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You finally narrow it down to three movies. The boys all had contrasting tastes, so the final three options were all over the place. The options were: She's the Man, Sinister, and Forest Gump. Connie wanted She's the Man, Jean wanted Sinister, and Eren wanted Forest Gump. They left it to you to make the final choice.

"Well, I like all of those movies" you start. "But, I do favour one genre in particular."

All the boys looked at you intently, awaiting your decision. 

"I'm gonna have to go with...Sinister."

"Yes!" Jean cheers. 

You were weirdly glad Jean was into horror movies. Perhaps you could go see another one with him on another of your 'dates'. 

"You want popcorn?" Eren asks as he stands up from the couch. 

"Sure" you smile and the others agree. 

Eren returns from the kitchen with two bowls of popcorn and hands one for you and Jean to share. He takes the second and places it on his lap for him and Connie. 

"Oh fuck yeah, this'll hit the spot" Connie says grabbing a handful of popcorn and shovelling it in his mouth. Connie now holds popcorn in one hand and his joint in the other. "You're a genius, Jaeger."

Eren smirks and nibbles on a few pieces. He seems to be analyzing the flavour with every bite. You'd done the same several times when you were stoned. Every flavour was enhanced, and every day tasks seemed much more enjoyable. 

"Are we gonna start the movie or what?" Jean asks. 

"Fine, fine" Eren hums pressing play on the remote. 

The movie begins and its just as good as the first time you saw it. As it began progressing, you see Connie seemingly scared shitless and cuddled up against Eren on the other side of the couch. You figure it may look weird if just those two boys were cuddling when you and your 'boyfriend' Jean weren't, so you make a move. 

You nudge against Jean until you burrow against his chest while still facing the TV. Jean instinctively wraps his arm around you and pulls you in tighter. This position was surprisingly comfortable. 

The movie plays on and at one point Eren and Connie's popcorn bowl goes flying in the air at a jump scare. 

"Holy fuck!" They scream in unison. 

"You guys like this??" Connie shouts accusingly.

"Shut up and watch" Jean spits back. "We're not even at the best part."

Soon the movie finishes and Eren turns off the TV once again. 

"That was horrifying. I'm sleeping in your bed tonight" Connie says to Jean.

"No the fuck you're not" Jean replies. "My girlfriend is sleeping there."

"Then, Jaeger I'm all yours for the night."

"Can't wait" Eren says throwing Connie a wink. 

"Alright, we're gonna go to bed" Jean says. "Goodnight guys."


Jean leads you to his room and closes the door softy behind you. 

"You don't have to stay here. I just needed to get out of sharing the room with Connie. He talks in his sleep."

"Why am I not surprised?" You laugh. "No, yeah that's alright. Besides it sells our relationship."

"That's what I was thinking."

"Why don't I just kill some time until the others go to bed, then I can sneak out?"

"Perfect" Jean says. He walks over to his bed and lies down. You watch as his tall body covers the length of the bed easily, his legs still hanging off. "Feel free to join me" he says patting the spot next to him.

"Alright" you nod and sit down next to him. 

Your eyes briefly scan his room and you see a desk with a full PC setup. Various posters for artists like Joji, Cigarettes After Sex, and Lana Del Rey

"Incredible music taste" you murmur. 

"Thanks" Jean replies. "I'm not surprised you recognize my favs. I always pegged you for someone with good taste."

"Wow, such high praise from the Jean Kirschtein? I'm honoured."

"Don't get cocky now" he warns and you laugh.

Your heart sinks a little when you see a picture of Jean with a brunette boy kissing him on the cheek. Jean's face was lit up into a huge smile. One you'd never seen him wear before. That must be Marco. 

You don't know if Jean will ever make that face again. There was a light missing in his eyes that you saw in that photo. A bit of him died with Marco, that you were certain. 

"How did you find out you were bi?" You spit out before you can stop yourself. 

"To be honest, I didn't know for awhile. I thought I was straight for the longest time. I'd only dated and done stuff with girls. I thought that was it. Marco and I were friends for way back. One night we both started talking. We were both curious about our sexuality. Marco was saying how he didn't really feel much with girls and was wondering if he might be gay. Then he asked how I felt. I told him I liked kissing girls but I'd never kissed a guy. Marco said he hadn't either, but he wanted to know how it felt. Then we kissed. It felt right. It felt just as right as it has with any girl before, except this time I already had so many emotions for him so it somehow meant more. And, then we got together and stayed together until he passed." 

"Oh wow" you say. "That sounds a lot how I found out too."

"You're bi?!" Jean says surprised. 

"Yup" you say. "The first girl I dated was my best friend back home. She was gay and I was curious and we fell in love."

"What happened?" Jean asked. 

"My family. They're incredibly homophobic. When my father found out I was dating a woman, he beat me black and blue and destroyed my phone. I never saw Ymir again." 

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry" Jean says. 

"It's okay. I've come to terms with the fact that my family sucks" you say. 

"Fair enough" Jean says. "I can't imagine how hard that must be. My family was pretty accepting when I came out. Marco's wasn't" Jean takes a deep breath.

"When he came out to his mother she said she'd rather he be dead than be gay...he killed himself the next day."

"Oh my god, Jean" you say feeling a pit in your stomach. 

"Life sucks. Doesn't it?"

"It really does" you agree. "But we're still here. And there's a reason for that. Even if it's just to spite the fuckers that wronged us."

"You're right. Knowing I'm pissing off Marco's parents just by existing is quite fulfilling."

"And every day I'm around I'm pissing off mine, so it's a win-win. Imagine the look on their face if they ever find out I'm a stripper."

"Ha, that I'd like to see."

"Are you saying you'd like to see me dance Kirschtein?" 

"I'd be a fool not to."

"Come watch me next set" you say. "I don't mind. You are my boyfriend." 

"I just might" Jean says giving a small smile. "Gotta see what my girl can do."

You and Jean kept talking until late and before you knew it you'd both drifted off to sleep. In the same bed. 


~ unedited ~

some Y/n and Jean lore for you all. 

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