Jordan/Eric Staal

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You are the daughter of Eric and his long term girlfriend. Close to your due date your mom decided she was too young to have a child so she got drunk and crashed the car trying to kill you. The doctors managed to save you but not your mom. Since then Eric hated you and said you were the reason for her death.

Five years later

You are now five years old. You were walking home from school because your dad yet again forgot to pick you up. You got that he was busy with playing in the NHL but you knew that he didn't have anything to do this afternoon. It was about a 30 minute walk from school to your house but it seemed to take forever in the pouring down rain. When you got home your dad's car was parked in the driveway. You walked inside the house and your dad was no where to be seen. You took a seat at the bar and began to do your homework. 30 minutes later you were done and your dad finally decided to make an appearance although you wished he didn't. He came up to you dragged you by the hair and sat you on the floor. You had been through this a lot before so you knew not to say anything unless you were spoken to.

"You want to tell me why I got a call from your teacher saying you should move up to a higher level class?" he spit out.

"well.." you started.

"Did I call on you to answer anything. No I didn't think so. I told you no one likes a know-it-all. I have told you before to stay quiet but do you listen. No! You never do. I wish you never would have been born because is is embarrassing having such a big disappointment like you for a child. Your the reason the love of my life is dead and you have only ruined my life since. Your just some stupid bitch who thinks everyone will give you whatever you want. Well I'm sorry to say that's not true. No one will give you what you want because they don't even like you. They just say that so they don't hurt your fragile little body. Now go get dressed I have a game to get to." he said with venom lacing every word. 

You scurried upstairs and quickly got dressed and then you ran back downstairs to where your dad was waiting.

"okay lets go over the rules. 1. don't tell anyone what I say to you. 2. only speak when spoken to. 3. don't eat anything no one likes a fat child which your starting to become. Now lets go.

You nodded your head crying slightly and walked to the car. You got in the car and the drive to the arena was filled with silence. Your dad dropped you off at the players entrance and made his way to the locker room leaving you to walk up to the suite with all of the wags and children. During the game many of the wags realized how quiet you were and how you weren't eating. They already had their suspicions about how Eric was treating you because of what their significant others said. When the game was over one of the wags asked if you were coming to the locker room with them to which you replied by shaking you head and saying "dad told me to stay here."

The wags left and you were once again all alone.


"I think we need to talk with everyone and see what we can do" someone stated.

everyone agreed and we waited for our men to come out of the locker room. Eric was the first one out, rushing through the players entrance. everyone realized that he had just left his daughter there so many of us went to talk to the guys to see if there was something we could do. The only suggestion they had was going to talk to Jordan who they just played. A couple of the wives and some of the guys went to the visitors locker room hoping Jordan was still there. we knocked on the door and someone opened it. 

Jordan's POV

Someone knocked on the locker room door and I got up to opened it. When I opened it there were several Panther's players and their wives. They asked me if I ever noticed Eric treating y/n weirdly and I realized he seemed to ignore her more often than not. They told me Eric had rushed out and that y/n was still in the suite. I thanked them and went up to the suite. When I got closer I could hear crying and knew it was y/n. I saw her curled up in a ball against the wall with tears running down her cheeks. I picked her up and took her to my rental car. I knew where my brother lived so I drove there occasionally checking to see if y/n was okay. When I got to the house y/n was fast asleep so I picked her up and knocked on the front door. Eric answered and when he realized y/n was in my arms he glared at her and said "why did you bring her back?"

"maybe because she is your daughter and your supposed to take care of her." I responded.

"That devil is not my daughter and she never will be. I don't even love her. She killed the love of my life. It should have been her who died." he yelled.

"Eric you can't actually be saying that. And it is entirely Kacey's fault for getting drunk and trying to kill her child." I said.

"you know what. If you love her so much take her. I have never wanted her and I never will." he yelled and slammed the door in my face. I turned around to walk back to the car when I saw that y/n was awake and crying again.

"Don't worry princess your safe now. Forget any rule he ever told you and tell me." I said while putting her in the car.

Once I started the car she said "Daddy is verbally abusive and doesn't let me eat more than once every two days. Also can we get McDonalds, I'm hungry."

I wanted to break down when she said that because no one should be treated like that. I just nodded my head to answer her question and drove to the nearest McDonalds. Once I got her food I drove back to the hotel hoping Rod would understand my issue. By the time we were back at the hotel y/n was asleep again. I got to the hotel and Rod was viewing plays. When I came in he looked up and looked angry at me probably for missing curfew. However when he saw y/n and the tears in my eyes his face immediately softened. 

"This is y/n my brother's daughter. Eric verbally abuses her and doesn't want her anymore so I am going to take care of her." I whispered trying not to wake her.

"Your a good person Jordan, I hope you know that." he replied and walked away. 

I took her upstairs to my room which I shared with Jordan Martinook who was still awake when I walked in.

"Why are you so late" he asked.

I repeated what I told Rod and said "This is y/n my brother's daughter. Eric verbally abuses her and doesn't want her anymore so I am going to take care of her."

"So she is coming back to Raleigh with us?" he questioned.

"Yes" I said.

I laid y/n down on my bed and then got in next to her. Jordan and I said goodnight and turned off the lights. I pulled y/n close to me and kissed her head whispering "I love you, sweet dreams."

We went back to Raleigh the next day and I got started on putting a room together for y/n. I enrolled her in a private school which she would go to the next day.

The next day

I dropped y/n off at school and went back home to work on her room. Later I face timed Marc and my parents updating them on what happened with y/n. To say the least they were all mad at Eric and said that if I needed help I should call them. I went to go pick up y/n from school and when we got home I made her a snack and sat with her at the bar to help her with her homework. 

Y/n's POV

Ever since Jordan started taking care of me. I have never felt more loved and I am grateful for him. Sometimes I do wonder what I did to make my dad hate me but it is not very important anymore.


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