I really dont know you

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Andy walks back to nikis room when he walks in niki hugs him then kisses him passionately. Then she pulls away and says "I should tell you about myself and my life in my old town", Andy looks at her and says "we can talk tomorrow on are date we have had a big day today so come on I'm going to bed to sleep and your going to be beside me" he says then picks her up off her feet and carries her to his room and lays her on his bed and throws a t- shirt at her. She looks at the shirt and sees the bat man symbol and giggles, "what I like bat man and music" he says and takes off his shirt and pants. While niki takes off her shirt and pants and puts on the t-shirt. Then they both lay on the bed kiss each other one last time before they fall asleep. In the morning Niki wakes before Andy so she just starts looking around Andy's room and looks at some of his awards that he has won with his band. After Niki is done snooping she crawls back in the bed and plays on her phone. Andy wakes up and just smiles when he sees Nikki and when Nikki sees Andy awake she just kisses his lips softly. When they get out of bed Nikki takes a shower and gets ready for the day and Andy does the same. After they get done getting ready Andy leaves to go rehearsal with his band and Nikki leaves with her brother to go register for school. At school registration with Nikki and her brother . When Nikki walks in the school she instantly gets butterflies in her stomach but then her brother sees that's she's nervous so he pulls her close and hugs her then they walk into the office. When they step in they take a seat with the Secretary and the principal and they just go over the school rules and mostly just went over prodical for the school. With Andy at rehearsals the band is just trying to figure out what they should write for the new album but they just end up goofing off. Andy and Ashley are sitting next to each other on the couch and they start to chat. Ashley being nosey asks Andy about Nikkei so he tells Ashley about her. Ashley I can't believe I have feelings for a girl I don't even know but I don't care she just makes me happy, Ashley says "well man I am happy your happy but you know what I don't even now you" and then he laughs.

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