Sidney Crosby

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You were a figure skater and you loved it. The only thing bad about it was that it took up a lot of your time. You and your best friend Keira also a figure skater were heading up to Pittsburgh to compete in U.S. Championships the competition who would decide who goes to the Olympics. Even though figure skating took up a lot of your time you and Keira were full time students at Penn State. Both of you were majoring in kinesiology. You and Keira made it to your hotel and dropped your stuff off with the exception of your skates. You both made your way to the PPG Paints Arena where the Penguins played. The Penguins season was over but you knew they still had media stuff to do. You got to the arena and met up with your coach. You started warming up off ice before you put your skates on. You took about 30 minutes to warm up so you went to do a couple of stretches. You and Keira put your skates on and then headed out on to the ice. You two had the ice to yourselves since it was pretty late in the afternoon. You and Keira started your on ice warm up and then your coach had you run through your routines. Keira did her short program and then you did yours. When you finished you heard a bunch of clapping. You turned around to look at who it was and you saw your cousin Kris Letang. He was with Evgeni Malkin and Sidney Crosby. 

Sidney's POV

Tanger, Geno, and I were walking around the arena when we heard music coming from the ice. The most beautiful girl I had ever seen was gracefully skating around the ice to the music. When she finished Kris started clapping so I figured she must have known him somehow. She looked back and saw that her coach was still talking to another attractive blond but the one skating towards us was all I could focus on. 

"hey cuz" Kris said

"hey Krissy" she replied laughing. Man her laugh was so perfect.

"I told you to stop calling me that! Anyway good job and when do you compete?" Kris spoke.

Thanks and I compete tomorrow and the day after that." she answered her gaze flickering from Kris to me. 

"Oh can I watch?" Kris spoke while Geno and I both said "can I come too"

"Yes you can all come but I have to get back to practicing before my coach gets mad at me" she said.

Kris gave her a hug and kissed the top of her head and whispered something that wasn't audible for me. She turned around and skated back to the benches to watch the other girl skate.

Kris and Geno were talking but I zoned out thinking about how gorgeous the girl was but knowing I could never have her because she was Kris's cousin. 

"Hello earth to Sidney" Kris said snapping me out of my thoughts and I realized that Geno had left.

"Sorry what were you saying" I asked.

"Nothing important but do you have a crush on my cousin?" Kris spoke.

My cheeks turned pink at his words and is whispered "yes"

"awesome. you should totally ask her on a date" he spoke excitedly.

"huh?" I questioned not getting why he was so okay with it.

"you two are perfect for each other. You both have busy schedules so you understand that you won't be able to see each other often and I saw how you looked at her you care for her and she didn't even speak a word to you. Here I'll give you her phone number" Kris spoke really quickly.

"Okay. I'll text her and ask her out later." I said feeling confident.

Y/n's POV

You and Keira had just got done practicing and were walking back to the hotel when you got a text from an unknown number. You waited until you got back to the hotel to answer it and when you opened the text it read

Unknown Number

Hi y/n, It's Sidney and I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me? 😘

                                     You have changed unknown number to Sidney Crosby

You responded really quickly because you have always had a crush on him.


                                                            Yes I would love to go on a date with you. If you want we could go out to eat tonight.

Sidney Crosby

Yes I would love that. I will pick you up at 7


                                                                                                                                                             See you tonight!

That Night

You started getting dressed at 6:15 and went down to the lobby. Sidney was already waiting looking so handsome. You walked over to him and he grabbed your hand and led you to the car. He took you to a slightly fancy restaurant.

"reservations for Crosby." Sidney said

"Right this way" the waiter said not taking his eyes off your body. You began to feel slightly uncomfortable and Sidney realized so he pulled you into him. Sidney pulled out your chair and sat down.

"What can I get you to drink gorgeous" the waiter asked still looking at you.

"I'll have a water and can you stop looking at me" I said.

the waited scoffed and turned to Sidney and said "what do you want"

Sidney glared at the boy and said he would also like a water.

The waiter left to go get your drinks and when he came back you had decided what you wanted.

"What can I get you to eat sexy" he asked.

You began to feel even more uncomfortable and said "I'll have the Chicken Parmesan"

"and for you" the waiter asked as he was turning to Sidney.

"I'll have the steak and I would appreciate it if you would stop staring at my girlfriend." Sidney said slightly mad.

The waiter turned and walked away and you said "Your girlfriend?"

"well if you want to be mine" he said blushing slightly.

You said "Yes I would love to be your girlfriend."

Soon your dinner came out and you two talked about everything getting to know each other. When the waiter brought the check over you grabbed it and went to pay but Sidney took it away from you.

"My mom raised me better than that. Since your my girlfriend I am never going to let you pay for anything again." Sidney said.

You nodded your head and let Sidney pay seeing that it was probably useless to argue. You and Sidney went back to the hotel and when you got to the front doors Sidney spun you around so you were facing him and kissed you. You immediately kissed back and wrapped your arms around his neck. You broke the kiss because you needed to breathe and when you did Sidney said "I'll see you tomorrow love"

"Goodnight Sidney" you replied.

Sidney turned to walk away and you went into the hotel. You got on the elevator and when you went into your room you saw that Keira was wide awake and waiting for you to tell her everything. You two talked late into the night.


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