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You wake up tied to Zeke's bed. He pulls a rag out of your mouth once he knows your awake.

"Why am I here? What the hell are you doing Zeke?"

"I'm doing this as a favour for your parents. Clearly, you still aren't straight" he says referring to your homoerotic stage set with Annie and Hitch.

"Fuck you, Zeke. I thought you were my friend. I only started dating you because you pretended to support me when my homophobic parents beat my ass. Really you were a homophobe the whole time. You're a real piece of shit."

"I'm only doing this to help you. To make you realize you don't need to live this little fantasy of liking women. Men are all you'll ever need."

"You make me sick."

"Imagine how I feel."

"So, what is your plan exactly? Keep me here until my sexuality changes? Because I'm afraid that's not how it works."

"Maybe not. I'm just going to make you fall in love with me again. Simple."

You stifle a laugh. 

"Then what? We get married, and you're finally convinced I'm cured of homosexuality?"

"It's a start" Zeke says not hearing how ridiculous he sounds. He really was delusional. "Now, I've got to go to work. If you try to escape, my boy Reiner is right downstairs. Goodbye Y/n."

"He's just going to leave me here. He's such a fucking asshole" you say out loud. What were you supposed to do now?



Levi sat in his room bored and thought he'd see if you were free. He sends you a text but two hours later and no response. Even when you are working, you'd usually respond by now. That's odd. Levi thinks. 

He ends up reading a book in his home office and lighting a blunt. He sips a whiskey on the rocks slowly and tries to focus his mind. But, he can't get you out of his head. He misses you. 


You glance around Zeke's room since there's not much else you can do. It doesn't look that different when you were dating. The only thing that stood out to you was a new framed picture on his desk. You squint at the photo and see Zeke with his arm around a tall brunette man with a man bun and a blunt in his hand. You squint even harder. Wait, is that Eren? You remember Zeke mentioning vaguely about wanting to reconnect with his half brother. Was Eren his brother? Holy shit. 

You aren't sure what to do with this information. Maybe you could use it somehow to negotiate a way out of here. You still weren't sure what you could say to convince him. Zeke seemed pretty set in his ways and the fact that your parents had a hand in this didn't help. They likely payed him which meant he was only more motivated to succeed at converting you. 

You wiggle around a bit to see if you can feel your phone on you anywhere. Shit, you must have left it at the club.  

Think Y/n, think. "How can I get out of here?" You mumble to yourself. 

You can't seem to loosen your binds and you still feel drowsy from whatever drug is in your system. Shit. I'm not getting out of this, am I?


A few days later...

Jean was frantically texting you since he noticed you didn't come home from work the other day. He didn't see you on campus or during classes either. Where were you? 

Your job was high risk and his head was spinning with all the possibilities of what could have happened to you. He'd have to talk to Levi. See if you've just been cooped up with him. Otherwise, you were definitely in trouble. 


Levi was staring at his phone screen blankly not sure what to make of your lack of response. Maybe I scared her away. I was opening up far too fast. What was I thinking? He was only blaming himself for you going distant. He wanted to do anything he possibly could to remedy the situation. 

He began by stalking your socials to see if he could learn something new about you to surprise you. Levi discovered lots of new information. For one, he now knew your favourite flower. Peonies. He kept browsing until he memorized every detail he could. And with that, he began plotting the perfect date. 

He'd called Erwin in a panic expressing his concern for you going ghost. Erwin simply laughed and said "she's probably just busy." Levi wasn't so sure. 

Soon he heard a knock at his door. He figured it was one of. his clients for his side business.

"Come in" he says loudly.

The door opens and in walks a face he wasn't expecting.

"It's you" Levi says. "Why are you here?"

"Y/n!" Jean calls. 

"She's not here."

"She hasn't come home in three days. No one's seen her since she left for work" Jean reveals.


"You haven't seen here?"

"No, I uhh..thought she was ignoring me."

"Of course not, you idiot! She loves you" Jean says matter-of-factly.

"She does?" 

Jean nods like its the most obvious thing in the world. 

"You two just started dating but I can tell. The way her face lights up when she talks about you. You can't fake that."

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go find her."

"Fuck exactly" Jean says. "But one thing..you're driving."

Levi gives him a dumbfounded expression. 

"I don't have a car on campus. Come on."

"You little shit" Levi says through clenched teeth. 

Levi and Jean get into Levi's black sports car. 

"How the fuck can you afford that?" Jean asks looking baffled.

"Shut up brat. Don't talk while I'm driving."

The two drive in silence until they arrive at their destination. They enter and immediately go to Colt.

"Have you seen Y/n?" They ask simultaneously. 

"No, why? Wait, she hasn't been with either of you??"

"No" they answer in unison. 

"Well, I haven't seen her. None of the girls have. Not since three nights ago. I sort of figured she was with one of you."

"Well, she's not" Levi says sternly. 

"Are you talking about Y/n?" Annie overhears.

"Yes, do you know something?" Levi asks.

"Well, last time I saw her she was going off to meet a client in the private rooms. He seemed kind of shady and insisted on giving her a drink before she entered."

"He fucking drugged her" Levi mumbles. "What did he look like?"

"He was blonde and had glasses and a beard."

"Okay thanks" Levi says. "You've been a great help."

 Levi and Jean leave the club and return to Levi's car.

"Hang on...I'm pretty sure Eren's brother matches that description. What was his name again?" Jean says. "Zeke. That's it."

"Wait, Zeke? Y/n mentioned an ex boyfriend named Zeke. Said he was bad news."

"I think we found our man."


another unedited chapter...slowly getting into all the drama. 

in case you're unfamiliar with my other stories, you'll find there's lots of drama/tragedy in my books. get ready 😎

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