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You wake up to the triggering sound of your alarm. 

"Fuck you" you groan hitting snooze on your phone. "Noisy bastard."

You scroll through your notifications and see that Jean's asking you to hang out. You quickly type a reply and agree to hang out with him later on. 

There were no messages from Levi and you found yourself feeling slightly disappointed. 

You were glad Jean wanted to hang out though because you needed to spend time with him to make your fake dating seem believable. You were also curious as to why he was so willing to play up this fake dating scheme. You didn't think it was just because of Petra. 

You end up meeting Jean for brunch at a place off campus and you smile when you see him already at a table.

"Morning lover" you joke. 

"Morning babe" he says back. 

You give him a quick hug and take a seat. He orders you both a coffee and you start sipping on the warm liquid.

You chat a little about class before the question you were trying to suppress slips out. 

"So, what's the real reason you are so adamant to go along with this fake dating thing?"

Jean seems taken aback for a moment before he regains his composure. 

"So, you aren't just gonna accept my answer?"

You shake your head no.

"Okay" Jean says placing his coffee mug down. "Well, what I said about Petra is obviously true..as you saw with your interaction with her."

You nod, encouraging him to go on.

"But, that's not the only reason I'm going along with it. The truth is, I lost someone a year ago. My-my boyfriend, Marco."

"Oh my god, Jean I'm so sorry."

"After he died, a piece of me died too. My friends have been bothering me to put myself out there and move on. They think it'll make me happy, but..I'm just not ready. To be honest, the first time I'd kissed anyone in a long while was the day we first met at my apartment. Kissing you, felt good..it just felt like I might have some hope at moving past this in the future. Even thought I'm not ready right now. So, when you asked me for your help..I didn't hesitate to say yes. And, to clarify any confusion..yes, I'm bi."

You take a deep breath in and try to process everything Jean just told you. It was clear he loved Marco very deeply and still held a lot of pain from his death. You understood where his friends were coming from, but you also understood where Jean's feelings differed. 

"Thank you for opening up to me Jean. I feel like I understand you a lot better now and I'm willing to keep this fake dating thing up as long as you need it."

"Thank you" Jean says. "I appreciate it, really. Now, I have the same question for you. Why are you doing this?"

"Promise you won't tell anyone?" You ask holding out your pinky.

"Promise" Jean says squeezing your pinky against his. "I pinky promise."

"Okay..." you begin. "Well, my home life is hard and I have no support from my family well I'm here. So, I needed a job just to live. I ended up getting one at a strip club near campus. I work as a stripper and bartender basically on call whenever they need me. One night, a man I was giving a private dance to offered me $10,000 dollars to sleep with him. I couldn't pass on the money, plus he was good looking and respectful so I agreed to do it. We hooked up. Then first day of class, I find out he's my lit professor."

"Hold on..Professor Ackerman?!" 

You nod. "Anyway, afterward I confronted him during his office hours asking what we should do and we both agree we wanted our little fling to continue..so he suggested I get a fake boyfriend to throw the scent off himself. And, that brings us to the present."

"Oh my god" Jean says. "I wasn't expecting that."

"Yeah" you say. "Me either. It's not like we knew beforehand. It just sort of..worked out that way."

"So, do you like him..like more than as a hookup?"

"I mean we're a lot a like but I think it's a little too early to say."

"This just keeps getting more and more interesting" Jean jokes. "Well, now that I know I want you to keep me updated. Like I'm so invested now."

"Oh, don't worry I will. It actually feels good that someone knows just so I can talk to someone about it. This whole situation is so complicated."

"I'm just wondering why the hell Professor Ackerman has $10,000 to just drop on one night."

"I'll let you know if I find out."

"Please do."

You and Jean spent the rest of the morning gossiping and you were glad that your messy ass life was a good enough distraction from talking about his grief. At least now someone knew, and you and Jean could talk about your lives freely around each other. It felt good to get closer to him. If someone hadn't known, they would have seen the two of you laughing and gossiping and just thought you were any ordinary couple. 

That's exactly what Levi thought when he saw you through the restaurant window. 

You spend the rest of the day chilling with Sasha and Mikasa between classes before they leave you for Eren and Niccolo. 

"You better take care of my girls or else" you tease Eren and Niccolo as they walk over to pick up their girls.

"We will" Niccolo laughs. 

"We gotcha don't worry" Eren says taking a drag from his blunt. 

You hold out your hand asking for a hit and Eren laughs and passes it to you. You take a long one before handing it back to him.

"Okay, you're free to go. Love you!" You shout to Sasha and Mikasa.

"Love you more!" They call back and Sasha blows kisses at you. 

You end up meeting up with Connie, Jean, and Armin to play some Halo before work tonight. You knock on the door and Connie opens it smiling. 

"Hi beautiful" he says twirling his lip ring with his lip.

"Hi Connie" you say giving him a quick hug.

"Hands off my girl" Jean jokes and Connie raises his hands in surrender.

"You mean, my girl" Armin says coming out of nowhere with a book in his hand. 

Everyone laughs because Armin was the last person they were expecting to make a joke like that.

"What you reading now, Armin?" You ask. 

"Giovanni's Room" Armin says waving his book around slightly. 

"Your taste is so good" you say. 

"I'm sure yours is too" Armin says. "Well, besides Jean of course."

"Hey, what the fuck" Jean says. "I go to get a beer and my man is slandering me. I'm hurt. Hurt." He says clutching his chest. 

"C'mon Jean-boy cheer up. I got you a beer" Connie says rubbing his back with one hand and passing him the bottle.

Jean takes it and happily chugs half of the bottle before offering it to you. You sip a few times and pass it back. You plop down on the couch next to Jean with Armin on your left and Connie on Jean's right. 

You guys play a few online matches and are laughing and having a great time before you remember. Shit. I have to go to work. 



I actually love Jean so much like 🫶🏻🫶🏻🥹

more Levi next chapter ofc bc he's hot and sexy

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