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Days were growing hotter as greenleaf approached was just around the brush. Already, the forest became much too hot for comfort by sunhigh, though after dusk the air became cool again.

Frostcloud and Buckheart sat together at the base of an old pine, twitching their ears at the variety of noises that echoed in the woodlands. Their flanks touched lightly, and Frostcloud's heart fluttered with every brush of fur.

"I don't think Doeface and Shaleshimmer were the only cats to eat mushrooms." Buckheart said eventually, breaking the silence between the two.

Frostcloud shook her head. Since Shaleshimmer's confession only that dawn, so much of Doeface's odd behaviour had come to light. Her illness the night she was made Ferretpaw's mentor, the mushroom that had gone missing beneath Moss Tree, the grey squirrel that she never came back to camp with: it all made sense now. "I noticed signs."

Buckheart used the tip of his tail to touch Frostcloud's. "How were we to know? I've never even heard of a cat eating mushrooms." He said with a contortion in his face.

"I wonder what Marshcat she traded prey with." Frostcloud murmured, lost in thought. MarshClan was the most populated of the four Clans; the possibilities seemed almost endless.

Silence held the duo once again. Birds chattered in the branches above the cats, and some small rodent scuffled just a short distance away. "I'll take Duskfur for a hunt before nightfall." Buckheart said, "He could probably use a distraction."

Frostcloud kneaded the ground fondly. This tom had a heart to match his size- Mothstar had named him appropriately. "Have you told Mosspool about us yet?" He asked.

"I- I haven't." Frostcloud realized suddenly. "There's been so much talk of the porcupine I haven't even had the chance. I'll tell her now- we should be getting back to camp anyway."

Buckheart nodded and, almost wobbly, rose to his paws. Though Frostcloud couldn't blame him- the battle had left her mentally drained and physically exhausted. And after having the quills plucked from her skin like ticks off an elder she had completely collapsed in her nest the previous dusk.

Together, they made the short journey back to camp. A chipmunk had darted past Frostcloud, and instinctively, she almost lunged for it. But the stinging from her wounds and the scream in her muscles told her to stay on her path to camp.

Entering the clearing, she spotted Mosspool, Riverpelt, and Warmheart outside the nursery. Bramblepaw burst through the apprentice den like he was escaping a fire, and Badgerpaw followed suit after. The game looked too rough to be play, and Frostcloud glanced at Slatethorn from where he sat with Dustclaw. He noticed the scuffle, but barely flicked an ear as he continued his conversation.

Frostcloud almost intervened, but Rosepaw beat her to it, "Badgerpaw! Get lost!" She snapped as Bramblepaw stopped his run next to her, "I'll shred your nose! Don't think I won't!"

"I'll see you later." Buckheart said to Frostcloud, touching her cheek with his nose gently. She blinked farewell, and the tom made way to Duskfur and Sunfur from where they shared tongues near the center of camp.

Frostcloud made her own way to the other she-cats. Riverpelt was the only cat of the trio facing the camps entrance, and she purred loudly at Frostcloud's presence. "Do you have something to tell us?" She teased.

Mosspool and Warmheart exchanged a confused look, then met Frostcloud's eyes. "What's she mean?" Mosspool asked.

Frostcloud gave an exaggerated, taunting shrug as she sat between her friend and mother.

"Most cats wouldn't touch your cheek with their nose to be friendly." Riverpelt said, her voice knowing and intrigued. She stretched out her claw, chewing on her pad.

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