Matt Rempe

921 6 4

Requested by mattdawsonL0v3er

You were watching Matt's game at Madison Square Garden and it seemed like the Rangers couldn't catch a break. It was like goal after goal and no one could stop it. Finally the buzzer sounded and the game was over. The Rangers had lost 9-0. You knew Matt was going to be upset and that you were in for one hell of a night. You went down to the locker rooms and waited for Matt to come out. Once he came out he grabbed your hand forcefully and dragged you to the car. He got in the drivers seat and you got in the passenger seat. As Matt was driving he slid his hand towards your pussy. Fortunately for him you were wearing a skirt so he moved your panties to the side and thrusted four fingers into you. He continued to thrust his fingers into you at a rough pace. 

"I'm gonna cu-m" you moaned.

"Cum baby but I won't stop what I am doing." Matt replied.

you came all over his fingers and staying true to his words Matt continued his rough pace. Soon enough you were home and Matt got out of the car leaving you alone. You fixed yourself and walked inside the house. Once you got inside and shut the door your body was slammed up against the door and Matt was attacking your lips. His hands gripped your hips lifting you up and then he slammed you back against the door. Your hips hurt from how hard Matt was gripping them and you wrapped your legs around his waist. Matt squeezed your ass causing you to gasp and he put his tongue in your mouth. Your tongues fought for dominance but Matt won. Matt started to carry you towards the kitchen and when he got there he shoved your body to the floor so you were on your knees.

"Take off your clothes now" Matt said. You did as you were told. He left and came back with some rope which he used to tie your hands together behind your back. He took his clothes off and stroked his thick long cock. He used his other hand to grab your hair and put it in a makeshift ponytail. He shoved his cock into your mouth and continued to thrust it at a rough pace. You were gagging because with each thrust his cock went further and further down your throat. His entire cock wasn't even in your mouth yet so he sped up his pace. You hollowed your cheeks to be able to fit more of him inside you but you wanted to cry. He continued to fuck your face until he came. He stopped thrusting into you and pulled out. 

"Swallow" he said. You swallowed his release and he pushed his cock back into your mouth. 

"Suck me dry baby girl" he said. You sucked him off and swallowed every last bit of his cum. he pulled out of your mouth again and pulled you up to your feet by your hair. He let you go so your were just standing in front of him. 

"Bend over the counter" he said

You bent yourself over the counter and turned your head to look at him. Instead of saying anything he put a hand on you head and shoved it into the counter. He didn't let go and continued to press your head to the counter. Your nipples turned hard at the coolness of the counter. You were entirely vulnerable as your hands were still tied behind your back. Matt thrusted his cock into you not giving you any time to adjust before he rammed into you causing your hips to repeatedly slam into the edge of the counter. You moans echoed off the counter.

"you like that baby. You like when I slam my cock into you treating you like the slut you are?" he groaned out.

All you did was moan even more. You felt a stinging sensation on your ass and Matt repeatedly slapped you while he continued to thrust into you. If it was possible Matt picked up the pace and stopped slapping you. He reached his free hand underneath your body and started to rub fast circles on your clit.

"Daddy--I'm gon-na cum" you moaned out.

"Cum for me baby"

You came all over his cock and Matt pulled your body off the counter so that just your chest and head was on it. He slammed his cock back into you causing your body to slide back onto the counter and your hips to hit the edge. Matt continued his relentless pace and eventually came inside you. 

He pulled out and pulled you body up off the counter. He spun you around and placed a rough kiss on your lips. He grabbed your hair again and drug you up the stairs and towards the bedroom. Matt practically threw you on the bed and went to untie your hands. He then told you to lay down on your back and you did as you were told. He left the room and brought back more rope. He tied your hands to the headboard and your feet to the bedposts. He climbed on top of you and slammed his cock back into you. With each thrust his cock was felt in your stomach. Due to his fast pace the bed repeatedly hit the wall and your head hit the headboard. 

"You like being cock drunk don't you" he asked.

"yes daddy. I like it when your cock fills me up to the brim" you moaned out. "I'm gonna cum"

Matt didn't reply and you came all over his cock. Matt didn't stop fucking you in fact he picked up his pace. He let out a strangled groan and came inside you. He didn't stop though. He continued to pound into you. He moved one of his hands off the bed and placed it on one of your breasts. You though he was going to play with your breasts but instead he slapped it. He continued to do this alternating between each breast while still fucking your brains out. Matt continued to fuck you and slap your breasts for five more rounds. Finally when you and Matt both came again Matt pulled out of you. He kissed you on the lips and said "sleep well baby I'm not done with you yet." Matt walked out of your bedroom and shut the door leaving you tied up on the bed with cum dripping out of your pussy. You were extremely tired from being fucked all night so you went to bed. It was very uncomfortable and cold since you were still tied up and completely naked with no blankets. 

The next morning you woke up with a start as someones cock was being thrusted into you at an animalistic pace. You opened your eyes and saw that Matt was on top of you still using your body as a way to get his anger out. His hands were gripping your already bruised hips which hurt a lot but you didn't want to tell Matt to stop because he needed this. You clenched around Matt's cock and came. Matt released his seed into you and pulled out of you. Clearly he was still tired so he laid down on top of you for a few moments. He moved himself off of you and went to untie your hands and feet. You tried to walk to the bathroom but you couldn't even stand up. Matt carried you into the bathroom and started a shower for the both of you. He turned around to look at you and he didn't like what he saw. Your wrists and ankles had bruises on them from the rope which was tied too tight. You hips had lots of purple and black bruises on them from his hands and the counter. Your ass and boobs had red marks all over them from him slapping you. There was also a small bruise on the back of your neck from where he pushed your head into the counter. Matt came up to hug you and said "I'm so sorry baby"

"Matt your fine. I know you didn't mean to hurt me and they are just bruises, they will go away eventually." You replied.

"I know but knowing they are there because of me hurts me" he said.

"Matt its fine. I like when your really dominant while we are having sex." you replied.

"If your sure baby but just tell me if I hurt you too much." he said

"I will but now lets shower so we can cuddle" you said.

"okay baby whatever you want" he replied sweetly.

You both took turns washing each other. When you got out of the shower you put on some underwear and one of Matt's hoodies. Matt changed into some sweats and lead you downstairs towards the couch since your bed was still covered in cum. Matt laid down on the couch first and pulled you on top of him. He wrapped one of his arms around your waist and the other underneath your ass. You laid your head on his chest breathing in his scent. Matt pressed a couple of kisses to your head and draped a blanked over you. You both fell asleep and stayed like that for the rest of the day.


Hope you liked it @mattdawsonL0v3er 

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