Sebastian Aho/Teuvo Teravinen

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Warning - smut and threesome

You were Sebastian's long time girlfriend. The Hurricanes had just advanced to the semifinals and you and Sebastian were going home to celebrate. The only thing that stood in the way of that was you guy's roommate Teuvo Teravinen who had a crush on you for a very long time. If he wasn't home you and Sebastian were going to celebrate if he was Sebastian had suggested letting him join in since he liked you and Sebastian trusted him. The ride home was quiet but comfortable both of you excited for what was going to happen.

When you got home Teuvo was laying on the couch so Sebastian went up to him and asked him if he wanted to join. He nodded his head yes and followed you and Sebastian towards the bedroom. When you got to the bedroom Sebastian placed his lips on yours while Teuvo started making hickeys on your neck. You played with the hair on the nape of Sebastian's neck causing him to moan and for you to slip your tongue into his mouth. Teuvo took his clothes off and unbuttoned your jeans while you took off Sebastian's clothes. Your tongues fought for dominance but Sebastian won. He broke the kiss and pulled his jersey off your body leaving you in nothing but your bra and panties while both boys were in their boxers. Teuvo forced you to your knees and both men stood next to each other. You pulled down Teuvo's boxers letting his hard member spring free. You put his entire cock in your mouth gagging slightly but licked all of the precum off. Through your long lashes you could see Sebastian stroking himself. You bobbed your head along the shaft of Teuvo's cock causing him to moan. Teuvo started to thrust his hips up to meet your mouth causing you to moan and him to moan even more. Soon Teuvo came and you swallowed his release. You continued to suck him off until he was dry. You released Teuvo's cock from your mouth with a pop and moved to in front of Sebastian. Sebastian wasted no time and forcefully shoved his cock down your throat. You had no control so you used one of your free hands to palm Teuvo and the other to fondle Sebastian's balls. Both men moaned which was music to your ears. Sebastian kept his relentless pace chasing his release until he came. You swallowed his sweet release and continued to suck him until he was dry. 

You stood up cum dripping down your chin from both men and went to lay down on the bed. Sebastian immediately went for your breasts, unclasping your bra and releasing your perfect tits. He started to suck and nibble one while Teuvo removed your panties and shoved his tongue into your throbbing pussy. Sebastian continued to play with both your breasts and Teuvo thrusted in four fingers causing you to gasp at the sudden intrusion. You knew you were going to cum soon so Teuvo picked up the pace and Sebastian removed himself from your body going to look for something. 

"ahh-I'm going to cum" you moaned out. Teuvo did not reply since he was busy and just moaned into your pussy causing you to meet your release and cum all over Teuvo's fingers and face. Teuvo removed his fingers and lapped up all of your juices then he went up to your face forced open your mouth and shoved his four fingers covered in your cum in your mouth. You sucked his fingers off liking the taste of your release. Sebastian came back with a rope which he used to tie your hands together and one condom which he gave to Teuvo because he didn't want him to get you pregnant. You didn't mind that Sebastian didn't wear a condom because you were on birth control. Teuvo rolled the condom on his cock and both he and Sebastian pushed their cocks into your pussy. You gasped at how much both men were stretching you out and nodded your head so they could continue. Teuvo and Sebastian had a very fast pace and made sure to alternate when they thrusted so you would always be filled with someones cock. They picked up their pace even more and started playing with your breasts. You became a moaning mess underneath them and couldn't warn them before you came. You came all over their cocks and they kept fucking you at a fast pace chasing their own releases. Both of them came at the same time Teuvo in the condom and Sebastian coated your inside walls with his warm release. Sebastian pulled out of you but Teuvo just flipped you over so that you were riding him. You started to swivel your hips in a circular motion around Teuvo's cock but it wasn't enough for him so he used his hands and placed it on your hip slamming you down on his cock. Your tits were bouncing up and down in is face so he used his mouth to suck on them alternating between each one while still slamming you down on his cock. You felt Sebastian's hand on your back pushing your body down into Teuvo's. Without warning Sebastian slammed his cock into your ass thrusting at an incredibly fast pace. Both men were thrusting fast into you using your body for their pleasure. You felt a stinging sensation on your ass and realized that Sebastian had slapped you. You were overwhelmed from the sensation and came again letting out a long moan as you did so. Soon after both men came. Teuvo in the condom and Sebastian coated your insides with his seed. Sebastian slowly pulled out knowing you were still sensitive and then laid down on the bed panting. Teuvo gently lifted you off his cock and laid you down in the middle of them. All three of you were panting tired from the evening's events. Teuvo got up, took of the condom and the tied it. He then walked to the bathroom to throw it away. When he came back he said "Thank you for this" and then left knowing you wanted to be alone with Sebastian.

Sebastian rolled on to his side and pulled your back into his chest and wrapped his arms around your waist resting his hands on your stomach. He slowly pushed his cock into your ass and just leaving it there liking the feeling of you clenching around him. He said "I love you so much and I'm glad you are all mine."

"I love you to Sebastian" you replied and the both of you drifted off to sleep. You knew that you would be filled with more cum by the time you woke up tomorrow since you both moved a lot but you didn't mind since you liked the feeling of him inside you. 


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