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"I'm hooome" you say locking the door behind you.

"Hey lover" Sasha greets you.

"Hey babe" Mikasa calls from her room. 

"How are my favourite people?"

"Missing you" Sasha says. "Don't ever leave again."

"How could I possibly leave you?" 

"Point taken. We made you dinner!" Sasha says handing you a plate full of fettuccine alfredo. 

"Mm this smells incredible. Thank you."

You eat silently as you watch some videos on your phone. A notification interrupts your video.

"Guys, I just got called into work. I'll see you later" you say quickly washing your dishes in the sink. 

"See you. Love you!" Both girls shout back. 

You touch up your makeup and bring a change of sweats to throw on after work. Colt needed you to fill in for Rico again so you were going to spend the night dancing. 

You arrive at the club and greet the girls happily. 

"Ooh what are you wearing tonight?" Pieck asks enthusiastically. 

"I'm thinking something inspired by Misa from Death Note. So fishnets and a leather teddy and garter."

"Ooh hot!" Hitch chimes in. 

"Knock 'em dead sexy!" Pieck says spraying the last of a can of hairspray to set her hair for the night. 

You quickly change and you have to admit you look hot as hell in this outfit. You always loved this sort of style you just hadn't had the chance to explore it much. It definitely suited you. 

Your stage set goes smoothly and you make a good amount just from the few pole dances you do. The patrons seemed to like your outfit and were being extra generous tonight. The time finally came that you were dreading. The part where you have to walk the floor and seek lap dances still scared you. You got lucky the first night but now you were at any of these sweaty guy's mercy. 

"A man already paid for you for the rest of the night" Colt whispers in your ear. "He's in room 3."

"Oh" you gasp surprised. You go to room 3 and open the door afraid of who will be inside. The guys were all over you tonight so it could be anyone there. 

You see a familiar undercut and let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding. 



"Well, start" he says pointing to his lap. 

You begin to grind on him and grip the back of his neck with your hands.

"I didn't see you come in."

"You never do" Levi's grits his teeth holding back a moan as you grind directly atop his stiffening member. "I realized after our meeting today that I forgot to give you this."

He hands you a small piece of paper with digits scribbled on it. He signed it "-L."

You tuck the paper in the bodice of the teddy making sure you won't lose it later on. 

"Why'd you buy me for the night?"

"Because I don't want anyone else to touch you."

"Oh" you say feeling slightly shy at his words. 

"Now, show me why you're my favourite student."

Levi stays seated on the cushioned bench and stares intently as you drop to your knees on the floor in front of him. His breath hitches as you look up at him from that position and he reaches for his crotch as he grows needy. 

His Favorite Student | Levi Ackerman x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now