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      Dusk fell upon the forest like dust off a moths wings. Clancats stalled in the clearing, waiting for Whitestar to guide the selected cats to The Oak for the Gathering. Foxpaw's first Gathering, in fact.

  Frostcloud looked away from the mouse she shared with Riverpelt. Part of her worried Foxpaw would start a fight, but she trusted her apprentice... trusted her enough to hold her tongue under a warriors order, anyhow. And the same case for Ferretpaw.

  But would Badgerpaw? The young tom almost didn't seem to understand his limits. He listened to Slatethorn, but Frostcloud had overheard Sunfur say it was only because Slatethorn was the fun mentor any apprentice would want- his rules were exciting for a rambunctious apprentice, there was no reason for them to argue. Not to mention Badgerpaw always picked fights with his denmates- Bramblepaw especially. But that wasn't the same as starting a fight with another Clancat at a sacred Gathering, was it?

  Mosspool slept outside of the warriors den. Her belly became more swollen as, in only a moon, she would have her kits. Hushed gossip was shared between Clancats about her and Slatethorn, and eventually she confirmed their suspsions that she was carrying kits.

  Not surprisingly, the Clan was delighted with the news.

  "I remember how tired I was when I was still expecting you." Riverpelt purred lightly, her blue eyes following her daughter's line of sight.

  "It was only me though." Frostcloud said, "Mosspool's probably expecting a few kits."

  "I'm happy for her." Riverpelt sighed lovingly. "If only Longnose were still with us."

  "I'm not enough?" Frostcloud teased with a twitch in her whiskers.

  "A queen can never have enough!" Warmheart said as she approached the two. With her was Buckheart, Feathertail, and Rosepaw. The white and red-spotted she cat sat down heavily and Riverpelt blinked her greeting.

  "Staying in the nursery together is something I'll never forget." Riverpelt mewed, "What a joy it was to bring healthy kits to a meager PineClan."

  "Don't you wonder what it's like?" Warmheart asked, turning to Frostcloud.

  Frostcloud shifted the weight on her paws awkwardly, her pelt becoming hot like Sun Stones in greenleaf. "Warmheart!" Buckheart said to his mother. His voice seemed like she embarrassed him as well.

  "Er- I've never seriously considered kits." Frostcloud responded awkwardly. Her only thought process towards them was associated with how vulnerable they were- deaf, blind, mewling scraps of fur that couldn't even make earth by themselves.

  "What about you, Buckheart?" Warmheart asked with a hint in her tone, "There must be a she-cat you admire."

  Buckheart licked the front of his chest while Rosepaw cackaled. Feathertail gave a wide-eyed look towards his mother, like he was in total shock. Meanwhile, Riverpelt purred lightly, "Oh, Warmheart, you can't ask those things to young warriors."

  "I'm only curious." Warmheart said lightly, tucking her paws beneath her chest.

  There was a yowl, and Frostcloud swung her head to towards Whitestar, who waited by the camps exit. "I'll see you when I get back, then." Frostcloud said to her mother, licking her forehead as she got to her paws.

  "Have fun." Riverpelt mewed after her daughter, who was padding towards Whitestar with Buckheart and Feathertail at either side of her.

  It only took some moments for the cats attending the Gathering to assemble. Whitestar, Crowfur, Dawnheart, Feathertail, Frostcloud, Foxpaw, Slatethorn, Badgerpaw, Doeface, Buckheart, and Ferretpaw all stood and awaited for Whitestar to finish what he was saying with Sunfur.

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