Connor McDavid

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You had been Connor McDavid's girlfriend for a long time and one night while Connor was in the bathroom your were scrolling through instagram. You decided to post some pictures that you and Connor had taken over the years.

 You decided to post some pictures that you and Connor had taken over the years

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you: To my amazing boyfriend, I am so lucky to have you in my life.


drat29: where are my picture creds. Your right Connor is amazing not so sure about you though.

username 1: why don't you just say what your thinking. you know your only using him for the money.

username 2: yeah why did Connor choose her. She isn't even that pretty.

username 3: she is just a slut.

username 4: @username3 your so right. I mean why would anyone ever choose her. she deserves nothing.

username 5: Is it just me or does she seem to be getting fatter. 

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After reading some of the comments you wished that you had never posted anything. You were used to the comments and that the people who posted them were just jealous of your relationship with Connor but the more you thought about it, the more you believed they were right. You knew there were prettier women out there and one day Connor would dump you for them. The comments about you being fat took a toll on you because your ex told you the same thing and it caused you to have an eating disorder because you believed him. You started crying and just left you phone on the nightstand. Slowly you cried yourself to sleep while Connor was still in the shower.

Connor's POV

I walked out of the bathroom in nothing but sweatpants and I saw my girlfriend passed out on the bed. As I walked closer to her I saw that there were tears running down her cheeks. I checked her phone to see if something happened and when I opened it I saw one of her instagram posts. I scrolled down to the comments and saw that all of them were filled with hate except the one from Leon. I knew y/n got hate but I never knew it was this bad. I got into bed next to her and pulled out my phone. I opened instagram and started to write a post. When I finished it looked like this. 

It has come to my attention that many of my fans are sending hate out to my girlfriend

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It has come to my attention that many of my fans are sending hate out to my girlfriend. I am asking politely for you to stop. You only believe that you can be loved based on what you look like and it is rude to assume that my girlfriend isn't good enough for me based on her looks. You don't even know her so you can't judge her. I love her because she is the kindest, smartest, and most talented person I have ever met. She is also the most gorgeous person in the world and I could never replace her. She loves me for me and not the Connor McDavid you all know me as. She is so perfect and understands my schedule so she doesn't get upset if I can't do something with her. This is something no other woman can do because all you want is my attention on you. She is not with me for the money in fact she complains every time I buy her something and says I spend to much money on her. None of you know how many people she has ever been with so why do you call her a slut. Before me she was only with one other guy and he hurt her so badly that he is now in jail. You don't know how much trouble she went through with eating disorders when she was younger and calling her fat which she isn't isn't going to help her come to terms with it. I love her that much that it hurts me to see how your words affect her. She is my everything and I care about her more than hockey. Please stop with the hate and leave our relationship alone.

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y/n started to wake up so I hit post and put my phone down.

y/n's POV

I woke up and saw Connor next to me when I heard my phone buzz. I looked at it and saw that Connor had tagged me in a post. I read the post and I was in tears by the end of it. I put my phone down and went to sit on Connor who was laying down. I leaned down and kissed him passionately. We made out for a little bit and I started to grind my hips on Connor's. He groaned into the kiss and thrusted his hips upward into mine. He broke the kiss and pulled my shirt over my head. I wasn't wearing a bra underneath so my tits were fully uncovered. I lifted up my hips so he could pull my panties off and I was left fully naked. Connor started to kiss me again and I used my free hand to untie his sweatpants. He lifted his hips up and I pulled his sweats and boxers down in one motion. I lifted my hips and then slammed by body down on Connor's hard cock. Connor thrusted his hips up to meet my fast pace. Connor was playing with my tits as his cock repeatedly hit my G-spot. I continued to moan and said "I'm gonna cum" 

Connor did not respond and you came all over his cock. Connor came seconds later and coated your insides with his seed. Connor sat up and put his legs off the side of the bed while you were still on his cock. He grabbed your ass with his hands and carried you to the shower. He turned the water on with you still on him and then he shoved you into the wall, thrusting into you at an animalistic pace. The two of you didn't stay in this position long as Connor set you down and then spun you until you face met the tile wall. Connor wasted no time and slammed his cock into your ass going even faster than before. You were going to cum very soon and Connor knew that so he put a couple fingers on your clit rubbing circles. Your moans echoed off the walls enjoying the feeling of Connor stretching you out. You came and Connor continued his fast pace chasing his release. Seconds later he came coating your insides once again with his seed. Connor pulled out causing cum to drip down your leg. You both got under the water and took turns washing each other off. You dried off and Connor carried you back to bed both of you still naked. Connor laid on the bed and placed you on top of him. He slowly pressed some of his cock into you letting it rest there knowing you liked the feeling.

"Thank you for everything Connor" you said.

"of course baby I would do anything for you." he replied.

You both drifted off to sleep enjoying being in each others arms.


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