Chapter 4: Welcome To Wall Rose

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3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

???1: "Oh, there was a survivor." He said.

???2: "You there! Stop! Are you injure?" He asked (Y/N) and make (Y/N) was thinking of this and he was sigh out little bit and then he was shook his head and make him was turn his head to look up at where the two Garrison soldiers were stood right there by themselves.

(Y/N): "Well, this is getting interested." He said to himself and make him was wave his hand at them and then these three figures who were appeared here by themselves and then (Y/N) just wave at them little bit and they both were stepped out of their horses. Then one of them was midget by themselves and the other two was alright and they both were came here to seen the Wall Maria was been broken because the attack of Colossal Titan and yep...the Colossal Titan was kick the Wall Maria out and release some titans came in there by themselves.

the Colossal Titan was kick the Wall Maria out and release some titans came in there by themselves

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Levi Ackerman.

Levi Ackerman

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Levi: "What are you doing outside here from Wall Maria?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "I just take a walk...and I heard there was a blow comes from the noise over there." He said to Levi.

Levi: "Right...the Colossal Titan and the other titans were came here and destroying all everything...but other survivors who were finally got out of there...and it seems you aren't like the other survivors." He said to (Y/N) and make the protagonist knew this and he just tries to hide it but he couldn't about it and (Y/N) need to tries to thinking with the other problem about it. 

(Y/N): "Let just say it is a long story at all and I don't want to tell you all about it...but by the way...I am (Y/N) and may I know your names were?" He asked the two of them.

Levi: "Levi." He said to (Y/N).

Petra: "Petra." She said to him.

(Y/N): "I'm (Y/N)...anyway I just got out of there from the titans attack but I was only one who is lucky to be alive right now...but I wish that I need your help to bring me out of here right now?" He asked the two of them and make them were turn their heads to look each others and they thinking (Y/N) was stranger...and yes...he is a stranger that's the way he dressing different than them and where does he came from and then they both don't know why is he here

Levi: "Alright, we are going to take you there but one thing is...why are you here?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "It's a long story." He said to him.

Time Skip Later.

In Head Commander's Division.

The group was on their way back from the Wall Maria's broke out with a stranger who was sat on the back of the horse. He gave no resistance at any point, they could only be thankful for this.

Commander Keith who was saw the three of them are here right on the time and they got the stranger figure who was ties up and he can't even going nowhere by himself and then the commander turn his head to look at Levi and he said.

Keith: "Report, Levi." He said to Levi.

Levi: "This boy was the last survivor from the Wall Maria after Colossal Titan was kick in the Wall Maria." He said to Keith.

Keith: "I you know where did he came from?" He asked Levi and make him was shook his head to Keith and he told him that he doesn't know and (Y/N) was stepped out of the horse by himself.

(Y/N): "Huh, you all got nice place here by yourself." He said to them and make him was observe and experience all around here by himself and he said. 

(Y/N): "Fascinating." He said to them.

Petra: "You haven't seen it here before?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Of course...but I still like it." He said to her and make him was turn his head to face the other people who were meet here by themselves and Keith asked (Y/N) in question.

Keith: "What's your name, boy?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "(Y/N)..just my first name and I have no last name. Whatever you want to ask me and I'll answer it whatever you need to know about it." He said to Keith and make the man was thinking and he is nod his head and then Keith with (Y/N) were came to the office but he will need the other who was came here and having a word too.

Levi: "Tch..."

Petra: "What's wrong, Levi?" She asked Levi.

Levi: "I don't trust that guy...he seems to be fishy." He said to Petra.

Petra: "Oh come on, Levi...he seems to be trust and nice but he looks like cute to me." She said to Levi and make him was sigh out little bit.

Time Skip Later.

Back to Erwin.

Otto: "So, what do you think of this stranger?" He asked the commander who was riding the horse with him.

This man had a blonde short hair and blue eyes also he was heard the new about this stranger (Y/N) give the information to Erwin and Keith...the truth...about who he actually really is...he want the two of them kept the secrets because he isn't the one who is not around here by himself. But turns out that (Y/N) isn't the only one who want them to mess around with him...the two of them sense this stranger who was dangerous and he wants to kill the titans and wipe all of them and save the mankind by himself.

the two of them sense this stranger who was dangerous and he wants to kill the titans and wipe all of them and save the mankind by himself

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Erwin Smith.

Erwin: "I don't believe for a second that this boy is seems to be dangerous...but who or what he really is...he is going to be brave for himself and protect our world from evil and Titans." He said to him.

Otto: "Do you trust him?"

Erwin: "I will...and he will rebuilding the mankind and save our world from Titans."

To Be Continued.

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