Trevor Zegras

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Trevor had invited you to hang out at the Hughes house this summer. It was night time and everyone was on the boat. You and Trevor were sleeping together underneath a blanket. The other boys were out on the water. You felt Trevor move your bikini bottoms to the side and rub your clit. You woke up but didn't say anything and you buried your head into his chest to muffle any moans. Trevor thrusted four fingers into your pussy and moved them in and out. He kept going at a slow pace but you knew you were going to cum soon. Suddenly the blanket covering you and Trevor was pulled down but not far enough that other people could see what you were doing. Trevor quickly pulled his fingers out of you and put your bottoms back on. Jack was standing above you and poured a bucket of water on you two. You and Trevor got up and jumped in the lake. 

You swam away from everyone else and Trevor pulled you into his body. You wrapped your legs around his waist and you pulled down his swim trunks letting his rock hard dick spring free. Trevor moved you bikini bottoms to the side again and pushed his dick into you. You moved your head to his neck in order to muffle any moans. Trevor slowly moved his dick in and out. You whispered into his ear "oh Trevor this feels so nice" "You liked being fucked when everyone's around yeah" he said. "mmm yes. I'm going to cum soon" you replied. "hold on just a bit longer baby" he said. You held on as long as you could before you came all over Trevor's cock. Trevor came seconds later coating your insides with his seed. Trevor pulled out of you and moved your bikini bottoms back into place while you pulled up his boxers and tied them. Quinn soon yelled that we were going back to the house to watch movies so you guys got back on the boat. 

When you got back to the house everyone decided that they were going to take showers before they watched movies. You and Trevor went to your room and you guys decided to shower together. Trevor turned the water on and slammed you face first against the wall. Trevor slammed his dick into you going at a much faster pace than before. Your moans were echoing off the wall and you could feel a knot forming in your stomach. With each thrust Trevor was going deeper and deeper inside of you. You let out a loud moan and came all over Trevor's dick. Trevor let out a groan and released his seed inside you once again. Trevor pulled out of you and dragged you under the water. You both took turns washing each other off. You turned the water off and Trevor went to go get some clothes for the two of you. You got dressed in a bra, underwear, one of Trevor's shirts and a pair of his sweatpants. Trevor got dressed in a pair of boxers and sweatpants. You two headed downstairs hoping that you weren't one of the last ones. Surprisingly the only other person down there was Quinn and he didn't say anything so you assumed he didn't hear what you guys had done. You grabbed a bowl for you and Trevor and you filled it up with popcorn and m&ms. By now everyone was downstairs and getting snacks. Trevor sat on the couch and pulled you into his lap. He grabbed a blanket an wrapped it around the both of you. He draped his arm around you back and pulled you into his chest. Throughout the movie Trevor would place kisses on your head. The bowl was empty so you put it on the coffee table and saw that everyone except Quinn and Luke were asleep. You leaned back into Trevor and he slipped one of his hands up your shirt. He un-clipped your bra and removed it, putting it in the pocket of his sweatpants. He started rolling your nipples in his hands. You told him to stop because Quinn was sitting right next to you and you didn't want to get caught. You told Quinn and Luke goodnight and dragged Trevor upstairs. You were too tired to actually do anything so you and Trevor laid down in bed. Trevor pulled your back into his chest and resumed playing with your boobs. You sighed contently and told Trevor goodnight. You knew he was going to continue playing with you for a bit but you didn't mind.

The next morning you woke up with Trevor's hand groping both of your boobs. You rolled over and placed a kiss on his lips. This woke him up and he pulled you closer to deepen the kiss. You checked you phone and saw that you and Trevor had been tagged in a post by Jack.

 You checked you phone and saw that you and Trevor had been tagged in a post by Jack

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JackHughes: My best friends leaving me for his girlfriend!!!!!!😭😭😭😭😭😭


QuinnHughes: oh well buddy

LukeHughes: Thats cus no one wants to be with you bro.

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You and Trevor were glad that this was all they saw because it was from yesterday when you guys were fucking. You were both slightly embarrassed but you made sure that anytime you had sex in public you didn't get caught. The two of you got dressed and went downstairs to make breakfast. Even though you were embarrassed that didn't stop you two from having more sex when people were around.

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