Tom Wilson

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You are the fiance of Tom Wilson and is one month pregnant with his baby. Tonight was the first game of the playoffs against the New York Rangers. You watched the game with the other wags in the box. The game wasn't going well for the Capitals and the final score was 4-1 Rangers. You and the other wags made your way down to the locker room. You knew that Tom wasn't going to be happy and you were in for a difficult night. One by one all of the players exited the locker room and Tom was the last one out. He walked right past you and towards the exit. You walked quickly to catch up with him. When you got to the car he was already in the drivers seat and waiting for you. You got in the car and he started to drive off. 

You knew better than to talk to him while he was mad so the drive was really quiet and awkward. When you got to your house Tom quickly got out of the car and ran inside. You made your way inside the house with Tom's bag and put everything away. Once you put everything away you walked into the living room and saw that Tom had a nearly empty six-pack of beers and was watching highlights to see what he could do better. 

"Hey I'm getting kind of hungry do you want me to make you anything?" you questioned.

"I don't need you to cook for me! I don't need you at all. All I need is beer and hockey and I am living a happy life. You mean nothing to me and I never loved you!" he yelled at you.

At this point you were in tears and said "I'm sorry I'll leave you alone now."

He stood up off the couch and walked towards you grabbing your wrist harshly causing you to wince. "No since you already ruined my evening, you are going to stay here." he said and then shoved you into the corner of a wall causing you to groan in pain and clutch you head. When you removed your hand from your head you saw that there was blood all over in. You looked back towards where Tom was you realized that he had moved closer to you. You put your hands over your stomach trying to protect the baby but it was useless when Tom continuously kicked you. He kept going and you had tears in your eyes. You heard a loud snapping noise and realized it was your ribs. Tom stopped and walked away. You thought he was leaving so you tried to get up but he came back seconds later holding a knife from the kitchen. 

"You see I never loved you or that baby so I'm going to do the only thing to get rid of both of you which is by killing you." he stated with a smirk on his face. With that he pushed the knife into your stomach causing you to scream. Instead of leaving the knife in your stomach he pulled it out causing you to freely bleed. Tom walked away and upstairs. You thought you were going to die but fortunately your neighbor/brother T.J Oshie heard your screams and rushed right over to the house. Before he could get over to where you were you blacked out from the pain and blood loss.


I heard my sister screaming from her house so I immediately headed over. When I got to the house the door was unlocked so I went right in. When I got in the house I saw a sight I never want to see again. My baby sister was lying on the ground unconscious and covered in blood. I ran to her and picked her up and brought her to my car. I quickly drove to the hospital. On the ride I couldn't help but think who did this to her and I knew it must have been Tom while he was drunk because he wasn't there. I was so mad at him and was going to kill him but my sister's life was my first priority. I got to the hospital and ran my sister inside. Immediately doctors saw my sister and took her back to a room. The doctor's told me I had to sit in the waiting area and they would come to talk when they got her stabilized if they ever did. I started crying because that could very well be the last time I ever saw my sister. 5 hours later a doctor came back out and started talking to me.

"We were able to stabilize your sister and she is resting right now. She has 12 broken ribs, a concussion, large amounts of blood loss, some internal bleeding, and she lost the baby." he said.

"Baby?" I questioned.

"Yes your sister was one month pregnant but I'm guessing you didn't know." he explained.

"No I didn't but her boyfriend would have known." I said.

"Does he know what happened?" the doctor asked.

"No but I am pretty sure he is the one who did all of this." I said.

"Would you like to put out a warrant for his arrest." the doctor asked.

"No, because he was drunk and I know my sister still loves him and I can't do that to her." I said.

"Very well. You may go see her if you like." the doctor said.

"Thank you" I replied and walked towards the room she was in. When I got there it was not a pretty sight to see. She was covered in bruises. I laid down on the bed pulling her body into mine and texting my wife what had happened so she wouldn't worry about me. I slowly started drifting off with my sister in my arms. 

Tom's POV

I woke up the next morning not knowing why my girlfriend wasn't in bed with me. I got up and walked downstairs to see a sight I never want to see again. There were beer bottles all over the living room, a bloody knife, and blood lots of blood. Suddenly it all came back to me. How could I hurt the one person I loved most. Based on the amount of blood I knew she was probably in the hospital so I got in my car and drove to the nearest one. When I got to the hospital I asked the receptionist if y/n Oshie was there and the receptionist said she was in room 821. I got to her room and opened the door. I nearly broke down right there because of how broken she looked. I also noticed T.J. was there looking at me with so much hatred and anger in his eyes. I mean who could blame him I did nearly kill his sister.

"Is she in a coma" I asked.

"Thankfully not but she could have been dead if I didn't get to her in time. I mean what were you thinking oh that's right you weren't." he replied with venom lacing his words.

"I know I messed up and I'm extremely sorry" I said.

"You shouldn't be apologizing to me. You didn't hurt me and kill my baby." he replied.

"Wait I killed the baby?" I asked.

"Yeah all of those kicks to the ribs killed it. And the worst part is she still loves you and wants you back. She told me last night." he said.

y/n started to stir in T.J.'s arms so he let go of her telling us that he would leave us alone to talk. 

"y/n I am so sorry. I wasn't thinking and you have every right to hate me and never see me again." I said.

"Tom I don't hate you, I love you and it is partially my fault because I knew I should have left you alone but I didn't." she said back.

"No baby none of this is your fault its all mine and I probably ruined the best relationship ever so I'll leave and get out of your life." I said sadly.

"No don't leave. I want you and I want to be your fiance. I love you more than anything. This was just a mistake and I forgive you. If you lose again we will just learn from this okay." she said.

"okay" I replied.

"Come here" she said and motioned to the spot next to her.

I immediately laid down next to her and pulled her into my chest. I said "I love you so much baby"

"I love you too Tom" she said.

We laid there comfortably soon falling asleep not knowing that T.J. was outside the whole time listening to everything. I learned my lesson and how to control my anger so I never laid a hand on my fiance or our future children.


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