Cale Makar part 2

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Requested by: 1ddirectioner93   

*Jake is a random fan*

I had woken up before the boys so I moved out of their arms and went downstairs. I knew they were going to be hungry so I made them their pre-game meal. Once I had finished cooking I went upstairs to wake them up. 

"Alexandar time to wake up" I whispered into his ear.

He opened his eyes and sat up "I made dinner for you it's downstairs" I said.

"Thanks" He replied still half asleep and then walked out the door. I knew Cale was going to be harder to wake up so I climbed on top of him. While I were gone he had moved to his back so I were sitting on his stomach. I leaned forward and placed a kiss on his lips. He started kissing back so I knew he was awake. I pulled away from the kiss and looked at my boyfriend. He was looking right at me and said "Can you wake me up like that every time"

"Sure" I replied and then said "Dinner's downstairs"

"Thank You baby" he told me.

"Of course. I'm going to get ready for the game" I replied.

He didn't say anything but he sat up so I was now straddling him and he placed another kiss on my lips. I moved off his lap and went to get dressed for the game. 

I walked downstairs and saw the boys eating at the bar. They soon finished and Cale went to get ready for the game. Cale came back down and the three of us walked out to my car. Cale got in the drivers seat and I got into the passengers seat. The two of us forced Alexandar to sit in the back. Cale drove Alexandar back to his house so he could get ready for the game. When you guys made it to the arena I saw that Logan's car was in the parking lot. All of you wondered why as you thought coach would have benched him. You guys got out of the car and Cale wrapped his arm around my waist keeping me close to him. When I got into the arena Cale gave me a kiss on the lips causing the rest of his teammates to cheer while my brother was disgusted. I left Cale alone and made my way up to the suite where the rest of the WAGS were. News travels fast so when I walked in I was immediately attacked with hugs and people asking if I was okay. Little did I know something was going to happen tonight 

Jake's POV

I was a really big fan of the Colorado Avalanche and I couldn't wait to do my school project on them. I walked into the arena and waited for the person who would take me to where I needed to go. We were walking around the hallway near the locker rooms when I heard a conversation that needed to be reported. I made sure I was recording and continued what I was here for. The video was finished and I went to my car. I immediately drove to the police station and told the receptionist that I had a crime to report. One of the officers took me back and I showed them the video. They said that they were going to arrest Logan but they needed to wait until the game tonight. The officer also asked for a copy of the video so that they could send it to the NHL. I went back home and waited for the game to start.

Y/n's POV

You had started to realize that there had been a lot of cops around and many people who worked for the NHL. The players got onto the ice and lined up for the national anthems. You saw that Logan was on the ice which didn't make sense because he wasn't on the starting line. The PA announcer said "Can everyone please direct their attention to the scoreboard." 

"Earlier today and fan who wishes to stay anonymous reported a crime committed by one of the players. This fan was fortunate to have recorded a conversation and turned it into the police. This player is currently standing on the ice and we will hear what he said." Garry Bettman said.

Conversation On Video 

"Hey Logan, can we talk" I asked.

"yeah sure, what's up" he said.

"you want to tell my why my girlfriend was crying in my arms last night because of you." I said.

"I don't know what your talking about she must be lying." he said as Nathan looked between us confused.

"She said that you told her to stay away from me because you thought she was a distraction. Does that ring a bell" I asked getting angrier by the second.

"Okay fine I did say that but can you blame me. She is distracting you from playoffs and she is the reason we are losing." he said.

"Logan when I am on the ice my thoughts are only on hockey not her. Also many of the other guys have wives and girlfriends. Do you think the same about them." I asked.

"No because they know to stay away when we are in the playoffs. You're girlfriend has no respect for the team and she is just an attention seeking whore" Logan stated innocently.

"Call my sister an attention seeking whore again and your dead." Alexandar said.

"But she is one. Don't you see it. whenever she and Cale are together they are always latched on to one another." Logan said.

Nathan said "Don't start something that isn't worth it. Let the coaching staff deal with him"

"Fine" Alexandar said.

"Cale, I hope you know you deserve much better than some hoe who has slept with me" Logan said.

"What do you mean" I asked.

"Whenever you're not around we fuck. I mean its unwanted but I don't really care." Logan said smirking.

"You raped my girlfriend!" I yelled.

"yep and its amazing" he said.

"What the hell is going on in here" Jared Bednar asked.
"Coach Alexandar has a perfectly good reason to beat up Logan" Nathan said.

"oh yeah, whats that" he asked.

"Logan raped his sister" Nathan said.

"Logan is this true" he asked.

"Yes it is and I love doing it because its fun to see how many times she calls for help but knows that no one will be able to save her" Logan said.

Everyone in the arena was stunned and cops came rushing out to the ice to arrest Logan. You were extremely thankful to whoever recorded the conversation and now you could focus on the game. The Avalanche was playing the Carolina Hurricanes so you knew it would be a tough game. Fortunately the Avalanche won so the boys would be happy. You made your way down to the locker room with the rest of the WAGS to wait for your men. You assumed that you would be here a while since everything that happened was announced and Cale would probably be in a lot of interviews. There was a whole bunch of chattering and everyone looked over to see the Hurricanes players leaving the arena. Finally Cale walked out of the locker room and you went up to him and gave him a hug. Cale drove you home and you fell asleep in his protective arms. 


Hope you liked @1ddirectioner93

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