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"Very good job today, Foxpaw." Frostcloud praised the apprentice as they pushed through the tall grass surrounding The Willow. After dawn, the two had left to practice battle moves and strategies. It was nearing dusk now. The sky was cloudless, and turning a softer shade of blue. The brightest stars were beginning to glitter quietly in the distance.

"Thank you, Frostcloud. I liked the evasive maneuvers we practiced today." Foxpaw reflected.

Frostcloud purred. The first part of battle training was just that- fighting. But the second half, after a short break where the cats strolled around the pond a few times, they had practiced strategies to escape danger beyond turning tail and booking it. Including, tree climbing, and instead of simply running, to make large leaps and bounds to make her scent harder to follow.

"I'm glad to hear that." Frostcloud said. Almost nine moons ago, Foxpaw would have fought Frostcloud on the notion of retreating. But Foxpaw was a much stronger, wiser cat now. Even the strongest Clancat knew when it was time to pull back from a battle. Failing to in time could very well cost a cat their life.

"Oh, mouse-dung!" Foxpaw cursed suddenly as the she-cats mosied into camp. "We forgot the fresh-kill."

With a flick of her tail, Frostcloud cast her eyes over her shoulders back to camps entrance. Foxpaw used the word 'we' but it was Frostcloud who forgot the prey. When they had taken a break to pace around the pond, they used the opportunity to catch a few crayfish. Foxpaw's fondness towards the taste of crayfish outweighed her discomfort getting her paws wet. After battle training I'll swing by and pick them up, let's bury them now. Frostcloud had said at the time.

"I can go back and get it." Foxpaw offered.

Frostcloud gave her apprentice a sympathetic look. She was starving, and her paws and legs were incredibly sore from the days work. She could only imagine the tortoiseshell felt that even more-so. She had worked much harder than her mentor- who had simply led bg example then critiqued as Foxpaw practiced her example over and over again.

"I don't mind." Foxpaw shrugged. "I can take Ferretpaw with me."

Frostclouds eyes trailed to the apprentice den. "She hasn't come out in days." Foxpaw said quietly behind the warrior. "Let alone left camp."

"That's very thoughtful of you." Frostcloud praised gently. Since Dustclaw's death, Foxpaw has slowly fell into her routine in Clanlife again. Her sister, however, was struggling. Though her father's body has never been found, it was an unspoken understanding amongst the Clancats if he were alive he would have come home.

"Just don't be too long," Frostcloud went on, "it's getting late. Straight there and back."

Foxpaw nodded. "Yes, okay Frostcloud."

The apprentice padded off to fetch her sister while Froscloud left to fetch her dinner. She collected a mouse, then caught Buckhearts eye while he chatted with Duskfur and Whitestar. Frostcloud approached and set her mouse, then touched her nose to Buckheart's cheek.

"Where are those two off to?" Whitestar spoke. Frostcloud followed his eyes to camps entrance, where he saw Ferretpaw follow Foxpaw lowly into the forest.

"I forgot to collect our fresh-kill and Foxpaw offered to collect it with Ferretpaw." Frostcloud replied.

"That was very kind of her." Whitestar said, "Ferretpaw hasn't wanted to leave her nest. She has no interest in training."

Frostcloud nodded sympathetically, along with the other warriors. "She has experienced great loss." Duskfur said quietly. "Maybe the fresh forest air will be good for her."

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