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Levi had one too many when he decided it would be a fantastic idea to call you. The phone rang and rang but you didn't answer, so he figured you must be at the club. 

Levi stumbles his way to the strip club and pushes open the large heavy doors.  His eyes lock onto you on stage in a provocative outfit, revealing most of your toned body. He mindlessly wanders over to you and reachers into his pocket to grab a wad of cash to treat your g string when he notices a familiar face front row. Jean. Levi clenches his jaw and slowly returns the money to his pants before disappearing into the crowd before Jean can spot him. What was your fake boyfriend doing here of all places? Clearly, it's not that fake if he knows about this side of you. Levi was seething. It took everything in him not to knock Jean out. He was consumed with jealousy. 

You finish your set and begin heading to the back for a quick costume change before your next song. As you round the corner, you feel a hand grip your wrist and another cover your mouth as you are dragged into the restroom. 

"What the fuck?" You say as the hand lifts off your mouth and you are met with a very drunk Levi. 

"What is he doing here?" He spit out, his words laced with venom.

"He just wanted to see me dance" you say.


"Levi...he knows about us. Jean is bi and is still getting over his dead boyfriend. I trust him and I told him our little secret. Including, how we met. After telling him all that, he wanted to see if I was actually a decent dancer. Jean and I are just friends Levi. Just really good friends."

"Really?" Levi asks, his eyes softening, resembling that of a puppy. 


"I'm sorry I was jealous. I just saw the two of you kiss earlier and them him being here...just set me off."

"It's okay, Levi. It's actually kind of sweet knowing you care."

"I do care. I care too much. I came all the way over here because the only person I wanted to see tonight was you."

"I'm glad you came. I've missed you."

"Sober me is gonna kill me for saying this now, but I like you Y/n. I like you so much that it scares me. I know we can't be a normal couple, but if we can get even close to that...I'd be happy just to call you mine."

"You mean that?"

"More than you'll ever know."

"I'm willing to give it a shot. For you" you say, surprised at your own words. 

Your last relationship was a disaster. After things ended with you and Ymir, you ended up staying with your friend Zeke and the two of you quickly became a couple. Zeke turned out to be a massive asshole who cheated and emotionally abused you. You hadn't dated ever since, but something about Levi made you willing to try. 

"You're fucking perfect" Levi groans, forcing his lips on yours. 

You press your hand on his chest lightly. 

"Not now" you say. "You're far too drunk."

"Soon?" Levi asks.

"Soon" you agree. "Now, come on. Let's get you home."

Your lip stick stained Levi's lips from the brief kiss you just shared. You exit the restroom with your arm draped around Levi looking rather disheveled. You glance up for a moment and see Annie guiding Armin to her dressing room, her hand in his and Armin's mouth agape. He gave you a look like "let's talk about this later." You had a hell of a lot to explain now. 

Levi was still too out of it to even notice you just passed one of your classmates. You walk him home after throwing a hoodie and some sweatpants over your outfit and make it to his front door. 

"Your key?" You ask.

Levi pokes his back pocket and tries to grab it but his movements are sloppy and uncoordinated. 

You gently move his hand out of the way and grab his keys from his jeans pocket. You unlock his door and guide him in. 

"I don't feel so good" he groans. 

You manage to get him upstairs before he collapses in front of the toilet and begins to vomit. 

"Fuck" he whines. "I'm sorry." 

Levi quickly rinses his mouth with mouth wash and brushes his teeth to rid the taste. 

"How did you get this drunk?"

"Erwin" Levi rubs his temples. "Fucker doesn't know when to quit. Unfortunately, I'm rather competitive. So, neither do I."

"I see" you say. "Let's get you cleaned up. 

You begin to unbutton Levi's shirt carefully and help him out of the rest of his clothes. You start the water and watch him step into the shower before stripping completely. 

"Move over" you say as you join him. You pick up the soap and start lathering it and begin to clean Levi with such care and gentleness. Levi wasn't used to being touched with such delicate hands. He felt a warm sensation envelope his entire body. 

"Mm" he moans softly. "This is nice."

"How are you feeling?" You ask. 

"Better" he hums. "Thank you" he says much softer. 

"Your welcome" you reply just as softly. 

"Now, it's my turn" he declares, taking his time to return the favour. He lathers soap against your body and his hands massage into you causing you to relax into his touch. 

"Damn, Levi" you groan. "This feels good."

"Mm" he hums in agreement. Levi lets his hands roam once he rinses the soap off you and begins to rub your clit with his thumb gently. 

You bite your lower lip and he catches you. 

"Tch. Don't. Hold. Back." He commands. 

"Yes, sir" you say sounding breathless already. 

"Good girl."

Levi pinches your nipple with his other hand, catching you off guard, as he continues to carefully work your clit with the other. 

"Fuck" you cry out as you feel the pleasure building in your stomach. 

"That's it. Let me hear you" Levi praises. 

He moves his head between your thighs and bites your inner thigh hard. 

"Ahh Levi" you moan. 

He smirks looking up at you from between your legs and the sight makes your stomach do backflips. This man was fine. 

"That's a good girl" he says before moving his mouth up to your clit. 

He takes your throbbing bud between his lips and sucks it carefully causing your legs to shake and your head to throw back in pleasure. 

Levi stands up once more and kisses you roughly, causing you to taste yourself on his lips. You interlace your tongue with his and the two of you battle in a passionate embrace. 

His long fingers return between your legs, except this time, he inserts two of them filling you. He begins pulsing his fingers in a 'come here' motion as the thumb of his other hand rubs your clit. All while he continues to kiss you. All of the sensations hit you at once and you feel yourself releasing over and over again on his hands. A chorus of his name leaves your lips and echoes throughout the bathroom walls. 

"So good for me" he murmurs hopping out of the shower and drying himself with a towel before giving you a chance to reciprocate. 



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