Jack Hughes

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You are the younger sister of the Staal brothers and had been dating Jack Hughes for several months now. You always worried that Jack would eventually have enough of you and leave you for someone better. You see Jack always asked for sex and you always turned him down but you were to scared that he would leave if you told him why. The last boyfriend you had raped, cheated, and physically abused you but not many people knew since you didn't want them to think there was something wrong with you. 

You were driving to Jacks from work at your law firm one night. You saw that there was a random car in the driveway but you didn't think much of it and just thought that Luke had invited someone over. However as you reached the front door you realized that was not the case. You heard a lot of moaning and recognized it as Jacks. Deciding you should see what it was you opened the front door. You wish you didn't because you saw Jack and some blond girl going at it on the couch. 

"What the hell Jack" you said angrily.

At your words the both of them stopped and looked over at you. Jack's face paled at the sight of you and started rambling apologies.

"Would you shut up. You did it and I'm done. Goodbye Jack have fun with your puck bunny." you said and turned around to walk out of the door. You got back into you're car and broke down into tears. You didn't have anywhere to go in New Jersey so you decided to drive down to North Carolina to see Jordan. 

When you got to Jordan's house late that night all the lights were off and his wife's car was no where to be seen. Still crying you got out of the car and walked up to the front door. You knocked and waited to see if Jordan would open it. 

"Oh baby I'm so glad you ca..." Jordan started without realizing who was at the door. 

Instead of saying anything to him you ran into his arms and continued to cry remembering to ask Jordan what happened to his wife.

"y/n are you okay?" he asked.

you were still sobbing uncontrollably so you just shook your head no.

"Come inside and you can tell me what happened okay." he said.

you nodded your head and followed him inside. Both of you sat on the couch and Jordan asked again if you were okay. you shook your head no and since he knew about your past relationships he immediately asked "did someone hit you?" you didn't answer so he asked "did Jack?"

"no." you responded quietly.

"Well then what happened?" he asked.

"Jack cheated." you responded shorty threatening to break into tears again.

He wrapped your small body in a hug and said "I'm sorry sis."

You pulled away from the hug. "It's fine Jordan. It's not your fault. I'm just a stupid girl who thought that Jack was finally the right one for me. I mean he promised he would never hurt me but I guess I wasn't enough for him." you replied.

"y/n don't say that. You are enough and no one deserves an amazing girl like you. Don't ever say your stupid because that's not true, you were just in love with him." Jordan replied softly 

"I think the bad part is that I'm still in love with him and I always will be. I want to forgive him but I know it is going to take time." you said honestly.

"He's an important part of you're life, of course your still going to care for him. I think you should ask him why he did it and then tell him your about your past relationships so he knows what hurts you. Also tell him that if he ever hurts you again I am going to kill him and I know that I would have Marc and Eric backing me up."

you laughed at the last statement but then asked "what if he doesn't want me when I tell him and just thinks I'm some broken girl."  

"Well then he doesn't deserve you and you can come live with me and date one of my teammates who I know would never hurt you." he said laughing at the last part.

You laughed to but then remembered how Jordan answered the door and asked "What happened between you and your wife?"

"um, I overheard her talking to her friend about how she was just using me for the money and trying to get her pregnant so I would stay with her. I told her we were done but I really miss her." he said. 

"I'm sorry Jordan. Like you said to me she doesn't deserve you and you can find someone better." you replied

"Thanks sis. Now on a happier note how about we watch movies and eat a lot of junk food before you leave tomorrow." he said.

"Yes lets do that!" you replied excitedly.

The next day

You woke up early that morning to drive back to New Jersey. When you got to Jack and Luke's house you knocked on the door. Luke answered the door and welcomed you in.

"I'm really sorry y/n and if it makes you feel any better I hit him in the head a couple of times. Jacks upstairs by the way." Luke said.

"Thanks Luke" you replied and walked up the stairs. When you got to Jack's room you knocked and asked "Can I come in"

you heard and small "sure" coming from inside. You opened the door and saw Jack curled up on the bed with tear stains on his cheeks. Slowly you walked over to the bed and sat down.

"I'm sorry y/n." he said looking down.

"I'm sorry too Jack. I should have given you time to explain instead of running out." you replied.

"No this is all my fault and I don't even know why I cheated." he said still looking down at the sheets.

"I have an idea why." you said then continued to say "you really wanted sex but I wasn't comfortable enough to give it to you so you went and found someone who would. Basically I'm saying I'm not enough for you."

Jack's head rose and he said "don't say that. Your perfect. I'm just an idiot who ruined the best relationship I ever had. But when you say you aren't comfortable enough is that with me as in you don't trust me?"

"First of all Jack you are not an idiot you just made a mistake. Second of all I trust you more than I trust anyone else except my brothers. It's just that in my past relationships I was cheated on, physically abused, and raped. I'm not going to go into details because it hurts to talk about it but I didn't want to tell you because I thought you would dump me and think of me as some broken little girl." you said crying a little.

Jack was in full on tears again and said "y/n I would never think of you as that and I'm so sorry that I hurt you and tried to pressure you into something you didn't want. Thank you for telling me about this though and I know its going to take time to forgive me but would you like to be my girlfriend again."

"Yes Jack I would love to be your girlfriend again. Oh and Jordan said that if you ever hurt me again he will personally kill you along with Marc and Eric." you replied happily.

Jack looked scared at the last part but pulled you into a passionate kiss. Once you were done kissing you laid down in his bed with your head on his chest.

"I love you y/n." Jack said.

"I love you too Jack." you replied and fell asleep still tired from the days events.


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