Mitch Marner

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Mitch was on one of the longest road trips of the season and you were missing him like crazy. You put on one of his favorite lingerie and laid down on the bed you snapped a photo and texted it to Mitch.



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Mitch's picture did not help you at all and only made you want him more. You went to go take a shower and play with yourself for a bit. 

Mitch's POV

I was so turned on by gorgeous girlfriend but she needs to know that she just can't do that while I'm sitting next to some very horny guys. She will need to be punished. Fortunately I am coming home tomorrow so I will be able to do that. When we got to the hotel I realized that I had a boner so I masturbated for a little bit and then I went to shower.

Y/n's POV

After my shower, I changed into a much sexier lingerie that was crotchless and showed all of my boob. I pulled one of Mitch's shirts over my head and went to bed. 

The Next Morning

I woke up to soft kisses on my head so I rolled over and saw that it was Mitch. I hadn't expected him to be home so early and I felt bad that I didn't pick him up from the airport. I got up and went to go make so breakfast. While we were eating we started talking about hockey.

"How do you think you guys did?" I asked.

"I mean we won but I definitely think there are some things we need to work on." He replied. "Speaking of our road trip I think there is something you need to be punished for." He said moving our dishes and walking towards me. 

"What do you mean" I asked innocently.

"You sent me a picture that only my eyes should see. My horny teammates could have seen it so you need to be punished." he said. 

You got up off of your chair and walked close to him. He pulled your shirt off your body and stared at you in awe of what you were wearing. 

"You wearing this for me baby." he asked. You nodded your head yes and he said "Well it's going to have to come off."

He ripped the lingerie off of you and you pouted because it was one of your favorites.

"Don't worry baby I'll buy you a new one." he said. "Now turn around and bend over the counter"

"what if I don't" you asked.

"Then I will force you too." he replied.

Instead of saying anything back, you turned around and leaned over the counter so that your ass was in the air. You turned your head to look back at him but he used his hand to force your head into the counter but he made sure he didn't hurt you. 

"Did I tell you to look at me" he asked.

You shook your head no being unable to speak. He moved away from you body so you assumed he was getting undressed. Your nipples were starting to turn hard at the coolness of the counter. Suddenly you felt the tip of Mitch's cock being pushed into your ass. You whined wanting to have more of him inside you. 

"ah-ah-ah You were a bad girl and now you get what I give you." he said while thrusting the tip of his cock in and out. He continued to do this for 5 minutes only making you wetter and wanting more. Suddenly he pushed his entire cock into you causing you to be pushed farther across the counter. He continued to thrust at a fast pace causing you hips to repeatedly slam against the edge of the counter. You were moaning as each thrust went deeper and deeper into you. You felt a stinging sensation on your ass and realized that Mitch had slapped you.

"You get one slap for every person that could have seen that picture on the bus ride." Mitch said.

He continued slapping you leaving red marks all across your ass. You were going to cum and Mitch knew so he came in you and then pulled out of you not giving you time to release. Mitch spun you around to face him and said "You are not cumming until I say you are okay" 

"Yes daddy" you replied. Mitch spun you back around and bent you over the counter again. He thrusted his cock back into you and continued his relentless pace. This continued on for five more rounds, him cumming inside you and then pulling out then repeating. When he finished for the sixth time he spun you around and picked you up. He carried you to your bedroom and threw you on the bed. He grabbed your hips harshly and thrusted into your throbbing pussy. You knew you wouldn't be able to walk after this. He went even faster than before but every time he came he pulled out of you and made sure you didn't cum. He continued this for a long time and finally he told you to cum. You came all over his cock finally being able to let out the release you had been holding in all day. Mitch pulled out of you but you still felt extremely full because of all of the cum that was inside you. You looked at the clock and saw that it was already 5pm. This meant that you and Mitch had been having sex all day. Mitch wasn't done with you yet though. He went into the closet and brought out four ropes and a vibrator. He tied your hands and feet to the bedposts making sure you couldn't move. 

"I am going to go get dinner. You are going to stay here on the bed with a vibrator in your pussy and you are going to cum for daddy okay" he said

"yes daddy" you replied.

He turned on the vibrator and put it on the highest setting. He then put it in your pussy and walked out of the room. You laid there completely vulnerable and cumming every 5 minutes because of how much you needed too. You definitely thought you were going to end up pregnant because of how many time Mitch had released inside you. About an hour later Mitch had came home. You were pretty sure you had came at least 20 times in the span that he was gone. Mitch walked over to you and pulled the vibrator out of you. He turned it off and went to go clean it. When he came back he was holding a plug in his hand. He used his fingers to push all of the cum that had fallen out of you back in and then pushed the plug into you making sure nothing fell out. He untied you and gave you one of his shirts to put on. He ended up bringing the food upstairs because you couldn't walk. You guys ate and then fell asleep with the plug still in you. You were both tired from having sex all day. 

One month later you were staring down at a positive pregnancy test. You were excited to be starting a family with Mitch even though you guys weren't married yet. You were so excited to tell him but you had to wait until he got back from a road trip.


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