Chapter 13: Rebuild Wall Trost

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3rd POV:

Previously Of Aot: Nexus The Titan Hero.

All: "*No way! T-That's-*" They thought themselves.

Eren/Mikasa/Armin: "Lieutenant (Y/N)/(Y/N)!?!?" They said in surprises and then (Y/N) turn his head to look back at them and give them a smirk and make him was wave his hand at them and he said.

(Y/N): "What's up?" He asked them and turns out he show them about the truth and his real appearance by himself and yep...he's here right now.

After 30 seconds later that (Y/N) was showing the true form and his power for what they saw (Y/N) is here and now he was walking along with Eren and Pyxis

Pyxis: "I see. And if we reach this basement, well understand everything?" He asked inquisitively.

Eren: "Yes...will you believe me?" He asked him.

Pyxis: "As long as you, yourself, lack absolute conviction, I can't promise more than I'll keep it in mind." He said to him and he was turn back to face the two of them.

(Y/N): "Then, I'm sure that you were believe us now." He said to Pyxis.

Pyxis: "I've already shown you that I'm not someone go back on my word. And even thought I'm just hearing about this basement like you are, I trust them. So trust me when I say that you'd benefit greatly if you let us get there." He said to (Y/N).

Pyxis: "You stand there and defend Eren by yourself." He said to (Y/N) with his eyes narrowed at (Y/N).

(Y/N): "I didn't going to hurt your men, commander. I just want to make sure that they aren't going to hurt my friends and comrades." He said to Pyxis and make the three teens were look at (Y/N) with surprise.

Pyxis: "Indeed. And considering the situation you were in, I can't say I blame you." He said to (Y/N) and make him was nod his head to him and he said.

(Y/N): "Yeah...whatever it is...I want to ask you about me and Eren will eliminate the titans out there by ourselves and reclaim this city back." He said to him and make Eren was taken surprise and Pyxis asked (Y/N).

Pyxis: "Oh? And how do you intend to do that?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "You saw my transformation back there when I change into human and I will use the light and power to transform into Nexus...and Eren will turn into a Titan by himself and we will eliminate all the titans and we use the big boulders to block the hole from the titans came in." He said to Pyxis and make the man was smile and other two were gasped little bit.

Pyxis: "I see...and you can say for certain that you can do that?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "I wouldn't be telling you this if I couldn't do it." He said to Pyxis.

Pyxis: "Indeed." He said to (Y/N) and then (Y/N) put his hand on Eren's shoulder and he said to Eren.

(Y/N): "Eren, I'll help you to fight and survive." He said to Eren and make him was heard this and he was nod his head to (Y/N) and he said.

Eren: "Alright, let's taken back to our wall!!!!!" He said to them and make the two of them smiled up and nod their heads.

(Y/N): "Now, let's roll!" He said.

To Be Continued.

AOT: Nexus The Titan Hero (Harem X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now