Zach Hyman

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5 minutes left in the third period. The score was 3-2 Edmonton winning. The five minutes go by quickly and the final buzzer sounds. The Edmonton Oilers have moved on to the Western Conference Finals. 

You made your way down to the locker rooms to congratulate your boyfriend Zach Hyman. You had to wait awhile for Zach to come out as everyone was celebrating. When he did come out, you ran towards him and jumped into his arms. You're lucky he had quick reflexes and caught you. He spun you around and kissed your lips passionately causing hollers from his team. He put you down but didn't let go of you. 

"Congratulations babe" you told him staring into your eyes.

"Thanks. Its all because my good luck charm was here" he replied.

you blushed and said "I think it was mostly skill"

"Nah it was you" he replied.

You shook your head and released yourself from his arms. You grabbed his hand and walked with him to the car. You both got in the car and he drove back to your house. You were unusually quiet on the ride home and Zach started to notice. 

"Whats wrong baby" he asked.

"I want a baby" you blurted out without thinking.

"what?" he asked even though he heard you perfectly.

"I want a baby" you repeated.

"okay. can I ask why" he said looking back at the road.

"Well I love you and I am never going to leave you. I know we are going to get married someday. I also overheard one of your conversations with Connor and you said you really wanted a baby but you didn't want to pressure me. I also really just want to have sex without protection. What I'm saying is I want to have your baby" you told him.

"If that is what you want then okay. We can get started when we get home alright" he said

"Okay." you replied.

Zach moved one of his hands off the steering wheel and placed it on your thigh. He gently rubbed your thigh getting closer to your pussy. He didn't do anything else. You got home and you were extremely wet. The two of you got out of the car. Zach led you into the house and up the stair towards your bedroom. He shut the door and pulled you into his body. He placed his lips on yours and ran his hands down your body. You moved your hands down to the buttons of his shirt. You unbuttoned his shirt and ran your hands up his chest and to his shoulders. You slid his shirt of his shoulders and let if fall to the ground. Zach broke the kiss and pulled your jersey over your head. You pressed your lips back onto his and the two of you began making out again. You slid your hands down his chest until you got to the waistband of his pants. You pulled down his pants and he stepped out of them. Zack unclasped your bra letting it fall off of you. He then moved his hands down to your pants. You were palming Zach's rock hard cock through his underwear. You stopped and pulled his underwear down and then resumed palming him. Zach pulled down your pants and panties in one go and started walking towards the bed. The backs of your knees hit the bed and Zach pushed you onto it. He hovered over you staring at your body like it was a piece of meat. 

"Why are you so beautiful" he whispered to himself but you heard it.

He pushed his cock into you and gave you some time to adjust. You nodded your head and allowed him to continue. He pushed in and out of you setting an extremely fast pace. 

"No matter how many times I fuck you your always so tight" he grunted.

"Don't Stop. faster" You moaned.

Zack picked up the pace. The bed kept hitting the wall and Zach's cock continually went deeper into you. 

"I'm gonna cu-m" you moaned.

"Cum for me baby" He groaned out.

You could feel his thrusts getting sloppy and you knew he was almost at his climax. You clenched around his cock and came all over it. Zach came right after you, filling your insides with his warm seed. He never stopped thrusting into you and continued his extremely fast pace. He slid one of his hands between your bodies and rubbed your clit with his thumb. He then leaned forward giving his cock a new angle to fuck you at. Zach placed his lips on yours and made out with you again. You felt his cock go even deeper into you and you moaned into Zach's mouth letting him slip his tongue into yours. You didn't have time to let Zach know you were going to cum so you came all over his cock once again. Seconds later Zach came inside you again. 

This time he pulled out of you. He laid down on his back and you knew he wanted you to ride him. You climbed on top of him and sat down on his cock. You bounced on him at a slow pace enjoying the feeling of him inside you. Zach sat up a bit but just enough so he could suck you tits. The feeling of him caused you to moan even more. Zach then used one hand and put it on your clit rubbing circles with his thumb again. 

"I'm gonna cu-m" you moaned.

You came all over his cock once again and you felt Zach's cum shoot up into you. You lifted yourself off of Zach's cock and sat down on the bed next to him. You both caught your breaths. Zach got up off the bed and went into your closet. When he came back he was holding something in his hand but you couldn't see what it was. He stood in front of you and placed his hand in front of your eyes. You saw that he was holding a vibrator. He turned it on to the extreme setting and pushed it into your pussy. He then said "you're going to sleep with this vibrator on and with my cock inside you." 

He laid down on his back and motioned for you to sit on his cock again. You climbed on top of him and lowered yourself onto his cock. You leaned forward so that your head was on his chest. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled the blankets over top of you.

"I loved you so much baby and I can't wait to have a baby with you" He told you sweetly.

"I can't wait either and I love you too" you replied sleepily.

The two of you drifted off to sleep.

The next morning you woke up feeling extremely full. You saw that Zach was already awake. You lifted yourself off of his cock and sat down next to him. Zach sat up and pushed his hand into your pussy. He removed the vibrator and turned it off. Even though there was nothing else inside you, you still felt extremely full. This kind of made you wonder how many times you came in your sleep. You and Zach were still tired so you laid back down and Zach held you protectively. 

5 weeks later

The playoffs were over and the Edmonton Oilers had won the Stanley Cup. Zach was going to be at media all day so he left earlier in the morning. You had woken up with the feeling of throwing up and ran to the bathroom. You brushed your teeth and grabbed a pregnancy test from under the sink. You peed on it and waited for the timer to go off. Once the timer went off you flipped over the test and saw a positive sign. You were extremely happy but also really scared because you were so young. Either way you were excited to tell Zach. You didn't want to wait to tell him so you wrapped the test in a box and would give it to him when he got back. 

3 hours later

You heard a door open and ran towards it to see Zach.

"Babe, I have a surprise for you" you said excitedly.

"Okay" he said confused.

You handed him the box and said "open it"

He took it from you and opened it. Once he did his eyes went wide and his jaw dropped. 

"Are you really" he asked.

you nodded your head. He put the box on a table and picked you up. He started kissing you and whispering how much he loved you. You were both excited to have a baby and you couldn't wait until they came.


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