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      Idle cats spotted PineClan's camp as dusk approached the forest. Frostcloud, Buckheart, Duskfur, and Mosspool shared prey near the nursery while Littlekit stalked Smallkit from behind a patch of grass.

  Clumsy, Littlekit shifted the weight on her hind feet, her tail risen so far above the ground a blind mouse could spot it. Frostcloud couldn't help but wonder which warrior would be lucky enough to teach the grey she-kit how to hunt properly when she became an apprentice.

  Excitedly, Littlekit twitched her whiskers before lunging for her sister, who squeaked in shock and rose the fur along her spine.

  "Hey!" Smallkit hissed, swiping at her sibling who purred loudly at her victorious ambush.

  "I did good, huh?" Littlekit beamed.

  "Hardly." Badgerpaw scoffed, not far off from the kits. Foxpaw rolled her eyes, and Frostcloud couldn't decipher if the gesture was directed at her brother or the kits.

  "Like you were much better at stalking at three moons." Rosepaw sneered at the younger apprentice. Bramblepaw padded gently towards his sister, having just returned from a hunting patrol with Ferretpaw, Whitestar, Sunfur, and Shaleshimmer.

  "I was." Badgerpaw stated curtly. He stretched his claw to clean his pad, "Dustclaw taught me how to stalk as soon as I could walk."

  "Will you teach us?" Littlekit asked, stepping forward with perked ears.

  Badgerpaw agreed. Though he acted aloof, Frostcloud could only imagine how excited the young tom must be to pass on his skill. Then with Littlekit, the two made way for an emptier section of clearing.

  "Are you really going to let Badgerpaw do that?" Frostcloud asked, turning towards Mosspool.

  She shrugged, swallowing a bit of mouse. "He's Slatethorn's brothers son. And besides, he's only showing her how to stalk."

  "Not very well." Buckheart murmured, eyeing the apprentice's form. The yellow-eyed apprentice demonstrated his stalk. Though not a complete mess, his technique could use some critiquing.

  Slatethorn must be so busy teaching battle moves that they forget about hunting skills. Frostcloud thought to herself. Since becoming a mentor herself, Frostcloud found herself judging other mentors more and more.

  "Yeah, but... It's Badgerpaw." Duskfur said, coming to Frostcloud's aid.

  "It's just a hunting technique." Mosspool repeated, finishing what was left of her meal.

  Frostcloud flicked her tail, opting not to argue with Mosspool on this one.

  "Why don't we go for a walk?" Buckheart asked, shifting his attention to Frostcloud, "Before the sun sets."

  "I'd love to." Frostcloud replied, getting to her paws as Buckheart did the same.

  "Why don't you join them, Mosspool?" Warmheart asked from nearby. She ate with Riverpelt, who watched her daughter and Buckheart fondly. "I know what it's like being stuck in camp all day, I can keep an eye on your kits till you come back."

  "That sounds great." Buckheart purred, "It's been so long since the three of us have gone out."

  Mosspool's tail raised in delight. "Smallkit!" She called to her daughter.

  The grey kit shot around, her focus previously on a butterfly resting atop the nursery. "I'm leaving camp for a little bit. Warmheart's in charge."

  Smallkit twitched her ears, indicating her understanding, before returning her gaze to the yellow bug so far out of reach.

  "I'll see you later, Duskfur." Buckheart said to his former apprentice, who blinked farewell in response.

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