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Andy wakes up and looks at Nicki and kisses her forehead. She wakes up and smiles at Andy and kisses his lips softly. He pulls her away and says " sorry for what I said to you yesterday I know you wouldn't cheat on you and I just wanted to say that I am sorry for that I love you and I want to be with you for as long as I can I love you" then he kisses her passionately.

With Ashley

He wakes up in his hotel room with a horrible hangover then he looks to the side of him and sees jinx asleep next to him and sees Jake asleep on the floor then he looks in the chair and sees Christian asleep on the chair with his butt up in the air. After Ashley is done looking around in the room he goes in the bathroom and sees an alligator in the bathtub. Ashley just stands in the bathroom frozen then he yells "ALLIGATOR" and runs out of the bathroom. They other guys when they hear Ashley they awake from there sleep and just shoot up and they run to where Ashley is then they all run out of the room.

With Nicki & Andy

Nicki is singing in the shower she sings be my lover by Alice Cooper. Andy just stands by the bathroom door listening to Nicki singing then he hears a knock at the door so he answers it. The he asks "what's up guys" jinx says "there is an alligator in are hotel room bathroom" Andy just laughs then nicki walks out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around her " hey guys what's going on" Ashley tells her and she laughs to and calls animal control and then Nick I gets dressed andy they all go to the other hotel room. Animal control comes and takes the alligator out about an hour after. They all just hang out in the room Nicki still laughing Ashley sits next to her and tickles her and says  "stop laughing" okay Nicki says and pushes Ashley off of her. Then Andy, jinx, Jake, and CC walk in and say "we're going gambling" nicki nods and says okay Ashley and I will hang out today" then she gets up and kisses Andy then Andy kisses her again passionately. Then they leave and it's just Ashley and Nicki. Ashley then looks at her and says " we need to talk"  "okay Ashley talk" she says.

With the boys gambling

"I'm surprised Andy" Jinx says "why are you surprised" " if Ashley looked at my girlfriend the way he looks at Nick I I would not leave them alone together" "I trust nicki she loves me and Ashley would not do that to me bros before hoes" " okay if you say so" jinx says.

With Ashley &Nicki

Ashley just looks into Nicki's eyes and says " nicki you make me feel alive" "please stop Ashley" "no you need to hear this I think I may have feelings for you" "Ashley stop before you say something you regret" he lets go of her hand and cups her face with his hands then he starts to lean in and says " I just want to say this out loud I think I am in love with you but you are with Andy so I can't" then he backs away.

At gambling

Andy is drinking at the bar. Then Juliet comes and sits by him with Derek "hi andy"  "look they lovely marriaged couple" he says "so where's Nicki" "she's hanging out with ashley" Juliet looks at him shocked " what" "well if someone looked at Derek the way Ashley looks at nicki I would not leave them alone together" Andy says "why do people keep saying that nicki loves me and Ashley is my friend they would not hurt me" "Andy I know you don't want to hear this but Ashley loves your girlfriend we all can see it in his eyes" Andy just sits there " how about this we have a party in my hotel room play games like true or dare and spin the bottle and then we may find out the truth" Andy just nods.

With Ashley and nicki

"How could you say that" Nicki says " I'm sorry I had to tell you the truth" " Ashley I love Andy" Nicki says " I know that why we have to be just friends" then he hugs her " Ashley you will find your special someone" "I know" he says and hugs her tighter.

Later on 

The boys come back to the hotel room and they see Ashley painting Nicki's toes. Andy walks up and kisses Nicki on the forehead then he asks "so what happened here" "I'm painting nicki's toes and while nicki tells me about the first time you two met" Ashley says " well tonight all of us is going to the honeymoon suit for a party" "really okay I better get ready" nicki says " wait let your toes dry before you leave" Ashley says nicki just nods at him Andy picks her up off the ground and carries her "bye ash" nicki says as they leave the room.

With Andy & Nicki

Andy gets dressed in a tank top and jeans with a leather jacket on. Then nicki comes out in leather boots a short leather skirts and a white tank top with a vest over top. Andy whistles when she walks in the room nicki blushes and smiles " gosh this is starting to be a fun vacation" nicki says.

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