Nathan MacKinnon

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You had been dating Nathan for 5 months now and he had invited you to meet his family. You were riding in the passenger seat and Nathan was driving. You were extremely nervous and Nathan realized it.

"Baby, calm down they are going to love you," Nathan said.

"But what if they think I'm not good enough for you," you replied.

"I promise you they won't think that. If I love you they will love you," he said.

"Okay," you replied and looked back out the window still nervous.

Nathan took one hand off the steering wheel and placed it on your thigh to stop your legs from shaking. He started rubbing circles on your thigh slowly moving his hand up towards your pussy. You slowly started getting wetter and you needed Nathan to stop.

"Nathan babe, please stop," you said moaning slightly.

"But I really want you, and it might help you calm down," he replied looking over at you.

"I really want you too, but I don't want your family to think I am just with you for the sex. I mean how would they feel if they knew we had fucked on the ride over here." you said.

"I guess you're right," he replied moving his hand away from your pussy and put it back on your lower thigh. 

fifteen minutes later you reached his parents house. Nathan got out of the car and opened your door. he grabbed your hand and walked with you to the front door. He knocked on the door and waited for someone to open it. His mom opened the door and welcomed Nathan in giving you a dirty glare. Nathan didn't see the glare and gave his mom a hug. 

"Mom I would like you to meet my gorgeous girlfriend y/n," Nathan said.

"ehh I've seen better," she replied and walked away.

You were extremely hurt by her words but you had heard it enough before from your own parents.

"Baby don't cry, I'm sure she didn't mean it. Lets go find my dad." Nathan said.

You guys found Nathan's dad in the living room watching highlights.

"Dad I would like you to meet my girlfriend y/n," Nathan said.

"ahh so your the famous y/n. It is so nice to finally the person who makes my son so happy. I have heard a lot of things about you." Nathan's dad replied.

"It is wonderful to meet you too sir. You have raised a wonderful person and all good things I hope." you replied.

"Please call me Graham." he said back.

"Dinners ready" Nathan's mom shouted.

You, Graham, and Nathan made your way to the dining room where Nathan's mom and sister already sat. Nathan pulled out a chair for you and you thanked him. The talk during dinner was mainly about Nathan and how he was. It wasn't until the end when you were brought up.

"So y/n what do you do for a living?" his sister asked.

"well I am currently in law school working to become a lawyer." you replied.

"so your living off my son then" his mom said.

"Mom stop" Nathan said putting his hand on your thigh.

"No I will not. This slut of your girlfriend needs to provide for you too." his mom replied.

"Mom! y/n has a job as an athletic trainer for the Avalanche and she is not a slut." Nathan replied.

"oh so you're saying she doesn't go around fucking all of your teammates when your not around" his sister said.

At this point you were in tears and you ran out of the house. You sat on the hood of Nathan's car and cried thinking that everything they were saying was true.

Nathan's POV

"mom Sarah how could you say that to her." I yelled.

"well how do you know she isn't lying to you?" my mom replied.

"Hmm how do I know? ohh yeah it might be the fact that she had been cheated on before and knows that I have so she wouldn't do it to me. You also don't even know her. If you gave her a chance you would know that she is the kindest, smartest, funniest, talented, most beautiful person I know and I love her with everything I have. She isn't like my ex she is different and that's why I wanted you to meet her." I said to my family.

"Nathan, I'm sorry. I just know how hard it was for you when your ex cheated and I don't want to see you like that again." my mom said

"I'm sorry too Nathan" my sister said.

"I think we need to go and apologize to her" my mom said.

They walked outside and I was left alone inside with my father.

Y/n's POV

you sat on the hood of Nathan's car and you heard the front door open. you watched as his mom and sister came out of the house. 

"we're really sorry we said those things when we didn't even know you." his mom said.

"we're just very protective of him since we saw how broken he was after his last girlfriend cheated on him" his sister continued.

"It's fine. I know you guys are just protective of him and I shouldn't have run out of the house." you said

you heard the door open again and Nathan came out.

"we're really sorry y/n and we look forward to getting to know you better" his mom said.

"I look forward to getting to know you too" you replied.

Nathan's mom and sister went back into the house and that just left you and Nathan. Nathan used his fingers to wipe the tears off your cheeks and said "I'm really sorry baby"

"its fine Nathan I know they are protective of you" you replied.

"I know but they still shouldn't have said that to you." he said.

You just shook your head. Nathan laughed and gave you a sweet but passionate kiss on your lips.

"How about we head home now" he said.

You just nodded still taken back by the kiss. You both got in the car and Nathan placed a hand on your lower thigh but not moving it just letting you know he was there. The ride back to his summer house was quiet and when you made it home you both changed into pyjamas and cuddled in bed until you fell asleep.


This is my first imagine so sorry if it is really bad and no hate to Nathan's parents or sister who I am sure are really nice people. vote and comment.

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