosspool, however, was, and Warmheart agreed to spend the evening watching over the two kits. Buckheart would be attending as well. It would be just another two Gatherings before leaf-bare. But, more optimistically, before Littlekit and Smallkit received their warriors

Foxpaw launched, and successfully caught the chipmunk.

"Great job, Foxpaw." Frostcloud praised.

Foxpaw dipped her head as her mentor approached. Frostcloud continued, "You've come a long way since we've started training together. I'm very proud of you."

"Thank you, Frostcloud." Foxpaw mewed. Frostcloud had noticed she's been busy telling the other warriors what a great apprentice Foxpaw was, but failed to tell Foxpaw herself. The cat who needed to know the most.

"We're almost done for the day." Frostcloud said. The two had started battle-training at dawn, and shifted to hunting when they had finished. Foxpaw had cleanly killed the chipmunk, and another squirrel not long ago. "What I'd really like us to practice on today is birds."

Frostcloud prepared herself for a sharp comment from the tortoishell, but the apprentice only nodded in agreement. Correcting her hunters crouch, especially towards hunting sight-oriented prey, had always been a tough subject to approach. Foxpaw was naturally very skilled in many ways, and struggled to accept criticism in the one place she truly struggled.

Together, the two cats padded through the forest searching for a target. Foxpaw took the lead, and before long found a sparrow hopping amongst the nettles. It's little head cocked side-to-side as it flicked over leaves and scavenged for its own meal.

Instinctively, the she-cats dropped into their hunters crouch. Quietly, Frostcloud inched her way toward Foxpaw and whispered, "Remember to keep your tail low as you can without brushing the undergrowth. If the bird can see it creep above the brush, so can an enemy warrior."

Foxpaw kept her gaze focused on the target but whipped her tail. Her fluffy coat flattened tightly against the bone of her tail and she crept forward. She kept close to the ground, and her paws were stretched to evenly distribute her weight across the earth. She wiggled on her haunches, practicing her pounce, before she leapt into the air and grabbed hold of the sparrow. She killed it quickly before it had even had the chance to take flight.

"Foxpaw!" Frostcloud bounded forward. That was the cleanest kill her apprentice had ever managed towards a bird-- it was perfect! It was everything she had hoped Foxpaw could accomplish. "That's was amazing!"

Foxpaw twitched her whiskers. "You're just saying that."

Frostcloud shook her head, "Of course not. PineClan just became the safest Clan of all with a mighty apprentice like you." She boasted. Her apprentice was growing big and strong. She was an excellent fighter, and every day she became a stronger hunter.

A little purr escaped Foxpaws throat. "Thank you, Frostcloud."

"Let's go back to camp." Frostcloud smiled. "We have some kills to bring back."

The she-cats collected Foxpaw's succesful hunts and carried them back to camp, then left them at the fresh-kill pile. Shaleshimmer approached, and eagerly took the sparrow in her claw. "I know they're small, but sparrows are my favorite bird. Great catch Frostcloud."

The white warrior cocked her head to Foxpaw, "Actually-"

Shaleshimmer's eyes widened, "Foxpaw? Great job! These little feather-balls sure are quick."

Foxpaw shifted her weight bashfully on her feet. Frostcloud twitched her whiskers. This wasn't a side of Foxpaw that was normally shared. A shy, humble part of herself eager to make her Clanmates proud. Perhaps in the darkness of loss that had been swallowing her life, she was finally seeing warm stretches of light again under her Clanmates supportive words.

Whitestar peaked from his den nearby. He twitched the sleep from his whiskers and let out a mighty yawn. Under the bright sun above his teeth caught glints of light. He caught Frostcloud's eye, then padded towards the she-cats.

"Sleepy?" Shaleshimmer teased the leader.

"Hm." He said with a tired smack in his lips, "I love a pre-Gathering nap."

The tuxedo tom lifted his paw to clean between his nails. A bowl took Frostcloud by surprise, and the cats shot around to Needlepelt who's back was arched at Duskfur. Each of his hairs stood on end, and he hissed. "Who are you?" He asked, terrified.

Duskfur took several startled steps back, "Needlepelt I'm sorry, I-"

"Intruder!" The elder cried again as he wobbled closer to the elders den behind him.

Frightened, Duskfur scanned his Clanmates for help. Dawnheart quickly came to his aid. She said something to him, reassuringly pressing her head to his shoulder, then quietly crept into the den Needlepelt disappeared in.

"That poor cat." Shaleshimmer said quietly.

"It's not safe for him to leave camp anymore- even to reach Little Creek." Whitestar murmured in thought.

Foxpaw, who was quiet as the scene unfolded, spoke up now. "Maybe we can collect some wet moss for him to lap water from." She offered.

"That's a wonderful idea, Foxpaw." Whitestar praised. "Why don't you get that taken care of? I'm off to talk to the medicine cats on how to keep Needlepelt safe."

"I'm going to check on Duskfur." Shaleshimmer said, flicking her tail goodbye to the other she-cats as their leader padded off towards the elders den.

"Well." Frostcloud said, shifting her attention towards her apprentice. "Let's collect some moss-water, then we can rest."

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