Andrei Svechnikov

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Tonight was game 5 of round one in the Stanley Cup Playoffs. You were sitting in the box with the rest of the wags. Matt Martin had been picking things with Andrei all night and it seemed like Andrei was going to let it go until Matt said something to him.

Andrei's POV

I was skating back to the bench when Matt Martin said something.

"Hey Svechnikov, that's one sexy girl you got there. Mind if I take her. I'm sure she wouldn't mind to fuck me. In fact she did last night." Matt said.

"Would you shut up about MY girlfriend and I know for a fact she wasn't with you last night." I replied.

"You sure about that because she was like "ohh Matt don't stop-ahh I'm gonna cum." Matt said smirking.

"That's it" I whispered to myself.

I dropped my gloves and dove at Matt. We both got a couple punches in before the refs pulled us apart. 

"Hurricanes number 37 game misconduct for ruffing" "Islanders number 17 game misconduct for ruffing" the ref announced.

I skated off the ice and looked for my girl who was already coming down to the locker room.


you ran down the stairs to see Andrei. When you got to the locker room you saw that he was packed up and ready to go. you were really worried about Andrei but you were also really turned on by him.

"Are you okay baby" you asked

"Yeah I am fine, just standing up for my girl" he replied.

you blushed when he called you his girl but then asked "why did you stand up for me?"

"Martin said some things about you that I don't want to repeat or ever hear again." he said.

"okay. Ready to go home?" you asked.

"yeah." he replied smiling and grabbed your hand to walk out of the arena.

On the ride home you couldn't get over how turned on you were and you think Andrei noticed because he put his hand on you upper thigh and asked "did my fighting turn you on?"

you couldn't get any words out because you wanted him to move his hand closer to where you needed him so you just nodded.

"just wait a little and I will make you feel amazing" he said.

"okay" you replied.

At Home

Once you got inside the house Andrei's lips were immediately on yours. Andrei carried you towards your guy's bedroom and laid you on the bed. Andrei bit your lip asking for entrance which you gave. Your tongues fought for dominance but Andrei won. As you kept making out you took off Andrei's suit jacket and tie. You took off his shirt and Andrei broke the kiss to pull his jersey off of your body. He then unclasped your bra releasing your plump breasts. Andrei slowly started kissing down your neck occasionally biting down on your sensitive spots. He used his hands to roll your hard nipples only releasing more moans from you. Andrei removed his lips from your neck and started sucking and nibbling on one of your tits while his hands continued to fondle the other one. You were getting wetter and wetter as he continued. He switched what tit he was devouring and then slowly started leaving a trail of hickeys along your stomach until he reached the waistband of your jeans. He stopped and looked up at you asking for your consent which you nodded your head yes too. He unbuttoned your jeans and slid them off. Next he roughly pulled off your panties leaving your pussy exposed. He pushed your legs apart placing kisses on the inside of your thighs.

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