Luke Hughes

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You're the younger sister of Cole Caufield. You, Cole, Trevor, and Alex were all staying at the Hughes household for the summer. Jim and Ellen were away for the week so you and the boys had the house to yourselves. The boys were taking turns playing NHL 24. You were laying on the couch with your head on Luke's thigh scrolling through tiktok. When he was playing he had one arm resting on your shoulder and one on his other thigh while holding the controller. When he wasn't playing one of his hands was playing with your hair and he watched the tiktoks with you. A couple of hours later the boys were fighting about who cheated so you suggested that we go out on the boat. They all agreed and went to change. Luke followed you up to his room where you were staying. You changed into your black strapped swimsuit that you knew Luke would love.

 You changed into your black strapped swimsuit that you knew Luke would love

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You walked out of the bathroom and Luke's mouth dropped open.

"Baby you look absolutely gorgeous" he said.

"Thanks babe you look hot too." you replied.

The two of you made your way downstairs where the boys were waiting. When you walked down Jack, Alex, and Trevor's eyes widened and their jaws dropped. Quinn and Cole were more disgusted by it and told you to put on some more clothes. Luke saw the stares the guys were giving you and wrapped his arms around you pulling you close. All of you walked out towards the dock and Jack started the boat. Jack drove the boat until he found a place he deemed good enough to swim. He turned off the boat and everyone jumped in the water. You swam around for a bit until the guys decided they wanted to do a challenge. Jack started the boat again so you guys could do the challenge. 

"How about the person who holds a handstand the longest while wake boarding wins" Trevor said.

Everyone agreed and Quinn was the first to go. Quinn didn't even get into a handstand before he fell off so he and Jack switched places driving and Jack went. Jack's attempt had the same result as Quinn's so Luke decided to go. He held a handstand for a couple of seconds before he fell off. You wanted to try so you got on the board. You held your handstand for a good five minutes before you fell. You did gymnastics when you were younger so this was easier for you. Trevor went next and fell immediately, Cole did the same thing. Finally it was Alex's turn. He tried and when he was losing his balance he stood up. However to show off you guessed he tried to jump from the board back onto the boat and went face first into the deck. His nose started bleeding so Quinn drove back to the house. Quinn thought he might have had a broken nose so he and Jack took Alex to the hospital when they got back to the house. The rest of you sat outside on the deck for a while until Cole and Trevor decided to get food for everybody. This left you and Luke alone who was staring at you lustfully. 

Luke walked over to where the hot tub was and turned it on. Luke then walked back to you and picked you up. He carried you to the hot tub and placed you in it. He climbed in and sat diagonally from you. You walked over and sat on his lap slowly grinding your hips into his. He captured your lips with his placing his hands on your ass. you wrapped your arms around his neck playing with his hair. He broke the kiss and started making hickeys down your neck. With one hand he pushed aside your bikini bottoms and pushed three fingers into you. You moaned at the sudden intrusion and leaned your head back giving more access to Luke. Luke's lips trailed down from your neck to the exposed parts of your breasts while still thrusting his fingers into you. With his other hand he untied your bikini top and took it off, throwing it somewhere in the hot tub. The action exposed your hard nipples allowing Luke to suck them alternating which one. You continued to moan and you could feel a knot forming in you stomach.

"Luke baby I'm gonna cum" you moaned

"Cum for me darling all over my fingers" he grunted. You came all over his fingers and bikini bottoms. Luke untied your bikini bottoms throwing them somewhere near your bikini top. Luke grabbed your hips lifting them so that you could pull off his swim trunks. Once his trunks were off he slammed you onto his dick. He continued slamming you up and down at an animalistic pace leaving you with no control. You leaned forward and started leaving little hickeys on his neck causing Luke to moan. While you two were so entranced with each other you didn't hear the car doors open and your brother's voice. 

You broke away from his neck and moaned "I'm go-nna cu-m"

"Cum for me baby all over my cock like a good girl" he moaned out. 

You came and Luke followed after filling you up with his cum when you hear a "what the hell!"

You looked back and saw that it was your brother. "Whatever both of you get dressed and come inside." he said walking away. Luke put on his boxers and helped you tie your bikini top. You put on your bikini bottoms not realizing that they were still covered in cum. Both of you walked inside slightly embarrassed. Quinn started pointing at your vagina and you didn't understand why until you looked down and saw the cum stains. You excused yourself and went to get a shower. While you were in the bathroom Luke was getting beaten by your angry brother with a pillow. When you came back down everyone was acting normally so you ate dinner and went to bed since it was already 10. You cuddled with Luke in his bed and he would occasionally press kisses to your head and tell you how much he loved you. You drifted off to sleep in his protective embrace ready for what the next day brought.


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