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You rush out of the restaurant and hurry home so you can freshen up before having to go on stage. You touch up your makeup and go over your lipstick and eyeliner to really make your features pop. You grab a new corset top lingerie piece with a garter and teddy and throw it on under some sweat pants. 

You were kind of glad you got called in before you ate since the bloating would not help with tips on stage. You make it to the club within an hour of leaving dinner and are greeted by Pieck and Colt.

"Hey pretty" Pieck smiles. "I missed you."

"I missed you too, gorgeous."

"How's your friend Jean?"

"He's good..why do you ask?"

"Just wanted to make sure he was doing alright. He has the same sadness in his eyes I see in a lot of the girls here."

"Well, you're right about that. Don't worry. I've been keeping an eye on him."

"Good good. I knew you would."

"I know y'all hung out last time he stopped by."

"We did" Pieck agrees. 

"Here's his number" you say. "If you can't ever get a hold of me, call Jean."

"Thanks Y/n" Pieck smiles. "I will."

You hope Pieck got the hint. Your stirpper friends knew you and Jean weren't actually dating and that he was single. You had a feeling Pieck liked Jean after meeting him. It didn't hurt to let her shoot her shot. She wasn't Petra. Besides, even if Jean shot her down..he could really use another friend. 

You begin to undress and Hitch comes over to check you out. 

"Oooh I love this outfit. And, your body wow you're actually goals" she praises. 

You feel yourself getting shy at her words and try to hide your rosy cheeks. 

"Thanks Hitch" you say. "You look sexy as always."

Annie wanders over and gives you a hug from behind. 

"Hey beautiful" she greets warmly. 

"Hey sexy. How's are things with Armin?"

"They're actually really great. How's are things with your man?"

"Really good, thanks for asking."

"Wanna dance with me tonight?" Annie asks whispering in your ear seductively. 

You feel a shiver throughout your body at her words. 

"Hey! I was just about to ask the same thing" Hitch whines. 

"Why don't we all do our stage sets together?" You suggest.

"I can get behind that" Annie agrees, shoving a mint in her mouth. 

"Alright" Hitch begins glancing at the clock. "It's showtime."

The three of you saunter onto the stage to your individual spotlights. You all do pole work on your own and watch the bills fly for a bit before the real show begins. Once the first song stops, you all pause and glance at each other. Hitch gives you a mischievous look and Annie mimics her expression. The audience looks confused, but entranced by all of you. 

Annie walks over to you seductively and begins to dance for you. You playfully slap her ass and Hitch joins in. The three of you begin to combine your routines by dancing all together and give each other pseudo lap dances which really get the crowd going. You see bills cover the stage floor. If you had to guess, there were at least $10,000 worth so far. You knew the girls could both really use the money, and you were happy you'd all make enough tonight to not have to worry for a bit. 

You finish your triple act and all leave the stage laughing. 

"That was crazy. The crowd was going nuts" Hitch says. 

"I thought one guys eyes were going to pop out of his head" Annie chimes in.

"Mine almost did" you laugh. 

"Violet you got someone waiting for you in the private room" Colt says knocking before entering the changing rooms. 

Colt was never creepy or inappropriate with any of the girls, so even if he didn't knock you don't think anyone would care.

"Okay" you say. "I'll be out in a second. I'm just putting on my other fit for tonight."

Your other fit was a hot pink bra and panty set. Lace of course. Very much a barbie vibe.

"Also" Colt turns before leaving. "He wanted me to give you this" he hands you a drink. "Already paid for."

"Thank you" you say taking a sip. "Mm a Moscow mule. How did he know that's my favourite?"

Colt shrugs and begins to head out of the room. "D'know. Fair warning...he doesn't seem to like to be kept waiting."

"Got it" you nod and finish the rest of your drink. "On my way."

You knock slightly before entering the private room but hear no response so you enter. You scan the room and see a man sitting in the far corner. The room is quite dark so all you can tell for sure is that he has a strong build and glasses sit at the bridge of his nose. You step closer and when he opens his mouth, his voice stops you in your tracks. 

"Hello, Y/n." 

His voice was laced with venom, just like the last time you saw him. Now that you were closer, his blonde hair and beard were clear on his face. His blue eyes glared at you.


You gulp and feel your body start to shake instinctively. "What are you doing here?"

"What? Not happy to see me?" He taunts, already knowing the answer.

"Not really" you say earnestly. "You still haven't answered my question."

"Demanding as always, I see" he says. "You haven't changed a bit."

"Clearly, neither have you. You still don't know how to take no for an answer."

Zeke's deep laugh fills the room. He has a sort of unnerving laugh that resembles that of those with generational wealth. 

"I'm here for one reason, you."

"How did you find me again?"

"Reiner told me you were here. You had a run in with him the other night."

The creepy blonde dude that harassed you. You should've figured he knew Zeke. 

"What do you want with me?"

"I've come to take back what's mine."

"I'm not yours anymore Zeke, you just have to accept that."

"Then why is it so easy to take you away."

"What do you-"

Before you could finish your sentence, you feel your eyelids shut and your body grow weak. The Moscow mule. He must have drugged it. The last thing you feel is your body being carried away before you completely lose consciousness. 



uh oh Zeke is back...what could he be up to? 

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