Dawson Mercer

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Requested by: mattdawsonL0v3er

You were Dawson Mercer's girlfriend and you were watching his game against the Pittsburgh Penguins with the rest of the WAGS. This game was really important as it could help them get into a playoff spot. Unfortunately the Devils lost and you knew Dawson was going to be upset. You made your way down to the locker room with the rest of the WAGS and waited for your men to come out. Your brothers Jack and Luke said that Dawson was the only one left it the locker room and he is taking the loss really hard. 

"thanks. I'm probably going to stay at Dawson's house tonight" you said.

They both nodded their heads and walked away leaving you alone in the empty hallway. You went into the locker room and saw Dawson sitting in his stall with his head in his hands. You slowly approached him and kneeled down in front of him. You lifted up his head so his eyes met yours and placed a small kiss on his lips.

"Baby whats wrong" you asked.

"I don't know, its just that this was a very important game and I blew it. I'm the reason all of the goals went it and I couldn't even score. Then there's the fact that I'm always being compared to Jack but I can never do what he does. I'm not good enough to be here and I'm not even good enough for you. I'm waiting for the day where you will dump me because you realized that you deserve someone better." he said looking back down at the ground. 

You tilted his head back up and said "You're perfect for me. You understand me like no one else and you love me unconditionally. I love you and I am never going to leave you. Hockey is a team sport. You are not the only one at fault the entire team is and you took a lot of shots at the net, they just didn't go in. As for Jack don't listen to what those people say. You and Jack are two different people and have different playing styles so their statements are false."

Dawson said nothing and pulled you into a heated kiss. He stood up with you in his arms and pressed your back against the stall. He pulled off your jersey and placed his lips back on yours. you took off his tie and suit jacket. You were about to take off his shirt when he bit your lip. You moaned causing him to slip his tongue in your mouth. Your tongues battled for dominance but Dawson won. You slipped his shirt off as he took off your bra. He broke the kiss and immediately latched on to one of your boobs. You took the time to unbutton his pants. Dawson stepped out of his pants and tore your leggings and panties off in one go. You pulled down his boxers letting his rock hard dick spring free. 

Dawson wanted you now so he wasted no time with fingering you and instead slammed his cock into you. Dawson thrusted into you at an unbelievable pace causing the things that were on the shelves to fall. Dawson kept thrusting into you while whispering sweet nothings into your ears. His free hand found a way between your bodies and started rubbing circles on your clit. You were a moaning mess and said "Daws-aghh I'm gonna c-um." 

You came all over his cock. Dawson didn't cum in fact he pulled out of you and put you on your feet. He led you to the middle of the locker room and forced you on your knees in the middle of the Devils logo. He took a few steps backward and stroked his dick for a little bit. He then used his hand to aim his dick at your body and came. His cum got all over you and the floor. You stood up and dragged Dawson towards the showers liking the feeling of his release being on you. Once you were in the shower you turned the water on. Dawson then pushed you face first into the tile wall and slammed his dick into your ass. He continued with his very fast pace from before and you turned your head to the side so you could look at him. Dawson hit your G-spot with every thrust and soon enough you were cumming again. This time Dawson came inside you coating your insides with his release. 

Dawson pulled out of you and brought you underneath the water. He started to wash you off and you did the same to him. He turned the water off and looked at the wall he was just pushing you against. His cum from the first round was all over the wall. You both decided to leave it since you were tired and just wanted to go home. 

You both dried off and went back to the locker room. When you entered the room both of your guy's eyes widened. You hadn't realized how much of a mess you had made. There was equipment everywhere and cum all over the floor. You two picked your clothes up off the floor. Dawson got dressed in his suit and you just put his jersey back on since your panties and leggings were ripped. You both left the rest of the mess and drove to Dawson's house. When you got two his house you thought you were going to be able to go to bed but Dawson had other plans. He led you to the bedroom and lets just say instead of sleeping you guys did other things most of the night.

The Next Morning

Dawson's POV

I woke up the next morning with my naked girlfriend lying on top of me. I kissed her head and got up having to go to practice. When I got to the rink I was one of the first ones there. Coach said we couldn't use the locker room because someone had made a mess in it. Jack and Luke looked at me when coach said that somehow already knowing that it was me who made the mess. After practice I was walking back towards my car when Jack asked "Did you really fuck my sister in the locker room?"

I got embarrassed but then said "yes and the shower too."

"Seriously man. Next time wait until you get home or even in the car." Luke said joining the conversation.

"Sorry." I said.

"So who's cum is all over the floor and walls.?" Jack asked smirking.

"It's mine" I replied.

"By the way coach knows it was you and y/n who made the mess" Luke said.

"How?" I asked.

"The cameras in the locker room" Luke replied.

"I had to watch it unknowingly. I don't mind you having sex with my sister but next time please do it somewhere where there are no cameras. It is really disturbing watching my sister get fucked by one of my best friends" Jack said

I looked down and then said "lets never talk about this again or anything you saw in that video"

"what like you sucking my sister's tits while they bounced in your face" Jack said teasingly 

I was really embarrassed by now so I just ran away to my car trying to forget about the conversation. I made sure when I got home to tell y/n about Jack and I's conversation in case he said anything. Lets just say were were both really embarrassed and kept our sex to my house or my car at the arena. 


I hope you like this mattdawsonL0v3er 

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