Sam Reinhart

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You had been Sam Reinhart's girlfriend for a two years now and he had yet to meet your parents even though you had met his. You only had one reason why you did want him to meet your parents and that was because of your brother. Your brother was Brad Marchand and well you knew he was going to hate Sam. Your parents on the other hand really wanted to meet Sam and didn't know why you wouldn't bring him home with you.

"baby can I please meet your parents" he whined giving you puppy dog eyes.

"Fine you can come with me but promise me that you won't start something with my brother" you gave in.

"I promise I won't start anything but how can the two of you be related." he asked.

"What do you mean" you said.

"I mean your the sweetest person on the planet and your brother likes punching people for no reason" he said.

"Hey he had a reason, not a good one but a reason for punching you in the face. It was because your dating me. Besides my brother is sweet to me" You said defending Brad.

"That's because he loves you" Sam said.

"whatever, go pack if you want to go with me" you retorted.

"I already did. I knew you would change your mind" he said.

"seriously" you said.

"yep. now lets get going" he said.

"Okay. I'm assuming since you figured I'd change my mind, you bought a plane ticket too." you asked.

"Yep" he replied and dragged you out the door towards your car.

You got to the airport and quickly passed through security. You got on the plane and quickly fell asleep. You woke up to Sam saying "Baby we're here" and kisses being placed all over your face. You got up and walked with Sam to go get your suitcases. You got your suitcases and walked outside to where you knew your family was waiting. You saw your mom and dragged Sam over to her. You're mom wrapped you in a hug and didn't let you go. Once she did you hugged your dad. Both your parents had just realized that Sam was standing behind you. Your mom squealed with delight and ran to hug him your dad just shook his hand.

"Come on lets go home and I'm sure you two are hungry" your mom said still extremely happy that you brought Sam.

You grabbed Sam's hand and led him to the car following your parents. You all got in the car and your mom spoke "y/n pumpkin Brad's not going to be here until tomorrow so you don't have to be so worried"

"Oh okay mom" you replied.

The drive to you childhood house was short. You got out of the car and led Sam to your bedroom. You set your stuff down and went back downstairs. You decided to help your mom cook and Sam went to watch some baseball game with your dad.

"Sweetie you don't need to help me. You can go hang out with Sam." she said.

"Mom its okay we hang out a lot in Florida and I don't get to see you often."

"Anyway how does he treat you" she asked becoming protective

"Mom he treats me better than any of my exes have. He makes me feel like I'm on cloud nine" I told her

"marriage coming anytime soon then" she asked.

"Mom seriously. You just met him and I know Brad doesn't like him. Besides I am only 22" I told her.

"I know I just met him but I love him and I know your dad does too. You shouldn't care what Brad thinks he'll come around eventually. You're not to young" she tried to convince me.

"I know I shouldn't but he is literally my best friend" I told her.

"It will all work out. Anyway's hows the sex, does he have a big dick, is he any good" she questioned.

I blushed and said "MOM! I am not answering that"

"Does that mean you haven't had it" she said.

I blushed an even deeper red and said "no we have but you don't need to know about it"

"Well I tried. Go get him and your dad for dinner" she said.

You walked to the living room and said that dinner was ready. Your dad and Sam followed you to the dining room and you all sat down to eat. As you guys ate all of the conversation was about Sam and how he treated you. At the end of the conversation Sam had definitely won over your dad and your mom only loved him more. You guys continued to talk and when your mom got up to clean the dishes you and Sam both stood up to do it instead.

"You guys don't have to do this" my mom said.

"We know but we're guests so its the least we can do to help out" Sam said.

"well we're going to bed then. Goodnight you two." my dad said.

The two of you cleaned the dishes and then went up stairs to your bedroom. Luckily your parents room was on the other side of the house. You and Sam both went into the bathroom to shower. The two of you washed each other off but not in a sexual way. You finished your shower and changed into your pajamas. You climbed into bed and Sam followed you. You curled up into Sam's side and wrapped your arms around his waist. Sam wrapped his arms around you protectively and he placed a kiss on the top of your head. You smiled and told him you loved him.

"I love you to baby, so much"

The two of you drifted off to sleep in each others embrace.

The next morning you woke up to a lot of yelling. You realized that Sam wasn't next to you and you went down stairs.

"What the fuck are you doing with my sister" Brad yelled.

"Brad stop" you yelled before he could hit Sam.

You walked towards Brad and said "Brad I love him, he is everything to me. I know your protective of me but please give him a chance."

If there was one thing Brad could never do it would be refusing you "Fine, but the second he hurts you he is a dead man."

Brad wrapped his arms around you and hugged you.

"Brad I can't breathe" you struggled to say. He let you go and then you asked "Where are mom and dad"

"They went out to get breakfast" Brad replied then said "wanna play NHL"

"Sure" you replied.

The two of you played until your parents got home and then you ate breakfast. You're mom told you to go change as you were having a girls day. You did that and kissed Sam goodbye earning a disgusted grunt from Brad. The boys were going to hang out and lets just say Sam won over Brad to. Maybe it was a good idea that you brought Sam and you couldn't wait for your family to get to know him more.


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