Staal Brothers/Frederik Andersen

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*Jordan, Eric, and Marc are your brothers and you are dating Frederik Andersen.* Warning incest

You lived with Jordan in North Carolina working as a coach for the Carolina Hurricanes. Marc was coming down to visit since his season with the Flyers was over. You were dating Frederik Andersen and Marc hated it. Eric and Jordan were fine with it because they trusted Frederik but they didn't know the reason behind why Marc hated him. 


Eric and Jordan were with your mom on a hockey trip so it was just you, Marc, and your dad at home. Marc was upstairs doing whatever and you were lounging on the couch watching tv. Your father walked in slightly drunk. He walked towards you, taking off his clothes. you knew what was going to happen so you stayed silent in order to not get a bigger punishment. He pushed your back down into the couch and took your shirt off your head. He then took your pants and panties off and thrusted his dick in to you. He kept going for a long time until he put his hand around your throat which caused you to yell stop. You got slapped for that but Marc had heard your scream and came running down the stairs. When he saw what his dad was doing he immediately pushed him off of you and restrained him. Marc then called the cops who arrested his dad as soon as they got there. Marc carried your shaking body upstairs and drew you a bath. When you were done bathing you changed into the clothes he brought you which were his. You walked out of the bathroom and to Marc's room where he was patting a space next to him for you to sit. He asked when it had started and you told him everything about how your father abused you since the day you were born. 

Present Time

Since then you had been really close to Marc because he knew and you didn't let anyone except your family touch you. This was until you met Frederik Andersen and started dating him. Freddie knew everything about your past and made sure he never hurt you in any way. When Marc arrived at the house, Jordan answered the door. Marc greeted his brother then saw you and Freddie sleeping together on the couch. Marc was glaring daggers at Freddie and if looks could kill Freddie would be six feet under. Jordan saw this but let it go and went to wake up Freddie for practice. You had the day off so you stayed sleeping. When you woke up you saw Marc sitting on one of the other couches watching tv. Jordan came home a couple of hours later this time without Freddie and you made your brothers dinner. Soon after dinner you three were lounging on the couch when Jordan asked "why were you glaring at Freddie earlier."

Marc simply said "I don't trust him"

You scoffed and said "Freddie would never hurt me and he's not like those other people."

"That's what you think" Marc responded.

"What in the name of hell are you two talking about" Jordan questioned.

"Do want to tell him or should I" Marc asked.

"Jordan up until a couple of years ago dad abused me both sexually and physically. Marc saw it happening and he is extremely overprotective of me. You, Eric, and mom weren't there but you and Eric were the only ones who didn't know." I said without going into to much detail.

"Why didn't you tell me and I'm sorry you had to go through that." Jordan said.

"I didn't say anything because I wanted to forget about it and it is fine you didn't do anything." you responded.

"well I appreciate that you told me and if Freddie ever hurts you I will cut of his balls and feed them to him. However you should probably tell him why Marc doesn't like him because he kept asking what he did wrong." Jordan said.

"I will tell him but he didn't come back with you so where is he?" you stated.

"He was buying you flowers and trying to find a way to get Marc to like him." Jordan said.

While the two of your were talking the doorbell rang so Marc went up to get it. When he opened the door Freddie was standing there holding a bouquet of flowers. Freddie paled when he saw who answered the door.

Marc's POV

I saw Freddie visibly pale so I walked outside with him and shut the door.

"Freddie I have nothing against you personally its just when my dad did what he did I had to pick the pieces of y/n back up. I don't want to have to do that again." I said.

"I didn't know only you helped why not the others?" he asked

"The others didn't know. Eric still doesn't and we just told Jordan." I stated.

"So now Jordan wants to kill me too." he questioned.

"neither of us want to kill you its just the reason why I didn't like you in the first place." I said.

"I love your sister more than anything and I swear I would never do anything to hurt her if I did you have permission to kill me." he stated.

I started grinning and said "Come on y/n missed you while you were gone.

We walked back into the house and when y/n saw Freddie she immediately moved so he could sit next to her. He asked if he could hold her which she didn't answer and just threw herself into his arms. 

I sat down next to Jordan and whispered "Does he always ask for permission before touching her?"

Jordan just nodded his head yes. I was beginning to like him more already.

"so which one of us is going to tell Eric" she asked suddenly.

none of us answered and we all started laughing. One day Eric would find out but for now we were just enjoying our time together.


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