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You walk with Jean to the campus café to do some studying while you sip your coffees. You feel your phone vibrate and check it discreetly.


my house tonight. 8 'o clock. don't be late. 


Yes sir. 

You smile to yourself and go back to your conversation with Jean. 

"What were saying?" 

After your little coffee date, you say bye to Jean and hurry back to your apartment. He had football practice so he wasn't going to be walking home with you. 

You decide to work on some assignments for a bit until you have to go see Professor Ackerman. 

"I'm home!" You shout locking the door behind you. 

"Missed you!" Mikasa and Sasha say in unison.

"Missed you more!" You begin to place your laptop and textbooks on the table. "Oh how's Eren by the way?"

Mikasa's face turns red. "And Niccolo?" Sasha's turns a shade matching Mikasa's.

"G-good" they both say nervously, shy to discuss their potential love interests further. You knew they'd fill you in on the details once things were official. Both of their romances were at their early stages.

"How's Jean?" Mikasa pipes up. 

"Good" you say calmly. "He treats me really well."

"I was surprised you guys connected so fast. I'm mean not that Jean's a bad guy or anything. Just that he hasn't been the most eager to dates until you came along" Sasha explains. "I'm happy for you though. I love you both so much."

"Thanks Sash" you say smiling. "I just can't wait until you guys make things official with Eren and Niccolo. Then we can group date or something."

"Ooh that'd be so fun" Sasha says.

"I'm gonna head out" Mikasa says. "Study session with Eren."

"Use protection!" You and Sasha shout as she leaves the apartment. Flipping you the bird as she goes. 

You place your headphones over your head and listen to some soft music while you study. 

By the time you finish studying, Sasha's left for her room. You glance at the time. It's almost 8. 

At around 6, Levi sent you a link to his address on maps. It's only a few minutes from campus, so you planned on walking.  You change into some pyjama bottoms and a loose band tee. This was a booty call. Plain and simple. No use dressing up for it. 

You quietly close the door behind you and begin using the maps on your phone to find Levi's place. 

You knock on the door lightly and it opens immediately. It is a small Victorian style house with a black BMW in the driveway. 

"You're late."

You look at the time on your phone. 8:02.

"By two minutes."

"Yes, late. Come inside."

Levi closes the door behind you. His house is well put together with lots of beautiful antique pieces including a beautiful antique tea set. He has a whiskey decanter on a side table with a half full bottle of whiskey. 

Levi has a beautiful red ornamental rug draped down the hallway. He leads you to his living room where he has a cozy fire place and dark brown leather couch and recliner. Bookshelves fill the walls with an impressive literary collection an an ashtray sits on the coffee table with cigarette butts and cigar butts inside. 

His Favorite Student | Levi Ackerman x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now