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      "I said that you're keeping your tail to high while stalking." Frostcloud said sternly over the scuttling of a bird flying off. Over the dawn's since the battle, Frostcloud had been working almost non-stop with Foxpaw's hunting skills- skills she was struggling to grasp. Battle techniques and tree climbing came naturally to the tortoishell- they were skills that came from instinct. From excitement. From inside.

  Hunting was a skill that had to be taught, and the last thing Foxpaw wanted to do was listen. Frostcloud had hoped she would have learned her lesson when Badgerpaw ambushed her several dawn's ago, but Foxpaw seemed unphased.

  The apprentice rolled her eyes, "I almost got it."

  "Almost doesn't fill bellies." Frostcloud reminded the apprentice. "Keep your tail lower than you would if you hunted a mouse, or any rodent for that matter. Birds have better vision, they'll see you above the undergrowth."

  "My tail is fine!" Foxpaw returned, "If I kept it any lower my fur would brush."

  Frostcloud exhaled, collecting herself. Oh, how Foxpaw makes her shed! "Just try it with your tail low, just a few times." Frostcloud almost pleaded, "Otherwise you'll never catch any bird, not even a deaf dove!"

  Agitated, Foxpaw twitched her ears. Frostcloud wasn't a stellar hunter at first either, but at least she listened to Cricketlegs lessons!

  After scratching her ear, Frostcloud spoke again, "Let's head to Moss Tree. We'll try again there."

  The cats travelled silently, the heat almost dragging Frostcloud into the earth. How did StoneClan or ValleyClan manage Greenleaf? Especially the cats with heavy coats? The concept alone seemed exhausting.


  The warrior shot her head around. Buckheart bounded after her, lolloping like a grizzly to catch up. He put no effort into remaining hidden- let alone silent.

  "You're scaring off all the prey." Frostcloud teased the panting tom gently when he caught up to the she-cats.

  "Mosspool is having her kits!" Buckheart managed between breaths.

  Frostcloud's eyes widened. "Now?"

  Buckheart nodded, "Dawnheart was just collecting herbs when I left!"

  Swinging her head back to the tortoishell, "We'll continue this lesson tomorrow." Frostcloud said, "I'll have Crowfur assign you to some dusk patrol."

  Then, ecstatic, anxious, and urgently, the cats made haste back to camp. Is Mosspool okay? Had she already had her kits? Are they okay? Was Slatethorn with her?

  Frostcloud picked up the pace- she couldn't miss Mosspool's delivery. Mosspool had wanted kits for as long as Frostcloud could remember, and here's the day she received them!

  The smaller warrior was the first back in camp, Buckheart after her. Foxpaw came some tail lengths behind, making way for Leafear and Dustclaw eating outside the elders den.

  Other Clancats assembled near the nursery, whispering amongst themselves. "Any news?" Frostcloud asked Shaleshimmer, whose amber eyes seemed stretched.

  "One she-kit so far." She beamed, "With all her whiskers!"

  Frostcloud's heart fluttered. A healthy she-kit! Did she take after her mother? Her father?

  Feathertail peaked his head out from the nursery, his eyes nervous and excited. This was his first time delivering kits, Frostcloud realized. "Another healthy she-kit." He announced.

  Mews of approval spread like wildfire between the curious Clancats, and a thick purr almost clogged Frostcloud's throat. Mosspool must be so proud!

  "Think we can go in?" Buckheart asked.

  Frostcloud shook her head. Slatethorn would already be inside the nursery. The medicine cats would want space to work, which Buckheart's enormous size wouldn't provide much of.

  As some time went on, Frostcloud and Buckheart made themselves comfortable, sitting so close their flanks touched as they waited patiently. Riverpelt caught Frostcloud's eye as she went about Clanlife, indicating her enthusiasm, which Frostcloud felt grateful for.

  Eventually, the medicine cats pulled from the nursery. Dawnheart noticed the red tom and the white she-cat, then nod her head towards the nursery. Leaping at the opportunity, Frostcloud ducked inside.

  The air was stale from being empty for so long, but already breaking through was a soft, milky scent. Mosspool lay near the center of the nursery, Slatethorn sitting just behind her, rasping his tongue over her ears.

  Suckling on Mosspool's belly were two she-kits, one grey with small black spots over her body. The other was dark grey, with a white chest, underbelly, and stripe on her nose.

  "They're beautiful." Frostcloud breathed. Mosspool's heavy purr almost seemed to choke her at the praise.

  "What are their names?" Buckheart asked gently.

  "This one is Smallkit." She said. Nuzzling the kit with the small stripe on her nose. Then, to the second kit with black spots dotting her warm body, "And Littlekit."

  "Smallkit and Littlekit." Frostcloud repeated softly. They're both named after Littlefern. Could he see them from StarClan?

  His memory was so strong that, for a moment, Frostcloud almost believed she could scent him. Mosspool's proud brown eyes shined despite the shade of of the nursery, but they looked past Buckheart and Frostcloud. The smaller warrior looked over her shoulder, but there was no other cat.

  Was Mosspool just imagining the rest of her dawn's her own kits? Frostcloud wouldn't be surprised. They will make strong Pinecats. Strong warriors, when the day comes.

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