Dawson Mercer

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Requested by: mattdawsonL0v3er

Dawson's POV

I had just lost one of the most important games ever and the post game interview I was forced to have didn't make it any better. To say the least I was pissed off. I needed to find a way to get my anger out. I walked out of the locker room to find my girlfriend. I saw her standing by herself looking as gorgeous as ever. However I wasn't the only one looking at her. Tom Wilson was too. I could sense that she was uncomfortable so I walked over to her and pulled her into my arms. 

"That's one nice girl you got there Mercer but don't you think she would rather be with a winner than with you." He asked.

"I don't give a damn what you think just leave her alone. She's mine and she will never be yours." I told him.

"That's what you say now, just wait until she's getting fucked by me. It'll be the best sex she's ever had. That'll make her be mine." he said getting closer to us.

"Leave us alone. Can't you see how uncomfortable your making her." I said getting even angrier.

"I don't care about that, I just want to fuck somebody" he said.

"It will never be her then. Come on baby lets go" I said my voice softening when I talked to her.

I kept her close to my body in case he followed us and I led her to the car. I was even angrier now compared to what I was earlier. We got in the car and I started driving towards my house.


I felt Dawson's hand slide up my thigh. I looked over to him and saw that he was already looking at me with lust in his eyes. I knew he was angry for multiple reasons so having sex was probably the best way to help him. He looked back to the road so I unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them down so Dawson could have access. Somehow he didn't notice so I moved my panties to the side. He still had no clue what was going on so I grabbed the hand that was on my thigh and moved it up onto my pussy. Finally he noticed and looked over at me. He then pushed four fingers into my pussy and used his thumb to rub circles on my clit. He continued to thrust his fingers in and out of me.

"Dawson I'm gonna cum" I moaned 

"Cum baby" he replied.

I came all over his fingers. Dawson pulled his fingers out of my pussy and brought them up to my mouth. 

"Suck" he said becoming more dominant.

I opened my mouth and Dawson shoved his fingers in my mouth. I slowly licked all of the cum off his fingers loving the taste of it. 

Soon enough we were home. Dawson quickly got out of the car and came around to me. Before I could even fix myself Dawson had pulled me out of the car. I couldn't care who saw me because Dawson was all I wanted in the moment. Dawson carried me into the house and up the stairs towards his bedroom. He put me down in the middle of the room.

"On your knees baby" he said.

I did as I was told and got on my knees. Dawson took his shirt off along with his pants. He walked closer to me and then took his boxers off. He put one hand on the back of my head and shoved his cock into my mouth. It was clear he was angry as he didn't let me have any control. He continued thrusting his cock into my mouth at an extremely fast pace but he made sure that it hit the back of my throat every time. He was going so deep down my throat causing me to gag. I had tears running down my face and Dawson was moving so fast that I had to grip his thighs to stabilize myself. Dawson gave me no warning and released his seed into my mouth. He pulled his cock out of my mouth and said "swallow"

I swallowed his release and waited for him to tell me what to do.

"stand up and strip" he said.

I stood up and removed my panties, my shirt, and my bra as my jeans were still in the car.

"Lay down on the bed" he said.

I did just that and soon enough Dawson was on top of me. He grabbed my hips harshly and thrusted his cock into me. He picked up a relentless pace and I wrapped my legs around his waist giving him a deeper angle. 

"You like that huh. You like when I fuck you like the slut you are" he spoke

"Yes daddy I love it" I moaned out.

Dawson grabbed my hand and moved it to my stomach. I could feel him thrusting into me and the veins in his cock. 

"Dawson I-I'm gonna cum" I moaned out.

He didn't respond and I came all over his cock. Dawson continued to fuck me through my high chasing his release. He pulled out of me and released his large load all over my naked body. 

"On your hands and knees" he said.

I did as I was told. Dawson wasted no time and pushed his cock into my ass. He continued his relentless pace. I was too overstimulated and I quickly came again all over his cock. He continued to fuck me through my high. It was getting to hard for me to hold myself up so I collapsed face first into the bed. This just caused my ass to stick up higher in the air and for Dawson to be able to get a better angle. My moans were muffled by the pillow and I came all over Dawson's cock again.

Dawson pulled out of me and said "lie on your back baby girl"

I did and Dawson quickly came all over my body again. He climbed on top of me and started to lick all of his cum off of me. Occasionally he would bite and suck on certain spots leaving hickeys in his track. Once Dawson had licked all of his cum off of me he came back up to my face and kissed me. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and allowed me to taste him. 

He got off of me and laid down on the bed. He pulled my back towards his chest. He used one of his arms and held my slightly bruised hips so I couldn't move. He then pushed his cock into my ass and said "go to sleep baby but I'm going to stay up and make love to you through the night."

I didn't know how this man had so much stamina but I didn't care right now. He knew I was to tired to do anything else so if this was all he wanted then it was fine by me.

"You can do whatever you want Dawson and I love you." I told him.

"I love you too and I'm glad your mine." he replied while slowly thrusting his hips into mine.

I quickly fell asleep while he continued to fuck me. I hoped he would be less angry by tomorrow morning so we wouldn't have to have sex as I was already extremely sore. Staying true to his words Dawson fucked you throughout the night.


Hope you like @mattdawsonL0v3er 

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