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Levi kisses you with intensity biting your bottom lip. He straddles you on the bed and quickly lines himself up with your entrance. He pushes his hips forward until he's inside of you and goes as deep as he can, grazing your g spot.

"Ahh fuck" you cry out. 

"So fucking tight" he groans, pausing to kiss your forehead. "Tell me if it's too much."

Without another word, Levi begins moving and you feel him fill every inch of you. Your pussy was  gripping him just right and it took everything in him not to cum instantly. 

"Ah you feel so fucking good" he whines, picking up the pace. "All mine."

You call out his name and he lets out noises of appreciation which only turn you on more. Something about guys moaning really got you going. 

"Ugh yes Levi, right there...I'm gonna cum."

"Like this baby?" 

He maintains his motion and you fill with ecstasy. 

"Yes. Exactly that. Shit- I'm cumming" you cry as your moans fill the air. "So, good. So fucking good."

Levi watches you ride out your high and begins to chase his, changing his rhythm and intensity to suit his needs. He pounds you relentlessly until you cum all over his cock once again and he is ready to climax. 

"I'm cumming" he announces as he fills you up completely. You feel his dick twitch inside you, every last drop. 

Levi slumps on the bed next to you afterwards and immediately wraps his arms around you. 

"Can you stay?" He asks softly.

"Yeah, I'll stay" you say a soft smile reaching your lips. "Goodnight, Levi."

"Goodnight, Y/n."


You wake up and feel the weight of Levi's body against you. He was holding you close, like he never wanted to let you go. 

You are still processing the fact that you and Levi are official. He makes you feel things Zeke never did. You never felt so safe around someone before. Levi was like a breath of fresh air. You didn't want to suffocate ever again. 

You glimpse the time and see it's 1pm. The two of you slept most of the day away. You were both just so comfortable you hadn't bothered to set any alarms. Luckily, you didn't have class, but you forgot you were supposed to go on a triple date soon with Eren, Mikasa, Sasha, Niccolo and Jean. 

"Shit, I almost forgot." 

You text Jean quickly and confirm his availability. The six of you were supposed to meet at 5. You only had a few more hours left before you would have to get ready. You groan, not wanting to move from your spot. 

"What's the problem angel?" Levi asks, rolling to face you. 

"I just don't wanna move."

"You don't have to...I'll bring everything to you."

"But I will" you sigh. "I have plans later."

"I guess we'll just have to make the most of the time we have until then."

Levi gently kisses your temple and you feel your heart start to race. Something about someone so rough around the edges being so careful with you was just that more endearing. 

"Are you hungry?"

"Maybe just a little" you admit.

"Stay right here. I'll be back."

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