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You rush over to your empty apartment to throw on your work outfit under a pair of sweats. You hurry off to the club and just make it in time for your shift. You had to do a couple hours at the bar before moving onto your stage set. You wore a body-con skirt over your corset style lingerie one piece that you were going to save for later. 

You enjoy your time working the bar just making drinks for people and dodging the flirtatious comments leaving the men's lips. 

"Hey" a blonde man says with some facial hair.

"Hey. What can I get for you?"

"Is that any way to talk to a loyal patron?" He quips clearly not happy with your response.

"Is that an answer to my question? Or did I miss when you said what drink you want me to make?" You spit not being able to hold your tongue. 

"Why you little bitch" the man sneers gesturing over the bar in an attempt to grab you by the collar. 

"Get the fuck away from her" a low voice commands. A low familiar voice. Levi.

The man turns around to face Levi, not expecting a man much shorter than him to be the one to speak up. The blonde stood at 6'1'' and was looking down at a much shorter Levi. 

"Yeah? And who's gonna make me?"

"Don't make me say it again" Levi sneers. "I promise you'll regret it."

"As if you could stop me" he stares down tauntingly.

"That's it" Levi says and he grabs the blonde by the shirt and pulls him toward him for a punch. There is a crunch as Levi's fist makes contact with the man's face and blood instantly begins to pour. 

The blonde goes to fight back, but before he has the chance to, Levi pulls his shirt over his head covering the man's face and shoves him to the ground with a firm push.

Levi approaches you at the bar with a concerned look on his face. 

"Come here" he says, offering you his hand. 

You go with him and lead him to a hallway that branches off to the dressing rooms and a rest room. Levi closes the door as you enter the restroom and lifts you by the hips onto the countertop. 

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He asks, inspecting every inch of you.

"I'm fine" you say. "He didn't get the chance to touch me. You stopped him before he did."

"Good" he breathes. "But, you're okay?"

"You asked that already" you chuckle. 

Levi closes his eyes and presses a gentle kiss to your lips. It's light and careful, like he's afraid he might break you. 

"Really." You say between kisses. "I'm fine."

"And I'll make sure you always are" he says matter-of-factly before kissing you once again with more intensity. 

Now, he kisses you with need. With hunger. He kisses you like you haven't kissed in ages. He longed for you. 

You feel a familiar bulge from his pants press against your thigh as he stands between your legs as you sit upon the countertop.

"So. Damn. Beautiful" he groans starting to cave to his desires. 

You run your fingers through his hair and pull his face closer to you. You reconnect your lips to his with just as eagerly. You wanted him too. 

"I'm gonna get in trouble if you keep stealing me away like this" you whisper.

"Then I guess you're in trouble" he says as he begins to kiss down your neck down towards your chest.

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