Igor Shesterkin Part 2

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The Next Morning you got up and heard Igor talking on the phone. He walked back into the bedroom and saw that you were awake.

"I'm sorry baby but I have to go. Coach called a team meeting this morning. I'll bring back breakfast when I am done." he said.

"That's fine babe, I'll find something to do here." you replied.

He nodded his head and left the bedroom. You heard a car door shut and you knew he had left. You got up and went to the bathroom. When you looked in the mirror, it was not a pretty sight to see. The majority of your neck was purple and slightly swollen and your wrist was the same. You walked into Igor's part of the closet and grabbed one of his sweatshirts, then you walked to your side and grabbed a pair of ripped jeans. You changed and saw that the sweatshirt covered up most of the bruise on your neck. You got back into bed and turned on the tv. You fell back to sleep though really quickly.

Igor's POV

I got to the rink and walked inside. Many of the guys were already in the locker room and I sat down in my stall. Coach came in and everyone became silent.

"I only really need two of you here but I told everyone to come in case a fight breaks out." Coach said. everyone looked confused and Coach elaborated "last night one of the cameras in the hallway picked up one of you harassing one of your teammates girlfriends."

Everyone except Vincent and I looked confused. People started realizing that Vincent and I knew what was going on. Many guys started looking at me with sympathy realizing that Vincent had been harassing my girlfriend as he didn't have one. The other guys simply glared at Vincent wondering what he had done. The coaching staff noticed that everyone had realized what happened and asked "Vincent do you want to explain why and what you did to y/n"

"I did it because he is so focused on her and doesn't care about hockey anymore. I mean did no one see the thumbs up he gave her last night and he was late this morning probably because he was hanging out with her." Vincent said.

Jacob spoke up and asked "What did you do to her?"

"All I did was grab her wrist and strangle her a bit. I wasn't actually going to kill her. I also went to slap her but someone got in the way." Vincent said looking at me for that last part.

"I got in the way because nothing gives you the right to harm my girlfriend. I also know that you would have done even worse things if you were left alone with her." I said.

"Yes I would have but only because you need to focus on hockey and winning the Stanley Cup. To do that she needs to be out of the way." Vincent said.

"What would you have done to her" Chris Kreider asked.

"I would have raped her and let Igor walk in on it thinking that she was cheating on him so he would break up with her and focus on hockey." Vincent said simply and then added "I mean I have done it before to all of your guy's wives or girlfriends. I have also done it to y/n multiple times Igor."

Everyone in that locker room glared at Vincent and everyone wanted to kill him.

"Vincent, there is nothing wrong with caring for our loved ones and we are all still focused on hockey. I gave her that thumbs up to let her know that I was okay and that she didn't have to worry. Why the fuck do you think I would break up with her. I trust everything she says and I would believe her if she told me you raped her. I finally get why she hates coming to team events with me and I realize its because you have been hurting her all along. She is the love of my life and will always be my number one priority. The same goes for the rest of the guys who have wives and girlfriends. They would do anything to protect them and they are their number one priorities. Hockey will always come second when you have someone that's going to be there for the rest of your life." I said angrily wanting to kill him more and more every second.

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