Olen Zellweger

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Requested by: MordekaiserMain006

You sat in the stands of the Honda Center cheering for your boyfriend Olen. He had just gotten his first NHL point and you were so happy for him. Unfortunately the Anaheim Ducks lost the game and you didn't know how Olen was going to feel. You walked down to the locker rooms. You had a feeling that Olen was going to be in a lot of interviews since he got his first NHL point. You're assumption was correct as you had to wait a hour until he came out. When he did he ran towards you and kissed you. You pulled away needing to breathe and saw that Olen was looking at you with lust and a bit of anger in his eyes. You led him out to the car and got in the passengers seat. Olen placed a hand on your thigh rubbing it slowly. He drove out of the parking lot and towards your house. The car ride was silent but it was comfortable. When you got home you got out of the car and waited for Olen. 

The two of you went inside and when the door closed Olen's lips were on yours. You wrapped your arms around his neck playing with his hair. Olen bit your lip asking for entrance which you gave. Your tongues explored each others mouth, fighting for dominance along the way. Olen tapped your thigh, telling you to jump.  You jumped into his arms and wrapped your legs around his waist. The two of you continued making out as Olen went to your guys' bedroom. He laid you on the bed and climbed back on top of you. He pulled his shirt over his head and did the same to your jersey. 

He pressed his lips back on to yours and your hands found their way down to his pants. You unbuttoned his pants and slid them down along with his boxers. You lifted your hips so Olen could pull off your pants and panties. Olen lifted your back up so he could remove your bra. He started gently kissing down your neck where he knew your sweet spots were. He did the same to your collar bone area. He kissed down towards your breasts and gently sucked on them. Olen trailed a line of kisses down your stomach and towards your pussy. He placed a sweet kiss on both of your thighs before sticking his tongue in your pussy. Your hands made their way down to Olen's head and started playing with his hair.

"mmmmh Olen you feel so good" you moaned out.

He continued to swivel his tongue in your pussy. You could feel a knot forming in your stomach. Without warning you came all over Olen's face. Olen licked up all of your juices and came back up to kiss you. He slipped his tongue back into your mouth letting you taste yourself. While you were kissing you reached into the nightstand and pulled out a condom. You ripped open the package and slowly slid the condom on his throbbing cock. Olen grabbed your hips and thrusted his cock into you. His grip on your hips was so tight that you knew they would probably bruise. Olen thrusted into you slowly but went deeper with each thrust. You wrapped your legs around his waist allowing him to go deeper. He kept a slow pace trying not to hurt you. You were a moaning mess underneath Olen.

"babe I'm gonna cum" you moaned out.

"Cum for be baby" he groaned. 

Olen captured your lips with his and you could feel his thrust getting sloppier. You came all over his cock. Olen followed seconds later and came in the condom. You were both tired so Olen pulled out of you slowly and got up off the bed. He went to the bathroom to throw out the condom. He climbed back into the bed and pulled the covers over the both of you. He pulled your back into his chest and wrapped his arms around your stomach protectively. 

"I love you beautiful" he said.

"I love you too Olen" you replied leaning your head up to kiss him.

Olen snuggled his head into your neck and you both fell asleep.

The next morning

You woke up and saw that Olen was still sleeping. You slowly got out of his grasp trying not to wake him. You made your way to the bathroom and turned on the water for a shower. You saw that there was bruises on your hips. You were so caught up in your own world that you hadn't heard Olen walk into the shower. You felt a pair of muscular arms wrap around your waist and you turned around to face Olen. His eyes raked down your naked body and they stopped on the bruises on your hips.

"I'm so sorry baby" he spoke.

"Olen your fine there just bruises." you replied.

"but I hurt you" he said.

"no you didn't" you replied.

The two of you finished showering and you got back into bed. Olen ran downstairs and grabbed you an ice pack. 

"Come here babe" you said.

you placed the ice pack on your hip and Olen laid down on top of you. You wrapped your arms around him and ran your hands up and down his back.

"I promise you Olen, you didn't hurt me and nothing you do ever will. I love you so much and I am so lucky to be yours. I will keep telling you these things for forever." you said.

you looked down and saw that Olen had fallen asleep on your chest. He looked so peaceful so you continued rubbing his back and making sure he was okay.


Hope you like @MordekaiserMain006 

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