Chapter 14: Take Over Trost

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3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

When (Y/N) was on the rooftop's building by himself and then (Y/N) was stood right there and he turn his head to look over there and he saw Eren is here beside with him and make the boy was give (Y/N) a nod right now. Then (Y/N) was sigh out and he take out his device by himself and he was begin to activating the power of device by himself and then (Y/N) was prepare to crack his neck and then he is readying to transform into his Nexus form.

(Y/N): "NEXUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out.

When the transformation was done and then out of nowhere a powerful slam down on the ground give a shockwave hitting many Titans and send those Titans to the ground by themselves and then the figure who was appeared here is

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When the transformation was done and then out of nowhere a powerful slam down on the ground give a shockwave hitting many Titans and send those Titans to the ground by themselves and then the figure who was appeared here is....(Y/N) with his Junis form by himself and make him slowly stood up from the ground.

(Y/N) with his Junis form by himself and make him slowly stood up from the ground

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(Y/N): "*Now, Eren....Transform!*" He thought himself and make him was turn his head back to look at Eren and then the boy tries to bite his finger with his mouth and here comes the thunder with lightning strike down at Eren and change Eren into a Titan for himself. After the transformation is done and make Eren become his Titan form and (Y/N) was nod his head to Eren and then (Y/N) sense something ain't right about him when Eren is charge toward to (Y/N) and make him saw this.

(Y/N): "*Eren?*"

Eren: "*...*" No response comes from him.

(Y/N): "*EREN!!!! EREN!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?*" He thought himself and then (Y/N) saw Eren was closer to (Y/N) and tries to punch (Y/N) but he seen this and make him goes judo flip Eren down on the ground.

(Y/N): "*Eren! Calm down!!!! What the hell, Eren?!? I'm on your side!*" He thought himself and then (Y/N) grab Eren up from the ground and lifting him up and slapped Eren across in the face and make him was snapped out of it....(Y/N) need to slapped Eren in 10 times to wake the hell up. After Eren was finally snapped out of his crazy madness in him and make him was taken surprise to see (Y/N) who put his hands on Eren's shoulders and he thought himself.

Eren: "*W-What happened?!? What did I-*"

(Y/N): "*You couldn't control it, Eren.*" He thought himself.

Eren: "*W-Wait?!? D-Did you heard me?!?*"

(Y/N): "*Of course, idiot...I can talk to you in our thought. Listen, we don't have time to talk right now....Eren! I need you grab the giant big rock and take it to where the hole from the wall and blocking it! Make it fast before the titans came here!!!!!!!*" He thought himself and then Eren nod his head and make him going to get it there by himself.

Eren: "*What are you going to do?*" He thought to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "*I'm going to handle these titans by myself.*" He thought to Eren and then (Y/N) turn his head to look at the other titans are here by themselves and then he was prepare to fight these Titans and Eren go ahead and make him is going to grab the giant rock and prepare to block the hole from Wall Trost.

(Y/N): "*Sorry, assholes...I won't let you all going to attack Eren have to go passes through me first.*"

When the titans charge toward at Nexus and make him was prepare goes fight at these titans by himself and Nexus was beating the shit out of the titans like badass and he was goes his martial art fighting and Nexus just jumped up and knee one of the Titan's face so hard and make his head blowed. When Nexus land down on the ground and he turn his head to look over there and saw one of the Titan was lunged toward to Nexus and make him just seen it and then he gave him a roundhouse kick in the face.

He kick the Titan and send him to the other titans and make Nexus begin to killing them with his other moves like he was break their necks by himself.

Nexus: "*Come and get some, motherfucker!!!!!!!!!*" He thought himself and make him was running toward to one of the titan and he begin to kicking every titans in their asses by himself.

When Nexus kick one of them in the face with a Rouge kick and send his face to the ground and make him was lift his foot up and smash his foot down at the Titan's head like nothing and then he turn his head to look over there and saw more of them were came here by themselves. Then Nexus who just jump up again and gave them a beautiful roundhouses kicks and their heads were been ripped off by Nexus's kicks.

When (Y/N) was fighting at many more titans who were gaining on him and then (Y/N) just beating many of them badly and (Y/N) keep fighting and more fighting at these Titans by himself and he just take these Titans out like nothing and then (Y/N) j...

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When (Y/N) was fighting at many more titans who were gaining on him and then (Y/N) just beating many of them badly and (Y/N) keep fighting and more fighting at these Titans by himself and he just take these Titans out like nothing and then (Y/N) just keep going and more going. After he was done with the titans and make him turn his head to look over there and he saw Eren with his Titan form and he is holding the giant big rock by himself.

(Y/N): "*EREN! GO! YOU GOT THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!*"

To Be Continued.

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