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You enter and Levi quickly closes the door behind you. 

"I wanted to apologize for my behaviour the other night. I hope you didn't feel pressured to agree to be with me just because of my drunken state. Please forgive me."

"Jean kissed me."


"He was really drunk and was mourning Marco and he kissed me."

"Did you kiss him back?"

"No. Once I realized what he was doing I pushed him away."

"How did it feel?"

"It felt like nothing."

"How does it feel when I kiss you?"

"It feels like I never want to stop."

Levi's face softs and he leans in to kiss your lips gently. 

"That's my girl" he whispers as he pulls away. 

"To answer your question, I forgive you" you say, your cheeks slightly pink from Levi's intimate kiss. "Are you mad at me?"

"You did nothing wrong. I may have to talk to Kirschtein though and clear some things up."

"Don't be too hard on him. He's going through a lot."

"Let's forget about Kirschtein" Levi says his eyes darkening. "You're all I wanna think about right now."

"Oh yeah?"

Levi nods and presses his lips to yours. Your kiss back slowly just taking the time to enjoy the fact that this man is now yours and yours alone. 

"Your fucking beautiful Y/n" he breathes, before lifting you by your thighs on his desk and continuing to kiss you. 

You kiss him back and quickly find your hand trailing down his slacks and gripping the outline of his bulge. You feel his cock pulsate in your hand and you grip it tighter in response. He grunts and gives you a knowing look that says "look what you do to me."

You smirk in return and begin to unbuckle his belt and toss it to the side. You undo the button of his pants and slowly open the zipper and his cock eagerly pushes through the opening visible through his boxer briefs. His underwear was black and tight and hugged him just the right way. You could even see his veins beneath the fabric. You run your fingers along them tracing them, one by one. 

"You little tease. When I payed you, you were less of a brat."

"How did you have all that money just lying around?"

"That is a conversation for another day. Now, shut up and get to work" he says pulling out his dick from his boxers in one swift motion and wrapping your hand around it. 

You begin to stroke his dick carefully with his hands guiding yours with each movement. He was controlling you pleasuring him and somehow it turned you on even more. 

"Good girl. Now, faster."

He continues guiding your hands this time picking up the pace as his groans fill the room. You weren't sure how much could be heard outside his office doors...you could only hope they were pretty sound proof. 

"Get on your knees and suck it" he orders. 

You immediately slide off the desk, almost in auto-pilot, and drop to your knees on the floor in front of him. You lick his tip and he shivers, his eyes glued to yours looking up at him. 

"Such beautiful eyes" he murmurs. 

You begin to lick up his shaft and once you reach the tip again you push your mouth down over him completely. You deep throat his thick cock, which barely fits in your mouth and begin moving your head up and down coating it in saliva. 

"Ahhh fuck."

You reach down with your hand and start jerking the part of his dick that doesn't fit in your mouth with one hand and fondling his balls with the other. 

Levi's eyes were now beginning to roll back into his head and he was moaning and biting his lip. 

"That's my girl" he says lowly. 

You repeat your motions until his breaths begin to stagger and once you feel his cock twitch in your mouth you know you've got him. His hot seed coats your throat and you swallow it obediently, licking your lips. 

Levi smirks at you and offers you a hand to help you up. 

"Dinner at mine tonight. 7pm."

"Yes, professor" you say. "What are you making me?"

"It's a surprise. Now, don't be late for class."

You roll your eyes and begin to head for the door. Levi smiles to himself. He really did have the best girlfriend. 


You enter your apartment and are surprised to see Jean sat on the couch across from Eren and Mikasa who were cuddled up together watching a movie. 

"Can we talk?" He asks and you nod and lead him to your bedroom. 

"Please sit" you say gesturing to your bed as you unload your purse and stuff onto your desk. 

Jean looks up at you and already has tears in his eyes. 

"Y/n, I don't know where to begin. I am so incredibly sorry for last night." 

Tears begin to fall down his cheeks.

"I just miss Marco so much. I haven't been the same without him. What I said was true, you are the only person who helps take my mind off him..so the thought of potentially losing you too because I did something stupid when I was drunk is absolutely devastating. I never should have kissed you. Please forgive me."

"Jean-" you say. "Just breathe. Come here."

You open your arms wide and take Jean in a hug. You begin to stroke his hair with your hands and soothe your broken friend. 

"I'm not mad at you. I know you're going through a lot and your emotions are all over the place. You weren't aggressive. When I rejected your advances, you just went to bed. I'm not going to leave you. I'm right here."

"It just hurts so bad."

"I know Jean, I know. And it's going to. I'm not sure it'll ever stop. But, there is going to come a day when it gets just a little easier. And I'm here for you through it all."

"Thank you Y/n. You are genuinely one of my closest friends. Thank you for everything."

Soon Jean leaves and it's just you, Eren and Mikasa in the apartment. 

"Hey lover" Mikasa says.

"Heyyy" you reply.

"I have a question."


"When are you free to go on a double date with us?"

"Oh, um..how about tomorrow?"

"Perfect. Just confirm with Jean. It's going to be us, you guys and Sasha and Niccolo. A triple date."

"Can't wait. I'll see you lover. Take good care of her, Eren."

"Oh, I will" Eren says, taking a long pull on his joint.

Eren and Mikasa disappear to her bedroom and you sit on your phone for a bit in the living room before deciding to get ready for Levi's. 

You end up deciding on a sundress and some wedges and hurry out the door aiming to make it to his for exactly 7. 



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