Igor Shesterkin

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*Pretend Vincent Trocheck doesn't have a wife or kids.*

It was game 2 of the second round and you were sitting in the suite with the rest of the WAGS. 12 minutes into the game Andrei Svechnikov tripped your boyfriend Igor. Igor got up and gave you a thumbs up showing you that he was okay. You calmed down but you were definitely going to take care of him later. Vincent Trocheck saw the thumbs up Igor gave you and glared up to where you were sitting. You didn't know why Vincent didn't like you but he had been like that since you met him. At the end of regulation the game was tied so they went into overtime. Finally in the second overtime the Rangers scored giving them a 2-0 lead in the series. 

You walked down to the locker room with the rest of the WAGS and waited outside for your men to be done. One by one the guys came outside but Igor was still in the locker room. All of the other WAGS had left so you were alone. You slid down the wall and sat on the floor. You took out your phone and started scrolling through tiktok. The locker room doors opened and you looked up only to see Vincent. He walked towards you and grabbed your hair pulling you to your feet. He let go of your hair and grabbed your wrist so tightly that you knew it was going to bruise. He used his other hand and grabbed your neck squeezing down on it. You yelled out a strangled help and Igor heard it thankfully. Vincent let go of your wrist and went to slap you but Igor pushed himself between you two and pulled you behind him. 

"Touch her and your dead" Igor said. You didn't hear the rest of the conversation as you were still trying to catch you breath. You assumed that Vincent had left because Igor turned around and engulfed you in a hug. You didn't care if he was sweaty, all you cared about was being safe. Igor put his hands around your ass and picked you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist and put your head into his neck breathing in his scent. He moved his hands to your back and carried you to the car. Once he got to the car he placed you in the passenger seat and got in the drivers seat. Once he got out of the parking lot he moved one of his hands to hold yours and he placed your intertwined hands on his thigh. Occasionally he would look over at you but you would always be staring out the window. You didn't want Igor to see you crying so you tried not to look at him. Your wrist and neck hurt badly and you knew there were going to be bruises. Once you got to your guy's house Igor picked you up again and carried you inside.

Once you got inside he carried you upstairs and placed you on the bed. He went into the bathroom and you heard water running. He came back out and carried you to the bathroom. He filled the tub with warm water and your favorite soap. He placed you on the counter and helped you take off your clothes. He picked you up and placed you in the tub and then left. He came back in though, seconds later with one of his shirts, a pair of his sweatpants, and a pair of underwear for you to change into when your were done. He left the bathroom again but this time to give you privacy. You sat in the water thinking about why Vincent had done what he did but you couldn't come up with any reasons. You sat in the water until it became cold. You dried off and put on the clothes that Igor had given you. You drained the tub and went to the sink to do your nightly routine. You walked back into the bedroom and Igor was sitting on the bed with some ice and a cup of tea. He placed everything on your nightstand and then went into the bathroom to shower. 

You got into bed and turned on the tv to ESPN which was playing the Avalanche vs. Stars game. You placed the ice on your wrist and neck and then you used your free hand to drink your tea. 20 minutes later Igor came out of the bathroom dressed in only some sweatpants. You placed the now warm ice back on the nightstand where your empty cup already was. Igor sat down next to you and took both of your hands into his. You looked down and you could already see the bruise forming on your wrist Igor rubbed his thumbs over the backs of your hands and kissed where the bruise was. He then let go of your hands and used one of his hands to lift your chin up. Your eyes met and you could see that Igor's eyes were filled with tears. He couldn't see the bruise on your neck yet but he could see the outline of Vincent's hand. He used his other free hand and rubbed it down your neck towards your collarbone causing you to flinch backwards at his touch. 

"I'm sorry." he said.

"Don't worry about it I'm fine and you did nothing." you replied.

"Yeah the problem is that I did nothing. You wouldn't be hurting if I had gotten in the way sooner" he said.

"How were you supposed to know I was being hurt. I am grateful that you stepped in when you did otherwise who knows what he would have done." you replied using your thumbs to wipe away the tears that were falling from his eyes. 

"It just that I love you so much and it hurts me to see you hurt." he said.

"I love you so much too Igor and thank you for stepping in when you did." you said.

"Of course, I will always protect you. Your the love of my life and you mean everything to me." he replied.

You didn't say anything and instead you pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. He moved the blankets to the side and laid down on his back. You laid down on top of him wrapping your arms around his body and draping your legs around his legs. You gave him another soft kiss and you laid your head on his chest, breathing in his scent and listening to his heartbeat. Igor pulled the blankets back over the two of you. He then slid his arms underneath the blankets and wrapped his arms around you making you feel safe and secure.

"Do you have practice tomorrow" you whispered.

"Yes but not until the afternoon." he said back.

"okay so we can cuddle all morning." you asked.

"We can do whatever you want baby." he said.

You didn't reply and you drifted off to sleep along with Igor. You woke up in the middle of the night having a nightmare about what happened but Igor was there to calm you down. You quickly fell back asleep but Igor stayed awake the rest of the night running his fingertips down your back and occasionally pressing kisses to the top of your head. 


This was so long when I originally wrote it so I'm splitting it into two parts.  Part two will be published either later today or tomorrow. Comment who you want next and vote.

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