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      Frostcloud awoke at dawn. Next to her, Buckheart snored. And on her other side, Mosspool was tucked in closer to Slatethorn than she was to Frostcloud, leaving the warrior with an uncomfortably open feeling.

  She was so used to waking up with Mosspool pressed on her side that she felt unfamiliar without the touch.

  "Good morning, Frostcloud." Cricketlegs said with a quiet yawn from across the den. Riverpelt stirred next to him, lifting her head. Though she faced the wall, it was obvious she felt drowsy.

  After stretching, Frostcloud padded to her former mentor. She peered into Riverpelt's nest- her blue blue eyes dull and tired. Frostcloud could only imagine how much she must ache with her battle wounds.

  "Maybe you should rest today." Frostcloud said with a lick to her mother's forehead.

  Riverpelt shook her head and purred lightly, "I'll be okay- I've seen worse battles than what those rogues could give."

  Frostcloud scratched her ear. As much as she thought rest would help her mother, she wouldn't argue with her.

  As she washed her flank Cricketlegs asked, "Have you put any thought into what you're doing with Foxpaw today?"

  "Er, well I was thinking I could take her around our territory. That's what we did on my first day as an apprentice, anyway. But she might like learning how to fight more..." Frostcloud said.

  Cricketlegs shrugged, "There's no reason to fight if the battle is at Sun Stones, and she runs to The Willow."

  Nodding, Frostcloud dipped her head. "That's true."

  Frostcloud swiveled her ears towards the dens entrance; Slatethorn just crawled outside. Followed by Leafear, Dustclaw, and Shaleshimmer.

  Buckheart butted Frostcloud's flank, and Mosspool paused next to her. "Tell me how your first day goes." She said, laying her fluffy tail on Frostcloud's back.

  "I will." Frostcloud promised. At her word, Mosspool left the den.

  "Have you seen Duskfur?" Buckheart asked.

  "Er, he's probably in Dawnheart's den." Frostcloud replied, casting a glance towards his empty nest.

  "Is he okay?" Buckheart asked in a tone above casual.

  "He is." Frostcloud replied. "But you can check on him if you want."

  How was Doeface feeling now? Frostcloud could only imagine Ferretpaw's disappointment if he he couldn't go training today. I suppose I could take him with me and Foxpaw but... that seems overwhelming.

  Buckheart made his way to the dens entrance and Frostcloud followed suit. Outside, an overcast sky made the dawn air almost brisk, and Frostcloud fluffed her fur to fend off what she could of the slight nip.


  The warrior swung her head around to spot Foxpaw bounding towards her. "I've been waiting for you!" She said. Whether her tone was excited or annoyed, Frostcloud wasn't sure.

  "Sorry." Frostcloud mewed, pushing herself to purr lightly.

  "I want to learn to fight today." Foxpaw stated. Her hazel eyes trailed Badgerpaw and Slatethorn as they squeezed through the camps exit. Not far behind them, Mosspool was watching as well. Pride welled in her posture, making her chest stick out.

  "Oh, well, I was thinking we should tour PineClan." Frostcloud said.

  Foxpaw gave an annoyed twitch in her ears and she looked away. When she didn't say anything, Frostcloud went on to repeat Cricketlegs words, "There's no use in knowing how to fight if you don't know where the battle is."

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