Chapter 5: The Cadets & Camp

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3rd POV:

3 Years Later.

Keith: "You are now officially members of the training unit no.104!" He shout out to them like a barking dog and he shout out again.

Keith: "Unfortunately or you, I, Keith Shadis, will be in charge of you maggots starting today!!!!!! Will my lieutenant...(Y/N) (L/N)!!!!!!!!" He said to them and make them saw there was an appearance of (Y/N) who was stood right there  and make the girls with boys surprise to seen (Y/N) stood there with his clothes dressing all black by himself and he was looks like badass...and his hair was blew and showing his true face when he was smoking the cigarette by himself.

(Y/N): "*Sigh*" He was sigh out little bit and make him was turn his head to look at the cadet soldiers who were stood right there by themselves

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(Y/N): "*Sigh*" He was sigh out little bit and make him was turn his head to look at the cadet soldiers who were stood right there by themselves.

(Y/N): "*Sigh*" He was sigh out little bit and make him was turn his head to look at the cadet soldiers who were stood right there by themselves

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The girls were blushing up to seen (Y/N) had a handsome and beautiful face by himself and he was looks like bad motherfucker.

The boys were jealous and they don't know who exactly (Y/N) really is but they want to know who is this stranger really is.

Mikasa: "*A new person?*" She thought herself and she was notice (Y/N) and she sense this person who was stood right there and dangerous for himself.

Historia: "*H-H-Hot!*" She thought herself as Historia was blushing up little bit and she was thinking (Y/N) is a bit tall and scary little bit but she can seen his face is handsome.

Ymir: "*The glare of his face...remind me of him...he seems dangerous...but who is he? Why my body felt like this?!?*" She thought herself.

Annie: "*That glare and same one like before...but why am I afraid and love it?!?*" She thought herself.

Sasha: "*He's so cool!!!!!!*" She thought herself.

Carolina: "*He's going to be new lieutenant?*" She thought herself and then Keith was speak out again to them.

Keith: "We aren't here to give you a warm welcome. All of you are now, merely livestock, waiting to be eaten by Titans.'re even worse than livestock! For the next three years, we'll train you useless shits!!!! We'll teach you how to fight the Titans! When you face one in three years, will you still be just food? Or become a glorious wall to protect these walls? Or a might champion of mankind who will destroy you!!!!! That is or you to decide! The choice lies in your hands!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out to them and then (Y/N)'s turn and make him was said to them with scariest words and they should be afraid.



and kills.

Because this isn't for fun for those who join up as an soldiers fighting at the titans and (Y/N) couldn't give a shit about them tries to win against the titans...but they will die by these monsters and (Y/N) will be there for them.

Now Keith's turn.

Keith: "You there!" He shout out to one of them was stood right there is Armin.

Keith: "Who the hell are you?!?" He asked Armin.

Armin: "I'm Armin Arlert, sir! I am from Shinganshina, sir!!!!" He said to Keith.

Keith: "Sure you are! Good name for a retard. Your parents call you that?" He asked Armin.

Armin: "My grandfather, sir!" He said to him.

Keith: "Arlert, why are you here?" He asked him.

Armin: "To contribute to mankind's victory, sir!!!!!" He said to Keith.

Keith: "Fucking splendid!" He said to him and seizing Armin by the shoulders and spun him about.

Keith: "You'll make fine Titan feed! Line three! About face!!!!!" He shout out to Armin and make him was whimper and cries out little bit and then he was move onto the next line.

Keith: "And who the hell are you?" He asked him.

Thomas: "Sir! I'm Thomas Wagner, sir! I'm from the Frost, sir!" He said to Keith.

Keith: "Speak up!"

Thomas: "I'm Thomas Wagner, si-"

Keith: "Can't hear you! Come back after your balls drop!!!!!" He said to Thomas and he was definitely heard this and make him was felt sad about it and he was head to the other group and he said.

Keith: "Line four! About Turn!!!!!!" He said to them and make them were nod their heads and then (Y/N) was watching at Keith who was talk shit and trashes toward to these cadets by themselves...they are young to join in and prepare for fight and war by themselves. Then (Y/N) who was ignore little bit but he decide to help Keith about these cadets and he was going to talk trashes at them right now.

Keith: "Oi, you there! What are you doing?" He asked her and the girl who glance around and took another bite.

(Y/N): "Hey, girl! He's talking to you! Who the hell thinks you are?!?" He asked her.

Sasha: "Sasha Braus, sir! I'm from the southern Wall Rose village of Dauper, sir!" She said to him.

(Y/N): "Sasha Braus, what is that thing in your hand?" He asked her.

Sasha: "Sir! It's a potato!" She said to him with a salute on her head and then Keith said.

Keith: "I can fucking see that, cadet! Why are you eating it?!?" He asked her and she answer to him.

Sasha: "I sat it in the kitchen and it looked delicious, sir!" She said.

Sasha: "Potatoes are much more delicious when they're hot, sir! I thought I should act swiftly!" She said to him.

Keith: "Ho? Is that so? Well in that case you can run swiftly for the next three hours!!!!!!!!" He said to her.

At this moment that Sasha knew....she is fucked up.

Time Skip Later.

Back to (Y/N).

Sasha was been running around for her punishment and make her was laying down on the ground and she is breathing out little bit and she felt tired for running around and then she was laying down for awhile and then (Y/N) who was appeared here and he gave her a cup of water that she need to drink. Then she was holding it in her hand by herself and then she was drinking the water and she said to (Y/N).

Sasha: "Thank you, sir!" She said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Next time...don't even bother stealing the potato in the kitchen again, almost get caught." He said to her with a smile on his face and make her blushing up and she said.

Sasha: "T-Thank you, sir!" She said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Good, now go on and get some foods right now." He said to her and make her was begin to running toward to the lunch cafeteria.

(Y/N): "Well, time for eat." He said to himself.

To Be Continued.

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