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Clancats dotted PineClan's camp. Slatethorn, Leafear, Dustclaw, Foxpaw, and Ferretpaw crouched next to Badgerpaw. Upon the hunting patrol returning to camp, Feathertail cleaned the drying blood from the dead apprentices coat and Dawnheart built him a nest of herbs. 

The air was silent and the sun set on the forest, casting somber shadows over the feral animals. Frostcloud's eyes fell on Ferretpaw, who shook under Leafear's tender grooming. The warrior's yellow eyes were broken and anxious as she sat between her two remaining kits. One of whom had already suffered the loss of a mentor, and now had her tail resting on her brothers unmoving one.

Frostcloud followed Mosspool's tired eyes into the sky. Stars glittered above. "I wonder who guided him into StarClan." She said quietly, "Or if he bounded there himself."

Buckheart licked the back of Mosspool's ear. "A tom like Badgerpaw?" Buckheart considered, "I think he'd track it down himself. There's nothing he would want more than a challenge."

Frostcloud's heart softened at the concept. Badgerpaw was rowdy, angry, but more than anything resilient. He loved to do things on his own, he loved to conquer.

It hurt more than anything to carry the young cat back to camp. When Frostcloud helped return Doeface to the clearing moons ago, she was limp. Badgerpaw was different.. his back contorted unnaturally on the backs of his old Clanmates, so much so Frostcloud was afraid he would roll off of their support and tumble into MarshClan's undergrowth. She was terrified of him twisting, and his front legs would face the sunrise whilst his hind faced the sunset.

"Poor Slatethorn." Mosspool whispered. The grey tom ahead sat in front of his apprentice, gently watching the younger toms face. Almost begging he would open his yellow, eager eyes once again.

Frostcloud pressed her weight into her friend. Not far off, Rosedust groomed Brambleshade, who rested with Warmheart and Crowfur. He spoke softly, though Frostcloud couldn't make out the word.

Whitestar, she noticed, padded gently towards her. When he got close enough, "Please meet me in my den, Frostcloud."

Nodding, Frostcloud rose to her paws. Sunfur and Crowfur, Frostcloud noticed, were already making their way to Whitestar's den. And Whitestar began padding towards Brambleshade.

Frostcloud met the golden she-cat and black tom outside the den, though neither spoke a word. Not long after, Whitestar and Brambleshade approached the cluster, then dipped under the boulder that made Whitestar's den.

"I know this will be difficult to discuss," Whitestar began, holding eyes with his Clanmates, "But I need to know what happened in MarshClan today." Crowfur sat next to his leader, silent and attentive.

It was Sunfur who spoke up first, gentle, "A MarshClan apprentice burst into our territory. At first we thought she was a part of an ambush, and then we thought she was hunting in on our border. We chased her back, but I realize now she was frightened and running away from a wolverine on her side of the border."

Frostcloud nodded slowly. I can't believe I made such a rash decision- I can't believe I thought she was trying to hunt that crow. When I think about it now... I realize she was terrified. I thought she was scared because she was caught. The warrior thought to herself, guilt shredding her insides. 

"When we crossed the border, we tried to stop- but Badgerpaw and Foxpaw kept with the chase. We called after them but... they wouldn't listen..." Sunfur continued. At those words, Frostcloud's head became low and she swallowed hard. Foxpaw wouldn't listen to her mentor's words, and almost lost her life as a result. Frostcloud wasn't strict enough, and it almost killed her apprentice.

"We didn't see the wolverine until we leapt from the brush... Brambleshade and I ran away then- I- I thought Badgerpaw and the others had run away too." Sunfur choked.

"We left them behind." The newly-named warrior said, guilt scratching his voice.

"You wouldn't have known." Crowfur consoled the warriors, "Had you stayed there could have been more burials tonight."

Whitestar's green eyes turned to Frostcloud. She realized it was she who had to fill in the blanks now. She drew in a shaky breath- "I... I thought the wolverine was going to grab Foxpaw so I jumped for her. But... it took Badgerpaw and it... it threw him. After that it trapped Slatethorn under a bundle or upturned tree roots."

Whitestar nodded slowly, patiently waiting for Frostcloud to piece her words together.

She shook her head lightly, everything was becoming so blurry now and her fur was hot with guilt. "A- a MarshClan patrol appeared and made a plan to lure the wolverine away. Another Marshcat or- or two left to find Sunfur and Brambleshade. When the wolverine was gone, that's when Crookednose confirmed Badgerpaw was... dead."

Whitestar nodded. "I understand." He said. "Let us remember Badgerpaw hunts with StarClan now. I'm sure Doeface is watching us with him now."

The cats fell silent for some moments, and Frostclouds mind strayed to the Pinecats who had left for StarClan. Mothstar, Doeface, Littlefern, and now Badgerpaw. He was so young.

"I would like to speak with Sunfur and Crowfur privately, please." Whitestar said to Frostcloud and Brambleshade.

The smaller warrior nodded and, silently, rose to her paws and left the den. Brambleshade followed after, and wordlessly they padded in separate directions. 

Frostcloud padded past Dustclaw and Shaleshimmer. "What I would give to shred off a Marshcat's hide right now." The former muttered quietly, vexing his claws into the dirt. "They've taken two of ours now. They've murdered my son."

Buckheart sat with Duskfur now, Frostcloud noticed, meanwhile Riverpelt shared tongues with Needlepelt by the elders den. Mosspool had left to comfort Slatethorn.

Frostcloud caught Foxpaw's pained hazel eyes. Her head shifted as Leafear nervously groomed the backs of her ears.

The two kept eye contact for several moments. It was Foxpaw who pulled away first, leaning forward to sniff her brothers body.

He looked like he was sleeping, Frostcloud thought to herself. His injury was internal, and he bore no obvious abrasions from the attack.

Exhausted, Frostcloud made way for her den with a low tail and a low heart.

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