Dawson Mercer

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Requested by: mattdawsonL0v3er 

Trigger Warning: Rape

Dawson Mercer is my boyfriend and we were going to a New Jersey Devils New Years Eve party. Dawson and I were getting ready so we could drive over to my brother Jack Hughes' house where the part was. I put on this dress.

I walked out of the bathroom to where Dawson was

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I walked out of the bathroom to where Dawson was. He heard me and looked up from his phone. When he saw me his jaw dropped.

"You're so gorgeous baby" he said moving towards me.

"Aww thank you babe. Now lets get going we don't want to be late" I said and then gave him a kiss on the lips. He grabbed my hand and led me to the car. He got in the drivers seat and I got in the passenger seat. He held my hand and placed our intertwined hands on his thigh. The two of you sat in a comfortable silence and I would occasionally look over at Dawson and admire his hotness. We quickly arrived at Jack's house and we went up to the door to knock. Luke opened the door and welcomed us in. Eventually everyone arrived and the party was in full swing. 

I had lost track of Dawson about an hour ago when he told me he was going to play some random game with Jack and Nico. I went to get another drink. I didn't feel like having alcohol so I looked in Jack's fridge for something else. I found a bottle of black tea so I grabbed it and poured it into a cup. I went to put the tea back and when I turned around Micheal McLeod was standing in front of me.

"Sorry y/n" he said.

"No worries Micheal" I replied. I walked around him and grabbed your drink. I continued to sip on my drink throughout the night but I constantly felt like someone was watching me. I started to get dizzy which was weird because I hadn't had any alcohol. I walked upstairs to where I knew a bathroom was. When I got up the stairs Micheal McLeod was smirking at me. I realized that he must have drugged my drink earlier when I was putting the tea back. Micheal grabbed my hand and wrapped his other hand around my mouth so I couldn't scream for help. 

He dragged me into Jack's bedroom where there was a whole bunch of rope sitting on the bed. He threw me to the ground and closed the door. I saw that he didn't lock it but I was too dizzy to try and escape. Micheal pulled me up off the ground so I was standing. He started to grope my clothed breasts and rock his hips against mine. 

"Stop please" I begged.

"Nope, I want to fuck someone and its going to be you" he replied and then kissed me so I couldn't say anything. He removed my clothes piece by piece trying to torture me. He pushed me on to the bed and then grabbed the rope. 

"Can't have you escaping when your meant to be mine" he said to himself. He tied my hands to the headboard extremely tightly and then tied my ankles to the edge of the bed the same way. He moved away from me and grabbed his phone. He started recording me and he taped his phone to the ceiling above the bed.

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